Chapter Sixteen: Avoidance Is Key

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After realizing that I had feelings for Y/N, I didn't know how to act around her in music class yesterday. I could hardly concentrate through that class and I kept glancing at her. Then after music class, I did whatever I could to avoid Jimin, but he managed to talk to me a bit.

~ Flashback ~

I entered the teacher's office after my music class and set my things down. I looked around, but only saw Jimin sitting on the couch. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and walked towards him before sitting on the couch with him.

"Where's the others?" I asked curiously as I let out a yawn. I was tired from running around all afternoon with Y/N, but I had the time of my life.

"Yoongi took off already. Namjoon is at the bathroom. Seokjin, Taehyung, and Hoseok are still in class I guess," Jimin responded with a shrug as I put his phone down and looked at me. He stared at me, a small grin slowly appearing across his face. Sigh, what was he going to start asking me about now?

"How come whenever I'm with you you're always grinning at me as if you know something that I don't?" I asked as I looked at him with an annoyed, but curious look. He only chuckled at me.

"Let's just say that you're lucky that I was the only one to see you and Y/N in that interesting position earlier today outside," he mentioned as he took a sip from his water bottle. My eyes widened at that and I felt my heart beat quickened.

"Y-You saw that..?" I asked, my voice shaky and quivery. He nodded in response. Damn, I was hoping that nobody had seen that. It was embarrassing enough as it is that it happened at all, but knowing that someone saw us is doubly embarrassing. If what Jimin said is true, that he was the only one who saw then thank god.

"Don't worry. I haven't told anyone and I won't unless you tell me to, but I am curious to know as to how you two ended up in that position when you've been so clearly denying that you have feelings for her," he continued as he nudged me. I didn't say anything. I stood up and grabbed my things.

"I'm going to head home now," I announced, trying to avoid answering him. I heard him stifle a laugh of amusement.

"Alright, but before you go let me tell you something," he insisted in a serious tone. I stood by the door, worried about what he was going to hit me with next. "Whether you like Y/N or not, be careful. Being in love with a student when you're a teacher is a risky move. However, if you're serious about not having feelings for her then I suggest you make it known to her, so that way she doesn't fall for you. Either way, I'll support you Jungkook. Just make sure whatever decision you make, you're sure about it."

"Yeah, got it. See you tomorrow," I muttered as I left the teacher's office and to my car before driving off home. All the way home, I couldn't stop thinking about what Jimin said.

~ End Of Flashback ~

"Jungkook? Yo, snap out of it dude!" A familiar voice remarked as a hand waved in front of my face, bringing me back from my thoughts. I glanced to the side to see Hoseok standing there with a raised eyebrow at me.

"Sorry?" I asked in confusion as I shook my head and blinked while looking up at him from the couch.

"You've been dazing off for a good 15 minutes, what are you thinking about?" He asked curiously with a small chuckle. I opened my mouth ready to tell him what was on my mind, but then I closed my mouth thinking that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to tell him or the others yet.

"Just random stuff hyung," I replied with a shrug and a small sigh as I stand up from the couch.

"You sure?" He asked with a look of uncertainty. I nodded in response. "Alright, well if you ever need to talk then we're always here to listen." I gave him a grateful smile as I walked towards the door of the teacher's office. Great, Y/N was in my first class. I could barely manage music class. How would possibly be able to focus in this class? I couldn't keep denying my feelings anymore, but I also couldn't voice them. Both Y/N and I would end up in trouble if I did. Plus, I didn't even know if she felt the same way I did.

Until I was certain if she felt the same way then I would have to keep my feelings for her hidden and that was something that wasn't going to be easy, especially if I'm around her at lest 75% of the day. I sighed heavily as I tried to think of a way to be able to hide my feelings while around her, but nothing was coming to my mind.

As I began to open the door to the teacher's office, my eyes widened in alarm when she walked by. I quickly closed the door and hid behind it, my heart racing. I felt as if I had just dodged a bullet. I knew from my reaction that there was only one was to work through this. I was going to have to avoid her at all costs. That meant that I couldn't greet her in the morning, I couldn't go to the art room, and if I had to talk to her then I would have to act uninterested. I didn't know if I could do this.

Taking a few deep breaths, I peeked my head out from the teacher's office and glanced around. I breathed a sigh of relief to see that Y/N was nowhere in sight. I walked down the hall at a slow pace. I crossed my fingers that there would already be other students there who could distract me from having to greet her or having her greet me.

