2nd POV
"I'm disappointed. I expected a task like this would've been simple, for you."
The harsh, gravelly tone of an elderly man stuck the woman's ears. His footsteps, going back and forth across the room as he paced, added to the tense atmosphere. She was wise enough to keep her head down, but her expression held its sourness.
"I didn't expect Supers to show up, for something as little as a diary getting stolen-"
"That doesn't matter."
He cut into her sentence, voice holding no lightheartedness in it. "Save your excuses."
She bit her tongue.
"I made it clear that I need that diary. It holds the key to completing my project, the project that's been my life's goal for decades now. And you failed to retrieve it."
"It's not like the book was ruined. I can go get it again." She interjected.
"You think I trust you to collect it, again? I am no fool." He stopped pacing. "You've had your chance."
She seethed, but before she could speak up again, he continued.
"However...it seems your trip wasn't all in vain." His tone changed, and she could tell he was smiling.
"The Water of Life appearing there was not predicted, but very welcomed. We are ever closer to capturing her."
"But...we still don't know where she's currently living. Or what school she goes to." The woman mustered enough courage to look up, taking in the appearance of her superior. Though he seemed as if he could wither away at any moment with his body hunched over, leaning on his cane with almost all of his weight, she knew better than most that he carried far more power than any average person.
"Trying to find one person in Metroville is like trying to find a needle in a haystack."
"I am well aware." He tsked, using a patronizing tone that made her fists clench. "That is why your helmet was created with the functions it has."
He walked over to his desk, looking at the object in question. "None of my own have properly seen the Water of Life's appearance in person, except for you. I will take the footage that was recorded by your helmet, and we will narrow down our search."
He turned around to face his underling, and she lowered her head again.
"Her facial structure and body type underneath the costume, her eye color, her height...we will enter all of the information into the city's database, and comb through every person documented."
He hummed, shaking his head. "It will be a tedious process, but it is the best option for now."
"...Then, what you want me to do?"
"Return home. Wait on standby. Resume your civilian lifestyle." He turned to walk around his desk, before taking a seat in his chair.
"I will notify you on whatever you need to do, should I believe you to be useful for it. You are dismissed."
Reader's POV
"The criminal escaped, but thanks to the efforts of The Dash and Whirlpool, the diary of Thomas Tudor was kept out of their possession. There is still speculation circling as to why a diary would be the target of an act like this, but police are investigating the matter thoroughly."
I heard the news reporter say, above the sound of me munching on my cereal. I didn't care too much to keep listening, since there was no new information since the situation last night. Even though I slept like a rock, I was still a little drowsy, so I just wanted to go back to bed. Thankfully, it's Sunday, so I didn't have to worry about having to go to school.
I finished my breakfast and washed my bowl and spoon, putting them into the drying rack. I headed for the hall that lead to my room, passing by Auntie, who was still finishing up her breakfast.
I crashed onto my bed when I reached it, diving into my thoughts as I often did. Last night was still bothering me, especially when I remembered why parts of my body ached. My stomach and shoulder mostly. Whoever that robber was definitely had some strength, to have tossed me around like that.
It was...somewhat admirable, I had to admit. I needed to reach that point, or somewhere close to it. Or I just, needed to learn better self-defense. But how? I don't think I could try to take a class somewhere, it probably wouldn't be cheap and Auntie would wonder why I have a sudden interest in fighting.
I laid slumped on my bed for the next uncounted number of minutes, before I heard my phone ring. Getting up to grab it, I saw Dash was calling me.
"Hey! I got some good news for you."
"Good news...?" Dash's voice was teeming with excitement, but I couldn't guess why. "I'm listening."
"My mom and dad arranged for you to get a new suit. The kind we have."
"R-Really?" My heart rate skyrocketed, and I gripped my phone more tightly.
"No fooling?"
"No fooling." I could hear the smirk that he no doubt had on this face. "Happy?"
"Happy? Of course I am!" I smiled widely, anybody who saw me would probably think I looked crazy, and jumped around my room. I stopped after a few seconds, not wanting Auntie to come in and see what was going on because of the noise.
