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I woke up Monday morning with a pit in my stomach. As much as I hated school, I hated having to play catch-up even more.

I don't have Cam's number, but I could ask Dash to see if he can bring me any homework assignments we get assigned in science. Maybe he could ask Cam to do the same for history...if Cam will even be at school this week.

I resigned myself to spending the morning alone, since Auntie told me she would have to go to work early, and school was still in session for Dash. At least I had TV now, so I wasn't that bored.

Time went by slowly. I got up to use the small toilet room attached to my room, which was a touch awkward but I got through it, and Minerva soon came into my room hauling in a small tub filled with soap and warm water, along with a few washcloths, before leaving to give me some privacy. I was all too happy to clean myself as best I could, and after I was done I did feel more refreshed, but I never thought I'd miss taking an actual shower.

A while later, Minerva came back to take the tub and washcloths, left me a tray full of breakfast. I took my time eating, nibbling and drinking my milk while watching some cartoons. I...felt like a kid again, sort of, that got to stay home from school because they're sick. It was comforting in a way I couldn't explain, but it lifted my mood.

The afternoon rolled around, and outside of another nurse coming in to take some blood from me for testing, it was peaceful. I've been dozing off throughout the day, and was currently falling asleep again, until I heard my door being opened.

I opened my eyes to look right into ones I'm becoming more and more familiar with. I wasn't complaining at all.

"Hi." Dash flashed his award-winning smile full of white teeth, closing the door behind him. There wasn't anything off about him, but I did immediately notice something bulging in and partially sticking out of one of the pockets in his blue varsity jacket.

"Hi...what's that?" I asked, unconsciously tilting my head. Dash's bright face didn't change in the slightest as he came closer to my bed, reaching into the pocket to pull the fuzzy object out.

"It's a gift. For you." As he held it in front of me, my eyes slightly widened.

It was a teddy bear! Medium-sized, brown, very fluffy, and adorable. But what my eyes honed in on, was the mini red shirt the stuffed animal wore. I reached out to take it before I realized it, and was gazing down at it in my lap, my smile growing.

"An Incredibles shirt?" I looked up from the tiny 'i' emblem to Dash, who was gazing off to the side with his face red, but his smile was still present. What a cutie.

"I saw it in a store and figured...why not buy it?" He shifted back and forth on his heels, moving his eyes to peek at me.

"...Do you like it?

"I do." I hugged it closer to me. "I love the Incredibles, and...it's cute..."

The blush on Dash's face intensified, and as I was fawning over the teddy, I heard something so low my ears just barely managed to pick it up.

"...Not as cute as you..."

"Hm?" I blinked. "Did you say somethi-"

"Nope! Nothing." Dash cut me off quickly, chuckling...nervously? He turned around to grab a chair and pull it closer to my bed, as I stared on in confusion.

"Alright..." I glanced at the bear, and a question sprung into my head. "Hey, Dash? What is this a gift for?"

"...Well, I've honestly been meaning to get you something to help you feel better. I know being cooped up in this place hasn't been that enjoyable."

He's right, but it hasn't been that bad. But I can't wait to be able to lie in an actual bed wearing my pajamas and not a hospital gown nonetheless.

"And, it's kind of an apology." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I know I said I'd be back to see you again before the hospital closed to visitors yesterday, but I got caught up in some stuff..."

"Aw, it's ok. You don't have to apologize." I smiled, leaning back into my pillows.

"But thank you. I appreciate it..."

"It's no prob." Dash grinned. After a moment, his eyes almost began to twinkle.

"So...You love the Incredibles?"

"Oh? Yeah, I do." I played with one of the teddy bear's arms. Instead of being stuffed with cotton or another material like its main body, its arms and legs all had solid circular-somethings inside, making them more pliable. They felt nice to hold and squeeze.

"They're my favorite superheroes."

"Any special reason why?"

"...It's their family dynamic. Makes their teamwork feel more...genuine, I guess? I've always liked that." More than I could express honestly. Being a part of a superhero team, that was also your family? Sounded like a dream. Too bad it would only ever be that.

Not a reality for me.

"I see." Dash's voice bloomed with warmth as he watched me twiddle with the stuffed bear.

