Familiar Face

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Dash and I spent a lot of hours talking, about a variety of things.

To start off, he told me his hobbies. Being in our school's track team was fun for him, since he liked running. He liked playing sports in general, soccer especially. He liked going to the gym, and going for walks or runs around the city too. He has seemed like the physical-type of person, if his lean and built body type implied as much, so none of that was surprising.

However, he said he partook in photography some, usually when his family took vacations to different places. I found that very interesting; I never took him as the type to like taking pictures of things, but he did. He said he'd show me his collection sometime, and I'm looking forward to that.

When it was my turn to share, I hesitated. I honestly didn't do much, not like what Dash did. It took some gentle prodding from him for me to speak.

I listed off a few things I liked doing. Drawing, Reading, talking walks... They weren't special to me, but Dash was interested in them. Especially drawing. He asked if I drew a lot, and I explained I used to, but not anymore. Sometimes I doodle now and then, but it's nothing serious.

"You used to draw a lot? Why don't you still?"

"It...got ruined for me." I answered, rubbing my upper arms.

"How?" From his relaxed position in his chair, Dash sat up straighter, invested in this.

"...I had a notebook, that I filled with my sketches. My mom found it, said that I was better off spending time doing something worthwhile...then ripped up the pages and threw the notebook away."

As I spoke, the memory spread across my mind like freezing water. My notebook being snatched away, the patronizing words, the glare, the sound of tearing and ripping...

"I'm sorry Y/N." I glanced up, truthfully not expecting to hear Dash's solemn tone of voice. His smile from before was gone, in its place was a frown. He looked apologetic.

...And vaguely...mad?

"It's ok." I took a breath and exhaled. "But, yeah. That really made me not want to draw anymore, so I stopped for a while."

We moved onto other topics, music being a fun one. Dash's favorite genre was rock n roll, but I didn't really have one. I wasn't that picky; if something had a good beat and ok lyrics, I could listen to it.

As we continued chatting, I felt the atmosphere wasn't as light as it was before I told him about my mom. It put a damper on the overall mood...I need to get better at keeping my mouth shut.

Dash went home when visiting hours ended, but today, he was right back when the hospital opened up again. It was nice, really nice, but it reminded me that tomorrow was Monday...Dash had to be at school, so I don't think he'll be able to visit me in the morning. That made me frown, but not as much when I realized I was going to be missing out on school. All the work I'm gonna need to catch up on...ugh.


It was 6 pm now, and I was in a new room. I was deemed well enough to be taken out of the ICU, and was placed into a room in the lower levels of the hospital, where a lot of other patients were. Fortunately, I didn't have to share my room with someone else. I was still on an IV, but only the one in my arm. They removed the one in my chest, thankfully.

The hallways down here were more busy, so it was often loud, but I was fine with it. My room had a TV in it, and I devoted a lot of my attention to that. Mostly since Dash left a few hours ago. I managed to convince him to go home and "take a break from me" so he could eat something and relax out of the confines of hospital, even though he was adamant in not going. It was honestly funny that he was attached to me, like a puppy is to someone they like.

He made it clear that he was only agreeing to it to make me happy, and that he was going to be back before visiting hours ended. That was going to be 8 pm, so he might be back any minute now...

My door opened, and I turned to it, fully expecting to see Dash there. However, it was my nurse.

"Hello Y/N." Minerva chirped, closing the door. She had a big smile on her face, bigger than usual.

"Good news! We got into contact with a relative of yours."

"S-Seriously?" Stunned, I gawked.

"Yes! Your parental aunt. She was surprised to see she was receiving a call from a hospital out of nowhere, but after everything was explained, she...was not happy."

My aunt? I haven't seen her in years. I think, the last time was when I was 10?

"...She wasn't?" I deflated, and a creeping fear made my hands grip my blanket.

"Oh, not at you Y/N, no no. She was very worried, almost sounded terrified according to my superior. She's on her way here right now."

Normally, that might've made someone excited. But for me, I was just nervous. Seeing someone you haven't seen since you were in grade school...this was going to be awkward.