I'm getting a new suit! The kind Dash and his family have! It has to be all high-quality and specially designed then. Way better than my cheap, dollar-store suit.
"I can pick you up now and take you over here, so my parents can brief you more on it. Sound good?"
"Yeah!" I responded without missing a beat.
"Cool. I'll be over in 15."
We hung up, and the smile of my face didn't fade as I moved about to start getting ready. After a quick shower, brushing my teeth, and combing my hair, I walked into the living room around the time Dash was supposed to arrive. Auntie was sitting on the couch, reading a book.
"Oh? Going somewhere?" She asked me, noticing I was all dressed up.
"Mhm. Dash is picking me up. I'm going to...hang out at his house." It was a little difficult to keep the excitement out of my voice. I've gone over to the Parr's place plenty of times at this point, and Auntie would think it's weird if I'm suddenly giddy for that now.
"Alright." Her smile was warm. "You have fun then."
"I will."
Just in time, I saw Dash's car pull up in our driveway. I opened and closed the front door behind me, trying not to skip as I did so. I think Dash still noticed my enthusiasm, as he was grinning when I got into the front passenger seat.
"My my! What a bright smile you have, milady~." He teased me, pulling the gear stick to put the car into reverse. As he backed the car out and drove down the street, I couldn't help but hide my face, now feeling a bit self-conscious.
"Hey now, I was joking. You don't have to hide from me." He winked, blue eyes shining. His voice took on a flirtatious tone, and that's what caused heat to shoot up into my face.
"Stoooooop..." I whined, the thrill I was experiencing before replaced by embarrassment.
"Hehehe, sorry. Can't help but tease you sometimes." Though his gaze was fixed on the road before him, his grin softened.
I shot him a look, narrowing my eyes. "...I'll get you back for this."
"Ooooooh?" He chuckled. "We'll see about that."
I huffed at he brushing my lighthearted - but still genuine - threat off, but let the matter go for now.
"Anyway...who's going to be making my suit?"
"...Huh?" Silently questioning if my ears were playing tricks on me, I asked again. "Who?"
"Edna." Dash repeated, with a laugh.
"...THE Edna? Edna Mode?"
"Yep. The one and only."
My eyes were as wide as dinner plates, and I was thankful Dash couldn't see them at the moment, otherwise he might tease me more.
Edna Mode? One of the world's greatest fashion designers and super suit creators in the world?
"My mom and dad are pretty close to her." Dash spoke, likely sensing my current stunned state. "She made their old suits, and all of the ones we use now as a family team. It was pretty easy for them to contact her and request one be made for you."
Mr. and Mrs. Parr really did that? For me?
"The appointment's at noon today, but showing up early couldn't hurt. E is a bit impatient."
Edna Mode...was making my suit. That's unbelievable. I thought they just got some average suit designer for it! And I'm meeting her TODAY?
As we neared Dash's house during the drive, I sank down into my seat, surging with a combination of exhilaration and nervousness.
"I'm sure Dash has told you about it already?"
I nodded in response to Mr. Parr's question, playing with my hands.
"Good. Edna's the best suit maker around in my opinion, so I think you'll love what she whips up for you."
"I'm...sure I will. But-" I spoke up, gaining Mr. Parr's full attention. We were currently standing in the house's living room, with the other family members scattered about. Violet was sitting on the couch and looking at her phone, while Jack sat next to her watching TV. Dash was off to the other side of the room, talking to his mother about something I couldn't hear.
"Why do all of this? Ask Edna to make a suit...for me?"
As happy as I was, it was bugging me. I didn't get it.
"Why? Well, first off, we figured you'd need a proper, safety-oriented suit." He gave me a curious look.
"Judging from what happened to you before...I assume your current suit isn't bulletproof, or virtually indestructible?"
...Oh. He was referring to me getting stabbed. Looking back on it...my suit being indestructible would have saved me a lot of grief. The knife of that mugger wouldn't have penetrated the fabric and embedded itself in me.