"Do you have a favorite in the group?"

"Well...kind of..."

"Hmmm? Do tell."

I fidgeted, suddenly feeling shy. "It's...embarrassing..."

"How so?" Dash's smirk wasn't making this any easier. But how could I explain? The only reason it was weird to say my favorite is because...I've met him before. I've worked with him, in a way. Pretending to be a regular old citizen who just admires superheroes sort of put me in weird situations all the time. But...I could tell Dash. What's the harm in it?

"Eh...it's just...I don't know." I could see Dash was enjoying this a lot, way more than he should. I involuntarily started pouting.

"It's The Dash."

Dash's expressed changed ever so slightly, with pleasure. Why would he be pleased about that?

"Heheh...nice choice. He's my favorite too." He crossed his arms, still smirking away with his eyes closed. He cracked one open. "Why is he yours?"

"...It's his power. I think super speed is really cool..." That was the truth, but would I ever say that to the guy's face? No, no way. I'd rather not embarrass myself.

"Same." Was all the blond teen said. He seemed to be in thought about something, what exactly I couldn't guess, but I called for his attention.

"This reminds me...you and him are awfully similar."

"..." His eyes opened wider, and his smile slightly dropped. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you both have blond hair, blue eyes...your faces kind of look the same." I squinted. Since The Dash's domino mask covered a lot of the skin around his eyes, I couldn't tell if he had freckles just like Dash, but...the possibility...

"And you both basically go by Dash."

His eyes flicked to the side. "Oh, that? I get that a lot, but it's all a coincidence."


"Yeah. I mean, me? A superhero?" He chuckled. "Sounds rad but, nah."

Hmm...I had no reason to not believe him. He hasn't done anything to make me think he is The Dash, but...I swear, they look so alike. And I can confidently say that, since I've seen what The Dash looks like with my own eyes. Maybe, it's just my imagination.

"Dash isn't even my real name either. It's a shortened form."

"Eh?" I blinked rapidly. "It is?"

"Yep." He popped the 'p' sound, still smirking.

"What's your actual name then?"

"..." He closed his eyes, mouth slowly forming a thin line.

"...It's Dashiell. Don't laugh."

... ... ...

Color me surprised.

My lips twitched upwards. "Why would I laugh at that?"

His eyes snapped open. "Huh?"

"What?" My face grew warmer. "I like it."

He blinked.


That's an odd thing to ask. Did he not like it...?

Probably not, if he prefers to go by Dash.

"It's sweet."

"Sweet??" Now he looked confused, about pitifully so.

"Yeah. I like how it sounds. It's a good name." I pushed my lower lip out as I answered in a pseudo-defensive tone. I almost said 'lovable' instead of good, but...it was. My eyes widened when I saw Dash's face quickly turning red. Redder than I've ever seen before. His head turned away. I didn't offend him, did I?


I had to lean forwards a tad to hear him better.

"In...that case then, I don't...mind you calling me that. When we're alone."

'When we're alone'? I know he doesn't mean it in that way...but...

"O-Ok." I gulped, holding my teddy bear tightly. Now was not the time to let my mind wander THERE. However, it did feel great that he liked me enough to allow me to call him that.

I let the discussion we were having about superheroes go, and evidently, so did he. Minutes passed as I idly listened to the TV drone on in the background, and the occasional set of footsteps and chatter pass down the hallways, before Dash gently nudged my leg.

"Did anything happen yesterday, or today, while I was gone?"

"Um...today, no. A nurse came and took some of my blood earlier for a blood test." I moved my left arm from under my blanket, exposing the orange wrapping around my elbow joint. "But that's about it."

"As for yesterday..." The memory flashed through my eyes, and I smiled. "The hospital managed to contact one of my relatives, and they came to visit."

"No fooling?" Dash's eyes dilated. "Who?"

"My aunt, on my dad's side."

"...Huh. How'd it go? Talking to her, I mean."

"...It was...fine? The last time I talked to her was when I was 10, so it was a little awkward. But, she's nice."

"That's good. I'm guessing you're gonna be staying with her from now on? Until the thing with your parents is settled."

