I think it has become a continuity now of me to get absent from posting. But what can I do, I wanna write this story finely and perfectly and so I can not make any mistake in haste.
So here is the part. A long part, hope you like it...
The first thing came to Suvro's mind after getting up in the morning was the absence of Tuli. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, an acidic feel filled inside his mouth. For not even once Tuli had looked up at him. For not even once even just for the sake of her parents, she asked him to stay. Though he had no intention to stay and pile on her yet a word from her would make his just the whole month.
Sitting up on the bed Suvro ran his fingers through his hairs roughly and picked up the phone. Lazily scrolling through the notifications, emails and the news feed the thought of taking a leave from the work today came in his mind. Maybe he should stay home back and drop by at Tuli in the evening or something.
But at the very next moment, he refused the idea. He was not some Majnu in his wife's love, God helps him!
Taking a quick shower and threw some dress on. By then Chaya had the breakfast all served. She thought last night he wouldn't be back but when she asked yesterday morning he gave her a poker look and she got her answer.
The cold sower had simulated all the nerves in Suvro's body accelerating his mood.
Man Kolkata was burning. And it was just the beginning of April. Summer was yet to come officially. What would happen when May would strike its 'hot wings' one could imagine!
Looking at Tuli's empty room while munching the breakfast Suvro debated on whether to call her or not.
Chaya noticed all the changing expression on Suvro's face. She had so many questions to ask but wasn't sure if that would be an intrusion. She knew things were not right, from the very beginning otherwise why would a newly wedded bride slit her wrist or why would the couple sleep on different beds.
And she was worried. She had seen the boy growing up in front of her eyes and the girl too. They were friends! What must have happened?
Sitting inside the car and before gearing it up Suvro fished out his mobile and after another round of hesitation, he dialled his wife's number finally.
The device kept ringing and eventually turned into dead tone but Tuli didn't pick up. Suvro looked at the mobile screen for some moment and then dialled the number again.
This time too it went on ringing until the last ring when Tulika's mother picked it up.
"Suvro, yah... Tulika has gone to the washroom so she was unable to pick up." She uttered the lie while glaring at her daughter who was sitting on the bed stubbornly with a fuming face still looking at the place where the cellphone was ringing. "But here now she is." Her mother continued speaking. "Here."
It was not hard for Suvro to understand what really was going on, he knew Tulika's approach towards him better than anyone else. So he opened his mouth to stop Mrs Sengupta and thought of taking the pieces of information of his wife from his mother in law instead. But her wife was already handed the phone with a jab.
"Talked to him. He is your husband." Tulika's mother mouthed stubbornly.
Shooting death glances at her Tulika's grip around the cellphone grew tighter. Then when her mother won't leave she placed the phone on her ear.
"What is it?" She growled, still glaring at her mother, who smiled seeing her daughter talking and left the room.
"Umm... nothing I was just wondering like...you know... if... if..." Suvro found it difficult to form a reply in return of the growl. Forming a knit of eyebrows on Tuli's forehead.
Suvro sighed running her fingers through his hair in frustration.
"Nothing! I was just wondering if you have done breakfast or not." He murmured placing his hade on his palm.
"It's my own house isn't it an obvious thing that I'll be fed here. My parents are there to think about it..." she hissed.
"Yah... I just..." he pinched the bridge of his nose closing his eyes, "I was just checking..."
"Or showing off, that oh my god look how much I care for you daughter!"
The acidic feeling again raised through her mouth as he flinched and made a face at her words. "People enquiries even out of humanity Tuli, and I am your husband!" He replied like a stabbed animal. The answer came out somewhat like a yearning.
Why did she always do this???
"Well stop being one!" She yelled up. "Don't you get it? Stop piling on me, stop nagging me, stop... stop you these dramas at once! I don't want you! I will never ever love you no matter what you do! Cause I know your reality Suvro. And your real face has been revealed infront of me, so no matter what you pretend to do nothing but disgust would dig it up. So for the sake of sanity stop these these schemes of yours! And let me be!!!" She stopped at her voice broke.
She was screaming, and her voice increased with each word she uttered. The fuming rage inside her was burning every nerve in her and to sooth that tears gushed out of her eyes.
He, on the other end of the phone call, was listening to each word clearly and with all his senses. His ears were burning as he sat hanging his head. His knuckles went pale and blood clotted around them as his grip grew tighter aroung the steering wheel. A nerve at his temple started throbbing badly.
He sighed making him realize that he was listening to her holding his breath.
Some moments passed in utter silence after Tuli's monologue. She was shedding the tears in a side still holding the phone on her ear.
On the other side of the line, he sat quietly listening to her sobs.
Some moment passed on like that until Suvro cleared the clot that had formed inside his throat. His temple was throbbing so badly.
"I'll come there by tomorrow morning."
His voice ranged her ears and the line went dead. She sat there with the phone in her hand looking at it guiltily. She was unsure how to feel about the information she got. But she was sure of the pain she had inflicted on him.
He exsalarated the car to nowhere...
So, here it was! Now vote! Vote! Vote! and please comment if you have liked it...
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