"She's already agreed to having you be released to her. If your parents still aren't able to be contacted, or found for that matter, it's...very likely she will take custody of you for the time being."

At least there was that. Awkwardness or not, I'm happy she was here for me.

"Now, I just need to do a quick check of your vital signs. After that, I can see about bringing you something to eat and drink from the cafeteria? The sooner we get you off of that IV, the better." Minerva walked over to a corner of the room, and took ahold of a small tray covered with some tools on them.

"That sounds good. I am a little hungry..."


I was watching a cartoon show I liked, nibbling on an apple slice I took from my tray, when my door opened again. I glanced at it, fully expecting to see Minerva again, or maybe Dash.

The person that walked in, with the door closing behind them, was neither or.

They were a woman, who wore casual yet still rather pretty clothing. I was thrown for a loop for a moment, but just a moment. It's when I looked at her face, that everything became clear.

She was giving me a shocked and very saddened look. I felt guilty again.

"...Hi auntie."

I swallowed the remains of my apple slice, as she slowly approached my bed. Maybe this could've been a happy situation, if it wasn't for my current predicament.

"Y/N..." She dropped her purse down onto a chair next to my bed. I didn't try to stop her as she wrapped her arms around my shoulder, to pull me into a hug.

Honestly, I hadn't actually grasped the fact that she was here beforehand. Now, that I could feel the warmth her body gave off, the realization that she was here, and that this was all real, made water spring up in my eyes again.

"Y/N, what happened to you?" The emotion in her voice stumped me. No one's ever used such a tone with me.

"A lot of things." I chuckled, but it was soft and hollow. (A/N) released me, and moved her purse from the chair before sitting down on it.

"I...When I got that phone call from the hospital, I didn't know what to think."

She looked and sounded so frazzled...as if I couldn't feel more guilty.

"Something about how you've been stabbed, the stab wound was infected, you were malnourished...and how your mother and father have gone missing." (A/N) shook her head.

"First off, you were stabbed? How?"

Oh boy...let's see if I can tell this tale of mine for a third time.

... ... ...

... ... ...

"...I see. That was brave of you."

"...It was?" I looked at her sheepishly, but...the mad look I was expecting to see wasn't there. If anything, she just looked more tired.

"Saving a woman from being mugged...aren't you a little hero." Normally that comment would've sounded condescending if it came from anyone else, but she was different. Instead of making it out as if what I did was foolish, (A/N) seemed...proud? At least, that's what her smile was suggesting.

I didn't know how to feel, by being called a 'hero' though. Before, I probably wouldn't have thought much of it. But now, I'm...conflicted.

"I wonder what your mother and father would think of this...?" She questioned, though it was more to herself than to me, I could tell. Nevertheless, I answered.

"I don't know. They haven't been around in a while..."

"...About that." Her small smile dropped. "Could you tell me more Y/N? Where exactly have they gone?"

"That's just the thing. I don't know...Mom went away months ago on some trip she didn't tell me about, and Dad went on a business trip a week or so ago. He was supposed to be back yesterday, but I'm guessing he's still gone."

A contemplative expression crossed her face.

"...They really didn't tell you more?"

"No. Mom and Dad never do, about most things. I think they're keeping secrets from me." Was it wrong of me to think that? It would only make sense. Why else would they keep so much of their businesses within the dark, away from my eyes and ears? But the true question is: just what type of secrets are they hiding? A part of me is afraid to learn...

"It would seem like that, yes. Frankly, I have some choice words to have with them, especially your father." (A/N)'s face soured. "But I'm patient enough to wait."

For a moment, I didn't get why she singled out Dad, but then I remembered. (A/N) is my parental aunt, so she's Dad's sister. Of course. In a way, she probably feels responsible for him.

"Speaking of your parents...as I mentioned earlier, I was informed that you're malnourished, Y/N."

Now, the sad expression was back. It made my face fall too.

"You haven't been eating?"

