Monday. I hate Mondays. Then again, who didn't?
I waved to my aunt as she drove away, and walked into the school without much pep in my step. I don't think I got much sleep last night, my brain was racing through all the events that happened yesterday. Meeting Edna Mode, getting acceptance from the Parr family to train me...the future was actually looking a little promising. For the first time ever.
The hallways were fairly empty for now, but more students gradually piled in, and a lot of chatter came with them. I heard talk about what seemed to be a party...
"It was fun, at first. Can't believe it got broken up like that."
"Yeah. I bet Iris felt humiliated..."
Two girls passed me, talking among themselves. Hearing Iris' name caused my brow to furrow as something nudged the back of my mind, before I remembered.
Iris' birthday party was on Saturday. Apparently, it got broken up somehow? Interesting...
I got to my locker and spun in my combination to open it. I did my normal routine of swapping my books in and out, but saw a flash of yellow out of the corner of my eyes. Dash was approaching, and he...didn't look happy. More like tired.
"Hey." I blinked. "Had a bad morning?"
"You could say that." He sighed, spinning the lock and opening his locker. "You've heard about Iris' party, right?"
"Yeah. Only that it got broken up by something. You know what it was?"
"According to a couple of my friends who were there, a neighbor went to the house to complain about the noise." He started, assorting his own books.
"When they didn't listen, she called the police department to complain. Some officers showed up, and they managed to discover drugs in the house. Someone at the party tattle-taled apparently."
"Yikes." I grimaced. I wouldn't have gone to that party under any normal circumstances, but I'm still glad I wasn't there. It must've been an awful situation to be in.
"So the police broke the party up?"
"In like 10 seconds. Some people ran out the backdoor and jumped out of the windows, but they kept most of the people inside the house to call parents and the like. Iris' parents included."
"Wait, they weren't there?"
"Nope." Dash snorted. "They're out of town. I heard they told Iris she could have a small party with just a few of her friends, not a full-blown house party. They especially didn't want drugs involved. Needless to say, they weren't happy. Supposedly cut their trip short and are coming back to town today."
"Heh. I would say I feel sorry for Iris, but...I'd be lying." I shrugged, closing my locker.
At that, Dash laughed. "I knew you wouldn't. I sure don't. I don't feel bad for my friends either honestly. I told them it was a bad idea to go."
"It's a shame it still happened though...hold on, this all was on Saturday right? You didn't find out about this until...this morning?"
"Correct, milady."
My chest tightened in a pleasant way at the affectionate term. Was that something he was going to start seriously calling me now? ...I have no complaints. I waited for Dash to finish with his locker, and fell into line with him as we headed down the hall. Our hands found one another's without much thought to it.
"Their parents took their phones away as a part of their punishments, but a few of them managed to get them back this morning. My phone blew up with text messages because of it." Annoyance spread across his features.
"Can't say I know what that's like." I coolly stated, but snickered when I caught his gaze.
"What? Do you not have a lot of people to call or text?"
"Outside of you, Cam, and my" Admitting that felt a little odd, but Dash thankfully didn't make a big deal out of it.
"...Come to think of it, I doubt Violet would mind giving you her number. You should ask her for it." He nudged me.
That was an idea. Violet does seem chill, someone I wouldn't mind to get to know better. While I wouldn't openly admit it, I to have more friends too.
"I will, if I remember to."
When lunch time finally rolled around, I was genuinely hungry. Ever since my stay in the hospital, I think I've developed healthier eating habits. As in, I actually eat now, and regularly too. It helps that I'm living with someone who constantly keeps her pantries filled so I don't have to scavenge around for bland TV dinners or cans filled with rotten vegetables, but that's beside the point.
Cam and I grabbed our trays and stepped into the cafeteria. I listened to her talk about her day, but my attention was soon disrupted when I felt something hit my shoulder. Or, someone, hit my shoulder. The blow was strong enough to where I almost dropped my tray. Fortunately I didn't, but a lot of my food was knocked off and hit the ground, thumping or splattering.