Though, funnily enough, it was that event that led to me truly getting closer to Dash. So, it wasn't all bad.
"N...No..." I sheepishly admitted. Fortunately, Mr. Parr didn't look angry or anything of the sort.
"If you are going to be putting yourself in harm's way to help others, it's very important for you to be as protected as possible. Especially because, I don't think superhuman invulnerability is one of your powers, right?"
I shook my head. If it was, that also would've prevented me from getting stabbed. Or being injured by anything ever, which is definitely not the case.
Mr. Parr nodded. "Secondly, Edna can design your suit with your powers in mind and add extra features to it. Since you deal with water..." He reached up to rub his chin thoughtfully.
"...I can see her making it streamlined, and less dense than water so you can float in it more easily. Little things like that."
That didn't cross my mind! Extra features would be very nice.
"Lastly, and not that there's anything wrong with your current suit, but...I think you could do with a better-looking one." Playfulness dipped into Mr. Parr's voice as it softened, and he winked. I laughed, not taking offense. It was pretty ugly, if I'm being honest. Wearing something that looked cool or pretty could never do much harm, but it could do a whole lot of good for my image.
"Helen's going to be taking you to see Edna. The rest of us are going to stay behind, in case something pops up that we need to handle."
On cue Mrs. Parr walked up, finished with her conversation with Dash, who now was sitting on the couch and talking to Violet. Mrs. Parr took her husband's place as he stepped away, and smiled at me.
"Ready to go?" She asked, and I eagerly nodded in response.
I wouldn't say taking a car ride with my boyfriend's mom up to a world-renowned fashion designer's place to get a new super suit made was on the agenda for today, but I wasn't complaining. The trip up there surprisingly wasn't awkward, even though Mrs. Parr and I didn't talk much. What would I even talk to her about?
Actually...there's one thing.
"Mrs. Parr?" Her eye flicked towards me for a second, showing me I had her attention.
"What's she like? Edna Mode..."
"Edna's...something." She chuckled. "Confident and professional best describe her. She can be somewhat intimidating, but I'm sure you'll be fine Y/N."
She being intimidating wasn't surprising. I could only hope I wouldn't make myself look like a fool in front of her. I don't think I'd ever be able to get past the embarrassment.
Soon Mrs. Parr pulled into a lone road that led up to a fancy-looking building up on a hill, which was surrounded by tall gates all around its base. Anticipation made me tense. The car traveled more down the road, coming to a stop before a section of the gate...that I could now see was made up of lasers. How lovely.
To the side of the car was a small structure, that had a monitor with a speaker underneath embedded in it. The monitor flicked to life in the next second, startling me.
"Do you have an appointment?"
A man clothed in black, wearing dark shades and a device in his ear, appeared on the screen.
"Yes. Parr, Suit Preparation at 12:00 pm." Mrs. Parr spoke clearly and smoothly. The man on the monitor looked to the side, likely checking whatever appointments were currently in effect. He nodded.
"Ms. Mode is ready to see you now."
The screen flashed off as the gates before us parted, granting us access to the rest of the path going all the way up to the building. Mrs. Parr wasted no time in stepping on the gas, and I unconsciously gripped my seat belt as I felt a sudden spike of nervousness.
As Mrs. Parr parked the car and we both got out, the door leading into the main section of the building unexpectedly slammed open, causing me to yelp in response.
I spun around, seeing a short woman approach us with a wide grin. Her extravagant clothing was immediately eye-catching, but her bowl cut hair and circular glasses also stood out enough on their own.
"Helen! Dahling, our last meeting was so long ago! It is good to see you!"
Her overall appearance and very distinct voice were unmistakable.
"Likewise, Edna." Mrs. Parr stepped up to stand by me, politely addressing the other. The small woman turned to me next with an inquisitive expression, pushing her glasses up, and my simmering unease skyrocketed when I made eye contact with her. Habitually, my eyes shot down to the ground, and I gripped the hem of my shirt.
"You are Y/N L/N, correct?" She asked me, and I nodded.