"...No." I was more hesitant to tell her this, since I felt so silly for it. But it's not all my fault...at least I want to believe it's not.

"Dad didn't go grocery shopping before he left. And, we didn't have a lot of food in the house before that point to begin with..." I clenched my sheets.

"I don't know how to cook...Mom and Dad never cooked things that much themselves either..."

Homecooked meals were a rarity for me, they always have been. I never thought a lot about it, it was another thing I thought was the usual, nothing to question. But, with all of these things happening, and how I've seen people at school with entirely different family lives from mine over the years...was it all actually normal?

Whoops, now I'm losing focus. I glanced back at the woman, whose eyes were now sparkling. She rapidly blinked, raising a hand to use a finger in wiping her eyes.

"I-I see... Well, you don't have to worry about any of that anymore." Though softened, and even carrying undertones of disbelief, (A/N)'s voice was as comforting as she could make it.

"I have plenty of food in my home. You won't have to worry having something to eat again."

Hearing those words...they quieted some discord inside me. I was more...at ease, both physically and emotionally.

"Thanks Auntie." Was all I could manage, but she shook her head.

"You don't need to thank me dear." Her eyes flicked up.

"...This reminds me, I myself have someone I do want to thank. That boy, who brought you to the hospital."

There goes the 'at ease' feeling.

"What was his name? Dash Parr?"

"Y-Yeah, it is..."

The stare she was giving me now, was one I did not like. (A/N) was smiling, but it wasn't innocently. And, there was a sparkle in her eyes...

"He's your...friend, right?"

I blinked, remaining silent... Then, my body tensed up, when I registered the implication she wasn't hiding too well.

"Yes, he is. Just a friend."

Embarrassment made me put emphasis on the word and clench my blanket tighter, when that sparkle brightened. She chuckled.

"What a good friend he must be then. Has he visited you today?"

"Yes. He left a while ago, but he did say he would be back before visiting hours are over." I turned so I could see the clock in my room. It was 20 minutes until 8 pm. There was a chance, but it was probably too late for him to show up now.

"They will be soon though...I guess he got caught up in something."

"Oh? You don't think he could have forgotten?"

I shook my head. "No. Dash was pretty adamant about staying, he said he didn't want to leave me alone. I almost had to beg him to go home to have a break, since he's been here since morning."

I shuffled in my reclined position in my bed. "He couldn't have forgotten, he was too serious about coming back."

I had my eyes aimed down at my blanket as I pondered just where the blond was. Maybe he was napping, or hanging out with his family or friends? Any of those were just fine for me, I only hope he wasn't wrapped up in anything bad...


~2nd POV, 1 hour earlier~

"Hurry up! We should've already had this shipped out."

A large, stocky man wearing a blue denim jacket barked. The group of men he was glaring at, who were all also wearing blue jackets, promptly began rushing. In pairs, they picked up large sealed containers and started piling them into the truck outside of their garage.

"It's not our fault that broad gave us the drop site this late." One of the men growled, and the others sounded their agreement.

"Yeah yeah. I just want you all to speed this up. If this isn't done tonight, he'll send his guys in to finish the job." The stocky man snorted, crossing his arms.

"And I ain't letting them take more of our cut. I got bills to pay."

More and more of the containers were loaded in, haphazardly. It wasn't until there was only a large square box left, that more care had to be taken.

"This one's the main jewel boys. Mess this one up, and he'll have our heads."

Due to its weight, a forklift was needed to lift it up, but as it was being moved into the truck...

"My my. What do we have here?"

A new voice, masculine yet far more youthful than any of theirs, made them all freeze. Some reached for the guns kept in their pocket, while they looked up...to the top of the truck.

"You..." The man in charge frowned in absolute displeasure. "Wasn't expecting to see you here."

"Sorry for the surprise visit." The red-clan teen stood on top of the truck smirked, with his arms crossed. "I got a tip from a friend who said something was going down here tonight. Happy to see they were right-"

He was cut off by one of the men unholstering their gun to fire at him. The gunshot sound echoed throughout the garage, and was surely heard in the surrounding neighborhood. However...

