chapter 24 : a shocker for naira?

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"Kartik?"Naira said with a smile when she saw kartik standing near the door along with Mishti.

She stopped dancing and came towards him and hugged him.He smiled and hugged her back.

"Ahem AhemDi,BFF everyone are here...!"Mishti said and they parted ways.

"Guys let's take 10 mins break..!"Naira said.

"Come let's talk upstairs"She said holding his hand.Kartik nodded and then they went inside.

"So how did the meeting go?"naira asked after they came inside her room.

" was fine..but answer me this first..Um..Raghav?!"Kartik asked and naira chuckled

"I know what you must be thinking right now but trust me mendak everything is fine and Raghav is my only last hope!"Naira said

"Kartik everything is last minute now and I can't waste more time.You know that this academy is my dream..!"She said

"Fine,but everything here will go under my supervision!"He said confusing her

"Your supervision?!Wait are you planning to stay around the whole time?"She questioned and he nodded.

"No need for that!Kartik remember I am not a kid and also remember I am more brave than you so you don't have to worry!I will be fine!"She said and convinced him somehow.

"Fine you win!So can we go out on a date tonight?we haven't been able to spend time together properly since last few days!"Kartik said

"Okay!Let's go tomorrow night?"She asked and he nodded.

"Great!I have to go now!I love you!"she said quickly kissing on his cheek and ran downstairs.


Next day kartik was making arrangements for their date.

He was very excited as they will finally spend time together without any distraction and couldn't wait to see her.

As he was happily making the arrangements he got a phone call.He smiled when he saw her name flashing on the phone screen.

"Hey!Are you excited for tonight?"He asked with a smile.

"Kartik I have to tell you something.."Naira said

"What is it Naira?Everything okay?"He asked worriedly

"Haan everything is's just..I can't come to the date tonight.."She said and his smile disappeared.

"What..?I mean why?"He questioned.

"Kartik I can't get out of practice today..Today we are practicing at the Nani's house in the evening..I am sorry.."She said apologising and He didn't say anything

"Kartik?Say something.."Naira said

"It's okay..I can understand..!"He said

"Really?"Naira asked

"Yeah,I know how important it is to you"Kartik said.

"Okay then,I will see you tomorrow?"She asked

"Yeah sure"He said and ended the call.


"Bff come on!"Mishti said entering into Kartik's cabin.

"Mishti?what are you doing here?"Kartik asked in confusion.

"Naira Di is facing some problem at Nani's house.She asked me to come and told me not to tell you but I felt we need your help as well so I came here!"Mishti said.

"What?!Is Naira okay?"Kartik asked panicking

"I don't know Bff..Di didn't tell me anything.She just asked me get there fast!"She said and Kartik fastly ran out followed by Mishti.


"Naira!"Kartik shouted after they entered the Maheswari's house.

Kartik was confused as no one was home.

"Bff you look outside and I will check upstairs"She said.

He nodded and went outside.He was shocked and confused at the same time when the backyard was decorated.

"Naira..?"He thought with a smile.

"Did you think only you are great at giving surprises?"He turned around when he heard her voice.

He went towards her and hugged her.

"Please don't scare me off like this!"He said and she apologised.

"Wow I can't believe you pulled this off!this whole surprise thing!"He said and she smiled.

"Mishti and Gayu di helped!I am sorry if I made you feel bad this afternoon when I said I can't come"Naira said

"It's okay..I am very happy now!Thank you for this Naira!"He said with a smile kissing on her cheek.

Once they finished dinner they went onto the terrace.

Naira was staring at the sky,Kartik came and hugged her from the back kissing on her cheek and she smiled.

"As days are coming close to this dance competition I'm feeling nervous.."Naira said

"You are my Sherni!Remember that okay?The Naira I know is never nervous or scared of everything.You will win this thing Jaan!"He said

"Thank you!You are just want to I need!I am so lucky to have you in my life Kartik..Without you I am incomplete!"Naira said facing him.

"I will always be with you no matter what happens!I love you!"He said

"I love you too!"Naira said and he pressed his lips on hers.


Two weeks went by and today was the dance competition.

Naira was in the room given to her and getting ready.

Akshara and Swarna were helping her get ready while Naira was waiting for Kartik to come.

"Maa..?did Kartik come?"Naira asked

"Naira I just spoke with Manish ji and he said they left office and they are on their way here..Kartik will be here don't worry!"Swarna assured.

Naira's family and Kartik's family came to meet Naira before her performance.

Manish and Akhilesh reached but kartik was nowhere to be seen.Both of them wished her luck.Naira thanked them and was searching for Kartik.

"Where are you Kartik..?you are not here when I need you the most.."Naira said as she was at the verge of crying thinking about how he was not here.

Someone placed their hand on her shoulder.Naira felt his presence and quickly turned around hugging him.

"You are so bad!How could you be this late?!"She asked

"Naira I forgot my phone in the that is why I had to go back to the parking lot.."He said.

"Jaan listen,you will do great!You are going to win this thing!I know you!"He said kissing on her forehead.

"Naira!we have a problem!"One of her team member came.

"What is it?"Naira asked.

"Raghav!He is nowhere to be seen!He did come but now we can't find him!Our performance is after three groups!"

"What?!Oh my god..Another trouble..Kartik what am I going to do now?"Naira asked

"Naira..relax..Don't worry I will go and look for that Raghav and I will bring him to you!Please don't panic!"Kartik said and left.


Naira and her team's performance was up next.Kartik still didn't come with Raghav and Naira was so worried.

Just then Kartik came.Naira noticed that he changed his clothes into their group's clothes. 

"What are you doing in these clothes?Where is Raghav?!"Naira asked

"I can't explain this to you now —"He said and just then Naira's name was announced.

"Naira we will talk later but I am taking Raghav's place and I will dance with you!"He said.

"What?!Kartik doesn't like to dance and on top he doesn't even know these dance steps?!Oh god..this is bad!"Naira thought as they went onto the stage.

The song started to play and they started dancing and Naira was shocked when she saw Kartik dancing According to all of their steps.

Naira felt relaxed after seeing this and forgot about all of it and danced.


Once the dance performance was over everyone were busy appreciating Naira.

Naira was looking around for Kartik and she was wondering why he left this hurriedly.

Naira excused herself and went to look for him.

"Shivaay!Have you seen Kartik?"Naira asked after she spotted Shivaay in that crowd.

"Yeah he just went that way!"He told Naira.Naira nodded and went.

She was passing by a room when she heard Kartik's voice which was followed by a women's voice.

"I don't care about her!I never did and I never will!She is the only one who is madly in love with me!After this I am ending things with her because you know I love you only right?"Naira was shocked when she heard Kartik say all of this.

Naira still couldn't believe what she just heard.She wanted this to be a dream,a nightmare which she wants to wake up from because she knew her Kartik and that he wouldn't do such thing to her.

What broke her more was when she saw who the girl was.

"Kartik and..Neha?"Naira thought as she was controlling her tears.


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