I turned the corner and held my breath for a brief moment before letting it out in relief to see that most of the students in my first class were already there. Thank god. I approached them and greeted them with a small smile. She smiled happily as she always does when she saw me. I had to quickly turn my head away to avoid meeting her dazzling ones. I unlocked the door and opened it, letting the students walk in. I could hear her begin to say good morning to me, so before she could really say much, I quickly walked to my desk.

Beginning class, I glanced at Y/N. She, thankfully, didn't see me looking at her. She was taking her books out of her bag and placing them down on her desk. As soon as her head began to come up, I quickly looked away so that I wouldn't meet her eyes. I cleared my throat as I turned to the chalkboard and started my lesson.

"Alright, can anyone tell me the answer to this question in the textbook?" I asked as I turned to look at the students. Only a few students raised their hands. Y/N's hand was among them. I did my best ignore seeing her hand up and turned to the half of the class that didn't raise their hands. When I did this, their eyes all widened in panic. "Nobody at all?"

All of them looked away or looked down at their laps to avoid my eyes. I let out a sigh as I turned to the ones who had raised their hands. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Y/N really wanted me to choose her to answer the question, but I remained focus on anybody else but her. Eventually, I finally chose a student, but he didn't even really answer the question correctly. He mostly just rambled. I did my best not to sigh or roll my eyes at his answer.

"Mr Jeon, I know the answer," one student announced as she waved her hand around vigorously. I eyed her with a raised eyebrow before gesturing for her to answer. Thankfully, she answered correctly because if she didn't then I would have had to call on Y/N to answer, which I wanted to avoid doing.

After the student answered, I continued with the lesson. Once class was done, I stayed at my desk and pretended to be correcting work when really I wasn't. As I sat there, I could hear Y/N shuffling to the front. She was the last one out like always. I could sense that she wanted to say something to me, but I kept my head down and pretended as if I didn't sense her presence there. She only sighed heavily at that before walking out of the classroom. I let out a sigh of relief when she left and leaned back in my chair.

As much as I feel guilty ignoring her, I'd feel even guiltier if I couldn't control my feelings and let them show causing both of us to end up possibly expelled from the school. I kept telling myself that I wasn't being selfish and that I was helping both of us, but I couldn't help in the pit of my stomach feel as if I was choosing the wrong decision.

The next class went by slow, but it went faster than the first class. It was strange. Usually, before, whenever Y/N was in class then the class would go by quickly, but now whenever she's class it goes by slowly. I almost felt angry at her for making me have these feelings for her. If she hadn't been so nice and respectful to me then maybe I wouldn't be struggling to keep my emotions at bay. If she had been just like every other student then maybe I wouldn't have to ignore her like this. But... then again, if she was like every other student then the school year would have gone roughly and I probably wouldn't even be still working at this school if it wasn't for her.

Ah... my feelings were so messy right now. I could barely concentrate or hear myself think. I let out a sigh of relief once class was over. I packed up my things and left the classroom, locking it up once all of the students were gone. I walked down the hallway and towards the teacher's office. I entered the teacher's office and plopped myself down on the couch. I took out my lunch and started eating in silence. The others all looked at me with concern in their eyes.

"What's up Jungkook? Why are you so silent?" Namjoon asked curiously as he poked at my shoulder. I glanced up at him, but said nothing. I simply stared at him and then glanced at the others before shrugging.

"Because I'm eating...," I said with a mouthful of food. The others all groaned in disgust and looked away. "Sorry..." I continued to eat, shoving food into my mouth to avoid having to speak. They seemed to buy my little lie and shrugged before eating their lunches as well. They talked among themselves while they ate, but I remained completely silent, shoving more food in and barely giving myself enough time to actually breathe.

"Jungkook, slow down. You're going to end up choking if you don't take breaths between bites," Seokjin commented with a worried expression as he pulled my lunch away from my mouth and held it in his hand. I looked at him in confusion and slight annoyance. "You're shoving so much food in your mouth. Why are you in such a rush to finish your food?"

"It's none of your business hyung...," I muttered as I sent him a small glare before snatching my lunch back and taking another big bite. I turned away from him making him sigh in exasperation. I felt bad for snapping at him when all he was doing was worrying for me, but I was in such a bad mood knowing that I had to hide my feelings for Y/N from everyone and that I had to ignore her just so that my feelings wouldn't spiral out of control.