"Mhm..." That was still bugging me. Where did they go?

"Are you...happy about going to stay with her?" His head tilted slightly.

"Yeah. I am a little nervous too, but I think that's because I haven't been around her in years."

And because I'm not too sure whether things will be different or just the same like back home before my parents left...but Auntie seems so much nicer than them already.

"Understandable. Is she coming here to visit you today?"

"Yes, after she gets off of work. I don't know when that'll be...I think sometime soon."

"Cool. I wanna meet her."

I did a double take. "You do?"

"Yeah! I want to meet at least one of your family members, and I missed out on your parents." He chuckled.

That's right, he did. That was probably for the best though. I'd much rather Dash meet Auntie than Mom or Dad...especially Mom....hold on, now that I think of it-

"That reminds me, I haven't seen any of your family members either."

"That's true. If it means anything, my mom and dad want to meet you. My sister and brother too."

Oh yeah! Throughout the years, I heard a few things about his siblings. Mainly, Dash being the middle child with an older sister and younger brother. I wonder what that's like.

"Maybe after you get out the hospital and things get a little more normal, you could come over? Maybe...have dinner with us too?"

His blush was back again, but far more controlled than before. I nodded, trying to ignore how my heartbeat quickened at the scenario at going to his house. While a little scary...

"I'd like that. Sounds fun..." I played with some threads of my teddy's fur, temporarily losing the confidence to keep my eyes on Dash. Another thing made me did though, from the curiosity burning inside me.

"...So, how was school...?"

"Tch, same old same old." He huffed. "Even more boring though, since you weren't there."

My face heated up.

"We had a sub in science and didn't do much other than watch a video. But, if we do get any assignments, I'll bring them to you so you won't get that far behind."

Oh, how convenient. "Thank you. Funnily enough, I was going to ask if you could do that..."

"Heh, I was a step ahead of ya." He grinned.

"Lunch was mostly uneventful." He went on. "I told some of my friends that I've been visiting a friend in the hospital, so I didn't have time to hang out on the weekend. After they noticed you weren't at lunch today, they bugged me until I confessed you were that friend."

He sheepishly smiled. "I didn't tell them the exact reason why you're here though. Just that you got sick."

"That's ok." I honestly didn't care if Dash did tell them, whether everything or nothing at all. It made little difference.

"I'm probably going to have to answer some questions when I go back, so it doesn't matter."

"Makes sense. I just didn't want to air your business, you know?" I shared a chuckle with him, appreciative of his consideration.

"They did make sure to tell me to tell you, that they hope you get better."

"...That's sweet of them. Can you tell them I said 'thanks'?" Dash managed to get out a "sure" before my eyes widened, and I cut him off.

"Oh, what about Cam? Was she wondering where I was?"

"About that...she was absent." Dash bit his lip. "I've noticed she was gone basically all last week too. I was wondering if she said anything to you beforehand? Like if she was going out of town or something?"

"No, nothing. I don't have her number, so I can't call or text her."

"Hm...I think I know a couple of people that hanged with her a lot. They could have it. I can see if they'll give to me, so I can share with you."

Dash was so helpful, I don't think he realized it.

"Thank you. You're making life a little easier for me." I half-joked, sighing. I can't wait until I can leave this place.

"You're welcome Y/N. I'm happy to help." He winked at me, and my heart jumped. As heat flashed through me, causing me to sweat, a melodic ringing sound filled the room. Dash took one glance at his phone before he stood up.

"I'll be back in a lil bit. Gotta take this call."

"Ok..." I said, as he left, closing the door behind him. That guy...he doesn't know what he does to me.

I wiped my forehead, and got into a more comfortable position after stretching my legs. Actually, Minerva did tell me that I should probably get out of bed to walk around more, to help stretch and get my muscles working.

So I did that, placing my teddy bear to the side of my bed, getting up and taking slow circles around my room, stretching my arms in the meanwhile. Aside from the weird sensation of the skin around my stitched-up wound being tugged, I felt pretty normal. I'm hoping I can leave here sooner than a week, but I think I have to wait for my blood test to be done, and who knows how long that'll be. Or what they'll find from it.

