chapter 23 : kartik finds naira

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"What the hell do you mean you don't know?!"Kartik shouted.

"We did search together but she said we should slit up so we can cover more ground!I waited for for so long but she didn't come back!"Raghav said.

"And even I searched for her by I couldn't find her..that's why I came back..!"He said

"Even how could you leave a girl alone that too at night time and come huh?"Annika shouted while kartik was very worried.

"Where are you naira..Just wait for some more time..I will come and bring you back safely..!"Kartik said to himself


"Oh my god,I have been walking around for over an hour..But why can't I see the resort?Where the hell am I?"Naira said to herself as she stopped walking and stood there.

"I guess everyone went back...I am sure kartik is very angry at me now.."Naira thought.

"Oh god I am lost...what am I going to do now?"She thought.


"Okay,I am going!"Kartik told Shivaay and Annika as he was about to head to search for naira.

"Kartik,it is late already and you don't know where she will get lost too!"Shivaay said.

"Are you mad?Do you expect me to sit and wait when she is missing?!"Kartik asked

"Kartik I didn't mean like that..Sir said he informed the police and they would be here soon!"Shivaay said

"And that will take time for sure and I am not going to sit here and do nothing while she is alone there!I am going!"Kartik said and went in to look for her.


"I am so tired...!"Naira said sitting on a big rock as her legs were paining so badly.

"Gangamayya,why are you doing this to me?please show me some way to get back to the resort!"Naira said

Just then she heard a sound of a branch break.She quickly stood up and looked around.

"Is someone here?"Naira asked but no response came so she looked around.

Then she felt someone's presence behind her.Someone placed their hand on her shoulder.

"Ahh!"She shouted turning around and was about to slap him but stopped when she heard a familiar voice.


"Kartik?!"She said when she saw him.

She felt so relieved and hugged him tightly.

"Kartik..!"She cried while kartik felt relieved.

"Thank God you are fine!You are okay right?!"He asked cupping her cheek and she nodded as he wipped her tears.

"Kartik..I am sorry.."She said

"Naira,not now..first let's get back to the resort..!"He said hold her hand.

"You know the way back?You didn't forget right?"She questioned.

"I marked them with some sticks,come on let's go now!"he said and she nodded.

They were about to go but it started to rain.

He took off his jacket and pulled her close to him and covered their heads with it.

"Just stick close to me..Let's wait here for sometime..!"He said and she nodded.

"This is why I told you not to do this stupid scavenger hunt!"Kartik said

"Kartik did you think I will know this will happen?"She asked

"Why did you even come here?!I can't believe that I am saying this but you could have sticked to that Raghav guy!"He said.

"Kartik I Am so tired,please don't fight!"Naira said

"Oh so I am fighting now wow!"He said.

Naira moved away from and started to walk.

"Where are you going?It is raining!"He said

"If you had stopped shouting at me you would have realised it stopped raining!"She shot and he looked up to see the rain was stopped.

Naira walked off and Kartik went behind her.The mud was slippery and when Naira stepped on it she slipped and fell down.

"Naira!"He shouted running towards her.

"Are you okay?"He asked and she nodded slightly.He helped her stand up.

"Do you think you can walk?"He asked.

"I guess..!"She said and took a step forward but stopped when it was paining.

"It is okay..I can manage!"She said.Kartik didn't say anything and picked her up in bridal style.

"Don't say anything!Just be quite!"He said and she didn't say anything.

After sometime they got back to the resort.

Everyone felt relieved after they got back while Kartik called in the doctor to check in on Naira's health.

The doctor left after giving her some medicines.Annika made Naira to eat dinner as she hasn't ate anything in few hours.Now it was Kartik and Naira alone in the room.

"Uncle,please don't worry..Naira is totally fine!"Kartik said speaking to Naitik who found out through the teacher as he informed that Naira was missing.

"Kartik,give me the phone..!"Naira said. Kartik nodded and passed the phone to Naira.

"Papa!"Naira said.

"Princess!You are okay right?!"Naitik asked

"Haa papa I am fine..please don't worry!"Naira assured and after sometime she ended the call.

Kartik came and sat besides her.

"I am sorry.."Both of them said together.

"I am sorry that I didn't listen to you"Naira said

"I am sorry that I shouted at you!"Kartik replied.Naira pulled him close to her and hugged him.

"I was so scared today,I thought I almost lost you!"He said

"Please don't speak about this day ever again.."She said and he nodded.


Few months later

Kartik and Naira graduated few weeks back.

Naira was ready to open her own dance academy whereas Kartik joined his family business.

Both of the families told Them that they are aware of their relationship after they got back from the trip and told them that they are indeed happy with this news.

Naira's academy was ready but she needed one more main certificate and to get that she needed to win a dance competition.

Naira found a group of people for her team and just needed one more guy and as her dance partner.

"Gayu di,what shall I do now?I am so confused..The competition is in two weeks and I need to find someone soon!"Naira said pacing back and forth.

"Naira!Such a small problem naa?Your Kartik is here naa?Call Kartik and ask him if he will be your dance partner!"Gayu suggested.

"Gayu di that is a great idea!Let me call him and ask!"Naira said and immediately called Kartik.

"Hello Jaan!"He said answering.

"Are you free?"She asked

"Yeah,What is it?"Kartik asked

"Kartik,you know about my dance competition naa?I have the perfect team and I need one more person and to be my dance partner.I don't have time to search for people so will you please be my dance partner?"Naira asked

"What?! and dance?No way!"Kartik said

"Kartik come on!you are my only hope now!please don't say no..!"Naira said

"Naira..I don't know..I mean I am not a professional dancer!You guys all are professional dancers and for sure I will make a fool out of myself infront of you!"He said

"Kartik please.."Naira pleaded

"No Naira.."He said and just then Akhilesh came.

"Kartik,come on the meeting is about to start!"He said.

"Haa Chachu I am coming!"Kartik said.

"Naira I have to go now..After the meeting is over I will come over and we will figure this out okay?"He asked.

"Okay,fine!See you then"Naira said.

"Great!I love you,Bye!"He said

"I love you too!"She said and ended the call.


After his meeting was over Kartik drove straight to Singhania Sadan.

When Kartik was about to head inside he saw Mishti sitting on the steps.

"Mishti?what are you doing here?"he questioned.

"Naira di and her team started their practice.I didn't want to disturb them!"she replied

"What?I mean Naira said she needs one more person"Kartik said

"Haa but one guy came and said he is interested so Di let him join the group.They just started practicing a while back!"Mishti said standing up.

"And you also know him!He also graduated with you guys!"Mishti said.

"Graduated with us?who is that?"Kartik asked.

"Come on I will show you!"Mishti said and took him inside.

They went in but Kartik couldn't see the faces as their back's were facing towards his side.

He saw Naira but was unable to see her dance partner's face.

Everyone in the team moved to the sides when naira and that guy did some main steps.

In the end before they stopped that guy twirled Naira and that was when Kartik saw who that guy was.

"What the hell?!Raghav is Naira's dance partner!"He said shock.


Hey Guys!

Hope you liked the chapter!❤️

And I have two plots on how to take this book further so you guys choose which one you want

a) end this book on a good note and in that way it will end within two chapters.

b) a small separation will happen between kaira and a small leap will be shown and then their marriage will take place and in that case this book will have around 15 to 20 more chapters.

Comment down which option you guys want :)

Do vote and comment!💓

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