I only hoped that the afternoon wouldn't be so bad. I remembered that the art class was canceled because the art room was still under construction, but I imagined that she would be hoping to find some way to still have an art class. I had to figure out a reason to skip, so I could tell her if she asked me why I wasn't in the art room when we would be in music class.

As I tried to think of something, the teacher's office door opened and in walked the principal. He approached us and smiled. We all smiled back in greeting.

"Mr Jeon, since you have no art class, could I ask you to be an extra eyes and ears in Mr Min's class?" He asked as he glanced from me to Yoongi. I glanced at Yoongi, who remained cool and collected. I thought for a moment before my eyes widened in realization. This would was perfect! I now had a reason to not be able to see Y/N during our regularly scheduled art class. Now when or if she asked then I had a reason and I wouldn't have to lie to her and ignore her all in one day.

"Yes sir," I answered with a vigorous nod. He nodded back before nodding at Yoongi then departing from the teacher's office. Once he was gone, I looked at Yoongi who sent me a small smile. I smiled back at him. I ate more slowly after that throughout the rest of the lunch break. When it was finally time for him and I to head to his class, I peeked my head out of the teacher's office before taking a step out. He simply stepped out and looked at him with a confused expression. I sent him an awkward smile as I walked with him down the hallway.

"I should say something," he started as we approached his classroom. I looked at him curiously as he took his keys out. Once we reached the door to his classroom, he unlocked the door, but before he opened it, he glanced at me. "The way I teach is a lot different from the way you teach. Try not to be too shocked by the way I teach." I raised an eyebrow at him and cocked my head to the side in confusion. "You'll see what I mean once I start teaching." I nodded slowly as he opened the door and walked into his classroom, me following in after him.

We sat down in the chairs at the front and waited for the students to arrive. I wondered what he meant by not being surprised by the way he teaches. I didn't think he taught any different than how I taught. Maybe a bit stricter than me, but probably not much different. I was dead wrong though once class began. He wasn't only stricter on his students, but he was mean with his students too in a way. If a student didn't answer a question right then he would make them feel dumb.

I bit my lip once class was over and saw all of the students leaving for their next class. I let out a small sigh of disbelief as I approached his desk. He looked at me with a knowing look and I sent him an awkward and also fearful expression. He seemed to sense what I was itching to say to him, but he dismissed it with his head. I sighed again as I followed him out of the classroom.

"Well, see you later hyung," I voiced as I gave a nervous smile and waved before walking off down the hallway and towards the music room. My heart was racing, but not in the way that Y/N made me feel. The way my heart was racing now was out of fear. Yoongi truly was scary when he was in class. No wonder all of the students feared him so much.

As I turned the corner, my eyes caught sight of Y/N. My racing heart quickly switched from racing because of fear to racing because of attraction. Shit, I had completely forgotten that I wanted to avoid her during Yoongi's class. Hopefully, I could find a way to avoid talking to her and hopefully she wouldn't ask me about why I didn't pay a visit to the art room.

Class started. She seemed to be trying to get my attention throughout the whole class. I did my best to avoid looking at her, just like I did in my first class. But by the end of the class, something that I hoped I would have been able to avoid happened. When the students all left, she approached me with a serious expression on her face. Oh no, what do I do?

"Mr Jeon?" She asked as she approached me. I didn't look up at first. I simply remained where I was, biting my lip nervously. "Mr Jeon!" I sighed knowing that I was going to have to look up some time, so I did. I, unknowingly, gave her a cold expression making her shrink back a little. "N-Nevermind... um, see you tomorrow Mr Jeon..."

With that, she walked past me and towards the door. Before she left, she glanced over her shoulder at me with a sad expression making the guilt build up inside of me. Sigh, I'm such a jerk. Here I am taking out my frustrations on her when she had done nothing wrong. I questioned myself and whether or not to go after her, but I remained in place, silently packing my things up.

I walked to the teacher's office in a slump. I had been trying so hard for my romantic feelings to not shine through that I ended up letting my angry feelings come out. That wasn't supposed to happen. I was simply supposed to just avoid Y/N, instead I glare at her. I shook my head, disapproving of my behaviour as I made my way towards the front of the school, not wanting to talk with the others at the moment.


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