"Y-Yes..." Not wanting to be rude, I faced her again, but focused on the bridge of her glasses as opposed to her brown eyes. "It's nice to meet you, ma'am..."
"Ah...a teenage girl with manners? A rare occurrence." Edna slyly smiled. "But let us get down to business. I have a very busy schedule!"
Mrs. Parr and I followed Edna into the building, walking through a long, elegant hallway. Nervousness temporarily forgotten, I took in the encased supersuit-wearing mannequins decorating the walls, and the water pathways lining the floor. If just a hallway looked like this, I wonder what the rest of the place was like.
"How have clients been Edna? Still getting one after the other?" Mrs. Parr spoke up.
"Not so much recently dahling, much to my disappointment. Requests for civilian fashion are the norm, but your appointment for this one's suit was the first I have received in months." Edna gestured at me, appearing displeased.
"My preference of fashion design lies in the realm of superheroes as you know, and the lack of it has been dreadful."
"Oh? Is there any reason why no Supers have requested your services?"
"Logic tells me my competitors may be a contributing reason. Galbaki was gloating just yesterday of how he has received many orders for suit creations." Edna practically spat the word 'Galbaki' out in disgust. I had to think for a moment, but I think she was talking about Alexander Galbaki, who was another super suit maker. Makes sense Edna wouldn't like him.
"I pity the ignorant who prefer his work over mine. Especially the superheroes who are just starting out." Her head turned in my direction.
"Y/N, you are a beginner superhero, correct?"
"Y-Yes." I stammered again to my chagrin, and took a second to clear my throat to try and hide it.
"Excellent! Young Supers going out into the world and putting their powers to use for the good of mankind, never fails to bring me joy. Especially in these recent years, now that the ridiculous ban no longer exists."
The Super ban...it seems like only yesterday when it was a thing. I grew up the majority of my life with it in effect, and I still haven't gotten fully used to not having to deal with it. There was no longer the constant, looming threat that you'll be punished just for using your powers in public, but the cautious mindset was tough to shake off.
I felt like I was probably the only Super in my age range who felt the same. I remember Dash told me that as soon as the ban was removed, he felt free and happy. I haven't talked to Violet about what the ban was like for her growing up though...maybe I should, sooner or later. Jack-Jack however, was still very young. He was born the year previous to when superheroes were legalized again after all; most likely didn't think much of the ban at all.
I can't imagine what it was like for Mr. and Mrs. Parr, who were well-established superheroes before the ban took place. Being forced underground for years, unable to do what you loved out of fear of being fined a massive amount or arrested, sounded like a nightmare.
We reached a giant room, and the change of space disrupted my daydream. The large statues and water features were impressive! Edna had an artistic taste, which was perfectly fitting.
"Come come! This way, Y/N." Edna directed me off to a side of the room, where there were cabinets and a few chairs placed around a small area. There was what seemed to be a scale for measuring height too, against a nearby wall.
"Allow me to record your height. Shoes off, please." She pointed at the scale. I did as she said, sneaking a peek over at Mrs. Parr to see what she was doing. She had sat down in one of the chairs in the center incline of the room, and was reading a newspaper.
Recalling the times I did this when dad took me to doctor appointments, I stepped onto the scale and stood up straight, while Edna loosened the rod and and pulled it up. Resting it on my head, she made a quick note of my height on a notepad she pulled out, then took the rod off.
"Next, your body measurements." Edna walked over to a cabinet to pull out a drawer underneath, pulling out measuring tape.
It was awkward, having to stay still or move my limbs around so Edna could wrap the tape around me or pull it out to measure how long my arms and legs were, but thankfully it didn't last too long.
"Good, good. Lastly...to design your suit." Edna finished writing in her notebook and guided me back to where Mrs. Parr was patiently waiting. I sat down in one of the available, small cushioned couches as Edna went to pick up a sketchpad from a table.
"Before we begin Y/N, I must ask: did you have a specific design for your suit in mind?" She took a seat and opened her sketchpad, pulling out a pen from a pocket in her blouse.
Honestly, I didn't. I have drawn what I wanted my own
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