"What?" He cried, seeing his target had suddenly vanished. It reappeared however, right next to him, tsking.

"It's rude to cut people off."

He screamed, both in fear and anger. "Go to hell, pretty boy!"

He and his team members all started shooting at him then, while their leader for this operation shook his head.

What idiots. They couldn't hit someone that could move faster than they could blink.

"You know, I never understood why 'pretty boy' is an insult." The teen knew the advantage he had over them all, and as he dodged all of the bullets fired his way, he let his confidence ooze into his smug tone of voice.

"I am good-looking, aren't I? Yeah, keep calling me pretty."

Whatever rebuttals they had were never heard, as they were brought down by strikes to their torsos and precise jabs to their heads. More gunshots were heard, easily sealing their fates. The police were going to be showing up soon.

As his men fell onto the ground unconscious, one by one, the large man kept silent. There wasn't anything he could do about this, and unlike the others, he wasn't foolish or desperate enough to try. Frankly, he was hoping that out of all of Metroville's Supers, The Dash wouldn't be the one to show up tonight.

Oh well. Fate is a cruel mistress.

Before long, the speedster was standing face to face with him. It was quiet, save for the gentle breeze outside, and the not-so faraway sound of police sirens.

"I'm surprised you're being well-behaved. Usually they all scramble for their weapons."

"I know that I'm beat." Was all he said, standing still. But oh, how he wished he could do something. Staring at the blond Super's smirk was making his blood boil. The biggest things he hated in the world, were bratty kids, and people having luxuries or gifts they didn't deserve.

To him, all Supers were the latter. The Dash just so happened to fit the former as well.

"If only the rest of the Bluebloods would learn that. Make our lives easier." The costumed teen coolly stated, eyeing him with narrowed blue eyes.

"So, you mind telling me what this little operation was about? And who orchestrated it? Your boss is still locked up."

He was silent at first. The police sirens were getting louder.

"...Since I'm no doubt headed to the slammer, I guess I got nothing to lose." He opened his eyes.

"All I'll say is this...we got a kind of new boss watching over our sections, who's been giving us missions and tools to use for them. We haven't been told what these missions are for exactly, but since we get paid, we don't ask questions. Simple as that."

"Hm." The Dash shifted his weight to his other foot. "Who's this new boss?"

Now, it was his turn to crack a smile.

"Don't know. He's been real good at keeping his identity secret." He shrugged.

"We just call him Mr. X."

"Mr. X?" The teen quirked a brow. He didn't ask for further details, as the siren's became ear-piercingly loud. The cruisers appeared, skidding to a stop outside of the garage. As the officers got out, The Dash chuckled.

"Well, that brings an end to this little encounter. Thanks for the info." He turned to the cruisers.

"I'll leave this to you officers."

And like that, he was gone. As the policemen drew their guns and told him to get down the ground, the man did so, but the amused smile on his face didn't fade. Even though he was finished in this game now, there were still plenty of other players left.

The world was going to get what was coming to it, soon.


~Dash's POV~

I have no clue who this "Mr. X" is, but apparently, he's another problem we have to worry about. Great. But, I'll push that to the back of my mind for now.

That took longer than I would've liked, but I think there's still enough time for me to head to the hospital and see Y/N before visiting hours are done. Just needed to get home, get out of my suit, fix up my hair and-

...Wait, was that crying I just heard?

I backtracked, running to where I heard the sound. I stopped just outside a park, where a man and woman stood in its entrance. They had their arms wrapped around a little girl, who I assume was their daughter.

"Where's Bailey? Where'd he go?"

"He ran away sweetie, but it's ok, we'll find him." Her dad tried to comfort her, but it wasn't working that well.

"Pardon me." I called out to get their attention. Their heads all turned towards me, and their eyes widened.

"Is something wrong?"

"The Dash..." The girl's eyes were glistening with tears, but I could see the awe in them, and in her parents faces too. It felt good.

This never got old.

"...Ah, our dog got loose. We tried to let our

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