Immensely irritated, I turned to see that it was Iris who brushed by me with enough strength that made it blatantly clear it wasn't an accident, and my mouth moved before my brain could register what I was saying.
"Watch where you're going, skank!"
Cam gasped beside me, but I couldn't take back my words. Nor did I want to.
Iris and the small group of girls surrounding her all froze, with their little ringleader whirling around to face me and my glaring visage.
"What did you just call me?"
"Oh, you didn't hear me before? Let me say it again then." My nails dug into my tray.
I didn't even care that we were making a scene in the cafeteria.
Now hearing the insult I slung, Iris' face twisted up in rage, and she stomped towards me with her clique closely following. I instinctively tensed.
In the back of my mind, I wondered if Dash was seeing this.
"How dare you call me that, you worthless...loser...!"
"Hey!" To my surprise, Cam cut in. "Don't call Y/N that!"
"Oh shut up, idiot." Iris hissed. "Keep out of this."
"The only idiot here is you!" There was a fire in Cam's eyes, fierce and unrelenting. I wasn't expecting her to come to my defense like this at all, and was speechless for the moment. Cam spoke for me at least, saying the things I would be saying.
"Parading around like you're the school's queen, when in reality, you're the scum people scrape off their shoes!"
"You...!" I thought I saw a vein pulsating on Iris' forehead. "It's not my fault I'm a naturally confident person. I'm sure you don't comprehend what confidence is."
"Confident? Ha! More like selfish! Anyone with a brain can see how rotten you are, right down to your core. I can see it, Y/N can see it, and..."
An awfully sweet, sickly sweet, smile appeared on her face. I instantly got a bad feeling.
"Dash can see it too. Which is why I'm sure he DUMPED you."
My bad feeling was proven to be not for naught.
What Cam said hit a nerve in Iris, a deep nerve. A kind of anger I've only seen once in my life took shape in her eyes, and I was left shocked. But when I saw Iris' arm move up and swing down, her hand positioned in a way to slap Cam, I reacted. I pushed my hand out, planning on stopping Iris' attack and pushing her back, but my hand never made contact.
Instead, the fury in Iris' eyes changed to surprise as she was flung backwards.
I watched as she hit the ground, sliding some inches. It just sank in, but the cafeteria was unusually quiet. So quiet, I could hear Iris panting like she was struggling to breath.
"What the...?"
I turned to the source of the familiar voice, seeing Dash standing in the cafeteria's main entrance, features overflowing with confusion.
What just happened to Iris, and his appearance, signaled the end of this little encounter.
Iris' friends helped her stand up, and stumble away to a table on the other side of the room. From the other tables, the students started conversing with each other, increasing the noise back to its normal, loud volume. No doubt a lot of them were talking about us, but I could care less about that.
"What was all that about?" My boyfriend approached us, but this time, it wasn't his good looks that made me silent.
"I don't...know. She just flew backwards." Cam's eyes squinted. "Y/N, you didn't push her right? I didn't see your hand come close to her."
"I didn't push her, no." I was just as puzzled as she was. What even was that?
"Did she...lose her balance, and fall?"
"It didn't look like it. Guess we'll never know. Unless we ask her, but I don't feel like doing that."
I was the same. "Hmm...oh well."
My shoulders shrugging, I let it go for the time being.
"Did you catch the beginning of our squabble Dash? I thought you were already in the cafeteria."
"Nah. I had to take a trip to the restroom." He seemed dumbfounded as well. "Did Iris try to start something again?"
"Yeah! She walked by and tried knocking Y/N over. She didn't, but nearly all of Y/N's food fell to the floor." Cam gestured to the wasted sustenance on the lino floor.
"Tch. Typical." He shook his head. "You still hungry Y/N?"
"Yes..." The unease from earlier disappeared, leaving me in low spirits. There was barely anything left on my tray, and I didn't bring any money to go get another one. It wasn't a total loss since the food the school served in general wasn't terrific, but it was edible all the same, and my stomach was grumbling.
"Don't look so blue." Dash's warm smile was like sunshine parting through dark clouds.
