I can't speak. Mainly because I don't even know what to say, but also, the petty side of me doesn't want to say anything.
"Charlie, this is Julie our club president," Jared says, "the one I told you that also lived down in Fairview." I almost want to snort out a laugh at Jared. Oh man he really doesn't have the slightest clue.
Charlie doesn't say anything, wearing a small smile as Jared talks his ear off. But his eyes. Those damn hazel, gentle, eyes are on me. I glance at his hand that is holding my bookbag. As if realizing what I'm looking at, he brings his hand up, motioning it to me.
"Your stuff," he tells me.
I grab my bag but can't help the racing in my heart as Charlie's hand lightly grazes mine. "Thanks," I manage to mumble out but I don't meet his eyes, instead I merely turn around toward Savannah and cue her to start the meeting.
The rest of the meeting goes fairly well. Savannah and I alternate speaking; I feel like I've regained my composure, ignoring the fact that Charlie is here and he's staring–no burning holes right through me with those damn hazel, gentle eyes. In the middle of group discussion, Charlie gets a phone call and leaves the room to answer in the hallway. When the meeting is adjourned he isn't back. I pack my things and head out with the rest of the club members for dinner. On our way out, Charlie is nowhere to be seen in the hallways, not that I care or anything.
My phone buzzes with a text from Victor who lets me know he has a table for us ready at our campus' Taco Bell. It is then that I realize that I hadn't spoken to Victor nor told him about my day. He'll be earning an earful, that's for sure. When we arrive at the Taco Bell, Victor waves me over, with a smile on his face. He usually joins our weekly club meetings, but as an RA in Freshman dorms, the first week always keeps him busy.
"Hey you," he greets and I respond with a hey back. Everyone drops off their belongings at the table before forming a line to order.
"Let's go get us some Crunchwraps," Victor says excitedly and stands up.
"Wait, we need to talk," I tell him and he sits down, a nervous look on his face.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
I narrow my eyes slightly and just stare at him, checking to see if he'll say aloud what we're both thinking.
"Jules?" he questions. He won't bring it up because he's not sure if he's right. I groan.
"Why didn't you tell me..."
"Hey cuz." My eyes go from Victor to Charlie, who has somehow found us. How? Wasn't he already gone? Then my eyes travel to the person behind him. Jared. Of course.
"Charlie," Victor says alarmed and then his eyes go on me, sending me a telepathic message: sorry. "I thought you weren't coming for another week. Why didn't you tell me you were here?"
Charlie shrugs. "Been busy settling in."
Victor nods. "Right," he says then adds, "How did you find us?"
At this Charlie turns his head toward Jared's direction who has now gotten in line, oblivious to what he has done, joking around with other members of the club. "Made a friend and he invited me. We actually had class together in the morning with Julie." His eyes go to me and I can't help but look away. "Anyways he's nice, though I wonder if I'll be able to keep up since he's quite energetic."
I attempt not to laugh. Jared is the most energetic, outgoing, silly person I know. He's fun to be around, never a dull moment; and I can't help but wonder what this duo will be like since Charlie is a lot more mellow and serious. He's in for a ride, that's for sure.
"That's Jared for you," Victor comments, his voice playful but I can feel how stiff his body is beside me. "Glad you're here cuz. After club meetings we usually have dinner, then go bowling downstairs."
Could this get any more awkward? If the ground would swallow me up now I'd be thankful.
"We should get in line then," Victor says and Charlie nods as we all get up.
"I'm gonna go wash my hands. Can you get my usual?" I tell Victor and he nods and I walk away, ignoring Charlie's steady eyes on me.
When I'm back there's an empty seat beside Victor. Charlie is adjacent to him. I take my seat and thank Victor for the food. Thanks to Jared the atmosphere is no longer awkward, and I'm thankful because I wasn't sure I would bear it. Charlie is quiet most of the time, but nods along to Jared who is telling a ridiculous story, something funny that I just can't focus on. When everyone is done eating we clean up to head down to the bowling alley. Victor tugs on me while everyone else is distracted, "We can leave if you want."
My eyes meet his. "I feel bad if I leave, it's a club tradition."
"You guys coming?" Savannah calls out and everyone else including Charlie looks at us.
Before I have time to answer Victor says, "Not tonight. Jules is not feeling too good, you know, Taco Bell and all."
My head whips toward his direction and I glare at him, the corner of his lips lift upward and I know he wants to laugh.
"Feel better Jules," Savannah says and everyone echoes after her.
"Bye guys, have fun." I wave as I watch them head downstairs and then my eyes lock with Charlie's. My fingers tingle and it takes everything in me to look away; something close to a magnetic force pulling me towards him but I fight it as I walk away with Victor.
Outside my apartment building Victor pulls me back before going in.
"Julie, I'm sorry."
"You should've just told me you know. Would've saved me the embarrassment from this morning."
"What happened?"
My body cringes as I think of myself running away from Charlie.
"Let's not get into it," I say, "It's whatever now."
"He's just finishing the semester here before graduation because his dad needs him at the hotel before he goes back abroad."