The moment I sat back down in my bed, my door opened again.

"Hello." My aunt greeted, smiling gently and walking in.

"Hi Auntie."

Things didn't feel as awkward as they did yesterday, which I was thankful for. The sooner I got used to being around my aunt the better, since as far as I'm aware, I'm going to be living with her for a while.

She looked like she was about to say something, but she stopped when she saw the stuffed animal next to me.

"Where'd you get that?"

"...Uh, it's a gift from Dash. He bought it for me."

"Aww..." She beamed. "That's sweet. It's adorable."

I rubbed the bear's head as she sat down in the chair next to Dash's.

"Is he here now?"

"Mhm. He stepped out a few minutes ago though, to answer a phone call."

"Ok...Well, I do want to say hello, but unfortunately I can't stay for long."

Her jolly expression and tone of voice from before was gone, replaced by a solemnness. I turned away from my teddy bear, struck by a sense of dread.

"Just as I was leaving work, I got a call from the police department. They've discovered some concerning things about your mother and father."

"...Concerning how?"

"They've searched around, contacting the places where they're employed...and both of them took leaves of absence. They've both stayed away far past their allowed time, and their employers have failed to reach them." Her frown deepened.

"So far, they haven't found anyone that has seen your mother. Your father's car was last spotted in Municiberg, but no one knows where it or he is now."

...Municiberg? Why?

I heard the click of a door opening in the back of my mind, but I ignored it.

"Because of how no one can contact them, how they've been gone for so long, and how they haven't left you with an explanation as to where they went, the police are beginning to suspect this is a case of abandonment."

My stomach sank.

"Do...Do you think they really abandoned me, Auntie?" My voice was so soft I even barely heard it, but somehow, she did.

She reached to gently grab one of my hands, and squeezed it.

"It's too early to tell my dear. I hope not, but...I'm not going to lie and say there's no possibility."

That made sense. It was too early. For all they knew, Dad could be somewhere with...no phone reception. Maybe he's on this way here right now. Maybe...Mom's with him.

... ... ...

Who am I kidding?

Both of them are gone. This time, it feels like it's for good.

"...Oh, pardon me." Auntie turned to her left. "I didn't hear you come in."

"It's...ok. Am I interrupting something?"

For once, his voice didn't immediately have my complete attention. My eyes moved downwards towards my blanket, as they began to sting intensely. My face felt frozen.


~2nd POV~

Dash felt very awkward, as soon as he realized what was going on. He quickly pieced together that the woman sitting next to your bed was your aunt, and judging on some of the conversation he heard, you two were discussing your parents.

Within seconds he felt concerned, since you didn't turn to face him when he announced himself. You were just staring down at your lap, with such a blank expression...

But since your aunt was talking to him, it'd be rude to disregard her.

"...No, not really. It's about time for me to leave anyway. I need to visit the police department." The woman gave you a worried and sympathetic stare, but she released your hand and stood up.

She then tossed a smile his way, it making him return it with his more awkward one, and some of the tension in the air lessened.

"You must be Dash, right?"

"Yeah, that's me. I'm guessing...you're Y/N's aunt? Miss (Y/L/N)?" That was obvious, but he wanted to make sure.

"Yes." Her eyes flicked to her right, towards you. You still hadn't moved.

Her next words were spoken with a much softer tone of voice, as if she didn't want you to hear them.

"...Thank you, for looking after her. I don't think Y/N knows it, but...she needs it."

The blond agreed, but he also didn't want to say that to your face. You could take it the wrong way real easily.

"It's no problem. We are friends...friends look out for each other."

Her smile grew. Dash couldn't pinpoint it, but the woman almost looked...amused? She hummed and slightly nodded, in a knowing fashion.

"You must be a very good friend then. Y/N's told me as much."

He didn't respond to that, but he did break out in a light blush.

"But, I should be going now. It was nice to meet you, Dash." She chuckled.

"After Y/N is released, and she settles into my home, you're free to come by whenever you like."

Unexpectedly, he felt his heart jump.

"T-Thanks...and, it was nice meeting you too."

Without much more said, she took her leave. Dash inhaled, feeling his stomach twist as he took

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