"I brought lunch from home, I'll share it with you. Don't want you starving til the day's over."
I deeply inhaled. He probably didn't know it, but that...made me so happy. Stupidly happy. He was going to share with me? I didn't even ask. But I bet he didn't care that I didn't, I was hungry and he wanted to make sure I was fed.
Because I was his girlfriend... I could cry right now, but I really shouldn't. Come on tears, please stay inside my head...
I ignored Cam's cry aimed at us, and moved with Dash over to a table where a handful of his friends were.
He packed two ham & cheese sandwiches with two cans of soda, and a large bag of chips. There was a little baggie filled with fruit too. Because I knew of his superpower, I wasn't surprised by the double quantities; he needed his calories. But, just like Dash said, he shared with me. I had one of the sandwiches and cans of soda, while we split the chips and fruit.
All the while, I was smiling to myself, enjoying the cozy warmth sitting in my chest. The rest of lunch went by with no more incidents.
Finally, the school day was over.
Despite what occurred in the cafeteria with Iris, having a great lunch with Dash restored my good mood to 200%. The last two classes soared by. Before I knew it, I was walking down the hallway with Dash by my side, holding hands. Doing that became so easy over time, to the point where I stopped caring if anyone saw us doing it.
I even welcomed it. Yeah, I'm with Dash Parr, but that's ok. I shouldn't feel bad about dating someone who was way out of my league, just thankful that I even am.
Out of the school and walking down a pair of concrete stairs, we made our way to Dash's car. He soon spoke.
"Y/N...hope this doesn't sound too random, but...want to take a drive with me?"
Curiously, he had a slight red hue on his face. I didn't think too hard about it.
"Sure. To where?"
We got into the car, and I strapped my seat belt in.
"There's this scenic place on the outskirts of town, up on a hill. I like going there to think or enjoy the view sometimes. I think you'll like it too."
"Ok." I smiled. "Let's go."
Minutes later, we were traveling through downtown Metroville. We were both silent, but it didn't create an awkward space. We were content to not speak, not pressed to. The songs played at the soft volume of the radio and the quiet hum of the engine was all the noise in the car, which lent to peaceful atmosphere developing.
During it, Dash moved one of his hands from the steering wheel and had it rest on my own, an electric shock shooting up my arm at the unanticipated touch. I don't think I'll ever get tired of this.
By the time we got to the place Dash told me about, the sun was nearing the horizon. Without Metroville's skyscrapers in the way, I could see the sky more freely. Dash drove up a dirt path going up a grassy hill with trees scattered here and there. Eventually, we came to a peak, where you could look out and see all the distant buildings of the city.
I was blown away.
"We're here." Dash turned the engine off and pulled his keys out of the ignition. He opened his door to get out, and I did the same. The air that rushed into my nostrils was less heavy than the city's, and I already felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.
Dash sat on the car hood, and I took a moment to admire how the breeze played with loose strands of his hair, before I took my spot next to him.
It was quiet, but like during the car ride, it was tranquil.
"You like it?" His voice coasted to my ears, and I let my own be heard.
"Mhm. It's beautiful here." The faraway Metroville was especially a sight. The city looked massive from here, stretching across a wide space that was littered with skyscrapers and shorter buildings. I could see the tiny dots of cars going along the visible highways and streets too. Beyond Metroville, I could see green vegetation spanning across the environment, and a range of mountains on the horizon.
"I wonder what it's like at night."
"It's fantastic. The lights of the city and the stars are really something. We should come back sometime to see."
"That would be nice." I grinned.
Again, a hush descended over us. Dash interrupted it again seconds later, and this time, what he said did change the mood.
"I...have to ask you about today. It's bugging me."
"...The fight in the cafeteria, I assume?" I looked down, idly kicking my feet off the edge of the hood.
"What's up?"
"Iris started it I know, but...did she say anything special?"
"Nothing outside the normal. But I do have to say that...she's been...aggravating me a lot lately." Lately being almost all of the semester so far, but recently it's gotten more intense for a reason I'm aware of.