I ignore this information. I don't need to know what he's been up to or what his plans are. It's none of my business and has nothing to do with me.
"It doesn't matter," I tell him, "Really it's not a big deal."
Victor gives me a skeptical look. "You don't...still have feelings for him. Do you?"
I shriek out a laugh, much too obvious for my liking. "Of course not." The look on Victor's face doesn't change.
"I can tell him something if you want. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything. He's got to understand."
"It's okay," I reassured him, "Really."
"Well, anything you need just tell me and I'll make it happen, okay?"
"Thanks Victor," I say and give him a hug. "I appreciate it."
"Okay the telescopes are set up," Victor says. We're outside the observatory from the Molina Science Center, setting up for the Annual Stargazing Night for the Astronomy Club. Savannah and Dylan are setting up blankets and Jared is on his way with some pizzas.
"Perfect," I say, feeling giddy, "I love this night."
Victor smiles cheekily. "I know you do. Lucky for you, you have the connections to do it here."
I roll my eyes. "You're not my connection," I joke, "Your dad will let me do anything here. I'm pretty sure I'm his favorite."
"Whatever," he says and we both let out a chuckle.
The weekend has come, thankfully, though the week went painfully slow - specifically my 7AM class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays that I share with Charlie. Now that Jared has declared himself as Charlie's bestie, they sit together in class, which I am beyond thankful for. But Jared, being Jared, includes me in everything with them. I wonder if he can't feel the awkward tension between Charlie and I. Is that even possible? The tension is so deep and intense I'm sure our other classmates have noticed. Jared must be oblivious.
When everyone has arrived we eat and talk, sharing stories, and mainly laughing at the bickering between Jared and Dylan. Somehow those two, though much alike, find it hard to get along. I don't fail to notice Charlie's absence, though I'm thankful for it. When time comes, we take turns with the telescopes, using our star maps searching for different celestial bodies. My camera is set up and I take pictures here and there, waiting for the perfect moment to capture the starry night.
The night continues and we're settled on the blankets, stargazing. Victor, who is beside me, gets up. "I'll be back, my dad is asking for some help inside." I nod and watch him go. I continue to take in the view, smiling, because the feeling resonating inside as I stargaze with my club members is euphoric.
Then, ever so swiftly a person lays beside me. My head turns, staring at him intently, my insides flipping with great turmoil, as I watch him lay back, resting, as his hands go behind his head in a relaxed position. I gulp the big lump that has formed in my throat and look back up at the sky but each time I blink a flash of the past reveals in my mind. The meadow. His self-made telescope. Flashes of us stargazing beside each other, and some even cuddled up with each other. I shudder and shut my eyes tight until all I see is black. He hasn't said or done anything and yet I'm in a frenzy, trying my best to compose myself and hide the fact that I am so deeply affected just by his mere presence.
"Reminds me of old times," Charlie whispers. I stop breathing. Could he tell what I was thinking?
My head whips his direction and I wish I hadn't because I find that he is closer than I thought. Eyes fixed on me and I almost jolt away as a reflex.
"Don't you think so?" he whispers again. His minty breath tickles my nose. I wonder if he can hear my heart leaping out of my chest.
I don't say anything, my heart beating so fast I might just throw up. When I finally muster the courage to say something I am interrupted by Victor.
"Charlie," he says, "You're here." Charlie looks up at him and smiles.
"Yeah, I had to take care of some business at the hotel, so I got here late." Charlie doesn't get up and I wonder if he knows that was Victor's spot. Victor looks at me, unsure of what to do or say. I don't know what kind of relationship these two cousins have at this moment. Mainly because Victor and I both avoid talking about Charlie, though I know that Victor sees him from time to time. I realize, though, that they must be on good terms, both of them much more mature than they would've acted back in high school.
It has become awkward though, Victor standing between us, and Charlie not moving an inch. Almost too unbearable to handle, I stand up and say, "You can lay here. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I don't wait for a response before I walk away.
I'm waltzing around the Science Center, glancing at different artifacts, mainly hiding out because I don't know what to do once I go outside and meet that awkward tension again when I hear Victor's dad, Mr. Molina, or as he has countlessly told me to call him, Roberto, on the phone arguing with someone.
"You can't do this to me! Think about the community of Fairview! The Molina Science Center has been a part of the community for years now. And I know money is tight right now but I strongly disagree that closing down is the right choice."
Closing down the Science Center? My heart drops. No! That can't happen. I don't realize how long I'm there until suddenly I see Mr. Molina coming into my visual perception. I glanced up at him, caught red-handed.
"Julie," he says, startled.
"Hi," I smile wearily.
"You heard that conversation, didn't you?"
"Sorry," I admit, "I didn't mean to."
He sighs tiredly. "It's okay."
"Is the Science Center getting closed down?" I can't help asking. I know it's none of my business but this place means a lot to me. To Will. To Charlie.
Mr. Molina sighs. "Not on my watch. Just...don't tell anyone for now. I don't want anyone to worry." I nod in agreement then tell him, "If there's anything I can do to help please let me know. The Astronomy Club cares deeply about this place." He gives me a smile, but it doesn't meet his eyes.
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