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A/n- I keep seeing this in the bio and It makes me laugh to pieces and since I found a better picture for it I'm gonna answer the question in the best way this will show off some abilities that you get in the future when your hypnosis is removed enjoy

Eichi= y/n



Eichi appeared in a room with a futon switch and wondered

Eiichi- this doesn't look like my room?

???- because you're the writer's space

Eichi heard a disembodied voice

Eichi- who said that's

With a flushing sound coming from behind the door to reveal a man around his age with black hair wearing a T-shirt and pajama pants

Senzu- I am Senzu-

Eichi- hermit beans?

Sundial- you know what just call me sundial, I'm technically a god well your God

Eichi- I have my own personal god?

Sundial- to put it simply yeah?

Eichi- oh, hi god

Sundial- as much I'd love to talk I'm afraid I must send you somewhere

Eichi- what if I don't want to go this place seems nice as a futon switch I can live here fridge

Sundial- yeah down- wait why telling you this I need to send you on your way to meet to Warriors to meet

With a snap of his fingers, Eichi was surrounded by his own origamic flames a d transport somewhere else

Somewhere else ??? POV

I was sitting in my office filing missing cat reports until a giant Pillar of Fire came out my window

???- Shikamaru

Shikamaru- yes lord 7th

Lord 7th- send all nearest shinobi to the location

Shikamaru- yes lord 7th

Eichi pov

I appeared in a place that looks awfully similar but different from where I'm from

Eichi- where the hell?

Suddenly 3 kids jumped out from buildings

Eichi- ( maybe they can tell where I am?

Eichi walked up to the one blonde kid

Eichi- excuse me but can you tell me where I am?

The boy looked at him like a crazy person

???- old man Kakashi?

Eichi- old man? I'll have you 18 years of age- it's the hair isn't it

???- yes boruto?

Eichi and gramps looked at each other a stared for a minute

A/n- you guys me for this but so what

Old man Kakashi- who are you?

Eichi- * looks at himself* I'm you?

Gojo- I am me!

A/n- no sir you are you, I go back to your anime see where you're the most overpowered person that everyone Simps for

Gojo- ok bye!* teleports away *

Eichi- what?

Kakashi- I'm Kakashi Hatake former Hokage

Eichi- Eichi Nakano and I don't feel like telling you what I am

Kakashi- I'm afraid that is not an option now do come quietly

Eichi- no thanks

Kakashi- no thanks

Eichi- I've been having the weirdest of days first I was sleeping then apparently god sen-

Kakashi- so your an Otsutuki

Eichi- huh?

Kakashi then pressed the earpiece on his ear

Kakashi- team 7th please get as far away as you can

The group listened and jump away as Kakashi rushed at you as you blocked he noticed your eyes spinning

Kakashi- what

Jumped in the air to see a cloaked man attack you from above sending you back down

???- another Otsutuki

Kakashi- stay on your guard something about this doesn't seem right

As the smoke cleared to Eichi getting up and dusting himself off

Eichi- ow

The area around and started heating up as multiple origami animals rushed towards them to attack

Eichi- I didn't want to fight but you didn't want to listen

The blonde one only to stop by Eichi holding up an unfamiliar hand sign with his middle finger over the index finger

Eichi- Implode

The energy around the blonde Boy to go back into him and release out words knocking him out before he hit the ground Eichi caught him

Eichi- are you dead please don't die?

He put in here to his chest only for him to replace with the coat guy kick him in the face

???- Kakashi take care of naruto

The cloak Guy Hair revealed a purple eye

Eichi- I think you need to get that looked at

Suddenly he found himself in the dark space

Eichi- ( this isn't working, hey god? )

Sundial- what did you do!?

Eichi- all I said is that you sent me

Sundial- you indifferent dumbass!! are I'll send you home

The same fiery orgamic Flame surrounded him and transported him back to the writing space making Sasuke believe he incinerated him with The Inferno

Writing space

Sundial- this experiment went wrong in that Universe gods are bad apparently

Eichi- ok

Sundial- don't okay me!! when I send you back if you like you were in a dream not remembering anything that happened today okay!?


Sundial  sent him back and after he left he had one thing to say

Sundial- stupid Otsutuki's


A/n- and that's the end of this and to answer your questions he was like kakashi unintentionally even there names are similar Kakashi Hatake( field scare crow ) and Eichi Nakano ( endless field ) endless also accidentally coming from Gojo from jujutsu kaisan and his limitless techniques anyways if Hudson was a fun way to answer the question and I'm not doing this again seeing how things turned out but see you in the next  normally scheduled chapter


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