My eyes closed. Today was a tad distinct; Iris probably tried to vent stress over her party getting ruined and she getting in trouble on me, but I wasn't going to tolerate that.
"I know she hates me, and it's because I'm with you. But it's like...there's more to that."
An idea came to me just then, and throwing caution into the wind, I chose to act on it.
"Dash...can you tell me? About what your relationship with Iris was like?"
He didn't respond. I peeked at him, and he was turned away from me, head craned towards the ground. I couldn't imagine what expression was on his face. Guilt made me want to kick myself, and I was about to tell him never mind, you don't have to share, but-
"It was...awful."
He started, stopping anything and everything I could say. His tone was neutral, but he was hiding something underneath it.
"To give context first: I've "dated" before Iris, but they weren't...serious relationships. More like me just getting a feel of my emotions, I guess. None of the girls were ones I would've taken home to meet my family." He shifted.
"Iris was the first girl I felt...interested in. Genuinely. I crushed on her, bad."
I hated it, but jealously peeped its little ugly head out. Regardless, I didn't interrupt Dash. From the strain in his speech, I could sense he was telling me things he's likely never told anyone else before. Not his friends, not his family.
"Found out she was interested in me too, so we got together. Eventually took her to meet my family, and it went ok...she put on her best mask to behave well. But, that's just it. It was a mask."
I witnessed the muscles in his arms flex and his fists clench.
"Iris acted one way in public, and a whole different way behind closed doors. She was greedy. Demanding. A little too willing to try and force other people to do what she wanted them to do. I was the same."
"What?" I spoke this time, out of disbelief. Dash stared at me in his peripheral vision, and smiled, but it didn't meet his eyes.
"I wasn't used to dealing with people like that. I did a lot of what she wanted to keep her happy. I wanted to keep her happy. But all she did was...take. And take...and take. She never put in any effort to have what we had feel like an actual relationship. It was more like she thought of me as her trophy to show off and gloat about."
Dash was disclosing this so casually. Too casually, in a way. It was painful to listen to.
"She bragged to people that she was dating me, while treating me like I wasn't much of a person. I didn't understand it all at the time, believed it was ok, but it did hurt. It hurt a lot."
The first girl he cared about was like that?
"Dash...I'm so sorry-"
"It's fine." He cut me off, but his smile turned more genuine. "What gave me the wake up call I needed to leave Iris, was when she insulted superheroes one day. Called us 'tools to society'."
I gaped. That sounds like parents would say.
"She made it seem like superheroes were only good for going out and being the world's servants. Clean up the messes, and don't expect anything in return for it. 'Our powers were destined to be used for the world, nothing more and nothing less.' Naturally, that made me mad. The maddest I've ever been."
I would've been mad too; fuming.
"It was bad enough she treated me how she did, but then she went ahead and said something like that about me? My family? Other Supers I know? That was the last straw." Dash exhaled, and from my proximity to him, the heaviness in it was almost palpable.
"I broke up with her. Told her I'm not interested in seeing her anymore, and I blocked her number. She didn't understand why I was so offended by what she said, she never learned I had superpowers, but I didn't care to explain any of it. I care less to nowadays, since she hasn't changed at all to me. You could say she has for the worse I think; she doesn't try to hide her true nature much anymore."
So, that's what happened. Rumors said their relationship ended because Iris said something bad about Supers, and realizing that was true after all set a stone in my stomach. What's more, is that there was so much more going on between the two of them before the breakup, more than I and maybe anyone else could've dreamed of.
I was the lucky one. Dash was comfortable enough to share this with me; he trusted me. I wouldn't ever betray that trust.
"That must be it. Iris hates me so much because in her eyes, you're 'my prize'. I'm someone who she considers a waste of space, and knowing I'm your girlfriend now infuriates her. Like she lost first place to someone who couldn't even sign up to be in the race."
Bile rose into my throat. "That's horrid. I don't care how she views me, but it seems she still thinks you're her 'property'. Which isn't true, of course."
"Yeah." Dash ran a hand through his hair.
"It still frustrates me when she tries to flirt with me, still. Get me to go with her places, like we're still dating.
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