Getting Closer

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The Lightfoot boys and [Y/n] continued on their adventure, following whatever the Ravens were pointing.

They walked through vast landscapes all day long, and at night, in a heavy rainstorm, they marched on.

The sun peeked out from behind the cloud on the second day.

Ian glanced at it, and then reached into his pocket, pulling out his Dad’s letter.

He looked at his Dad, and walked forward with determination in each step.

The adventurers came to their final Raven, which was standing with it’s beak facing downwards.

They walked closer to it, to see a small golden pedestal under it, where the raven’s the was pointing.

They knelt around it, and Barley started trying to pull it out.

Ian looked closer at the pedestal to see a small reflection.


He wiped off the surface of the pedestal to see a small reflection of a clover on the raven.

Ian looked up and walked closer to the Raven, placing his hand on the clover shape on the raven’s chest.

He pressed the clover and it fell off, landing in his hand.

“Oh.” [Y/n] said.

“You see that, Dad? The apprentice has become the master.” Barley said as Ian walked back over to them.

On the clover was the drawing of some wavy lines and a X at the end.

“It looks like water.” [Y/n] pointed out.
They all turn to the flowing stream beside them.

The four followed the flowing water to small cave, with the stream still flowing down the cave.

“So, what's the, uh, X mean?” Ian asked as they came to the entrance of the cave.

“On a quest, an X only means one thing. We go to the end of the water, we'll find that Phoenix Gem.” Barley said, pulling the vines from the entrance of the cave.

The group entered the cave, abd Ian made fire with his staff, Barley taking some of the fire and putting it on a stick.

[Y/n] took the torch from him, and pointed it forward. But suddenly, three wild unicorns growled and charged at them, making them scream.


The adventurers walked on, with [Y/n] leading the way, holding the torch.

Barley opened up a bag of chips, and ate one, then gave to Ian who also ate one, and then placed one in [Y/n]'s mouth.

[Y/n] raised the torch to reveal a wall filled with different drawings of magic spells.

The largest was one of a wizard, holding his staff, his outfit complete with a robe and a hat.

The teens looked at the drawings in awe.



“I so wish I had my tablet right now.”

They walked for a while, until Ian suddenly stopped, making Barley and [Y/n] turn to him.

“This water could go on for miles. We don't have that kinda time.” Ian said, looking at his watch to see that the time said; “5: 42

“If we had something to float on, we could cast a velocity spell on it, fly down the tunnel like a magic jet ski.” Barley said.

“Well, there's not much to float on.” [Y/n] said.

“Remember, on a quest, you have to use what you've got.” Barley said, looking around.

He was about to put another chip in his mouth, when he got an idea.

“Magnora Gantuan!”


The chip turned bigger, with the teens and Will on top.


Ian casted on the chip, making it speed down the river.


“This is actually kinda cool.” Ian admitted.

“Kinda?” [Y/n] asked, as she attached the torch to the front of boat.

“Okay it’s really cool.” Ian said, making [Y/n] roll her eyes.

“So, what other spells do you know?” Ian asked, turning to Barley.

“Brace yourself, young mage. I know all there is to know of magic.” Barley said.

“Colt, we know where the kids are going. We just have to get to them before they unleash the curse.”

Laurel said to Colt over the phone as she drove.

The what?” Bronco asked.

“Let's crush some curses!” Cory exclaimed excitedly, as she chugged down an energy drink.

“The curse. The curse that protects the gem by turning into a rock dragon or something.” Laurel answered.

A what dragon?” Bronco asked.

“I can't explain it. I just know we have to get to the kids fast.”

“Oh, we'll get to them fast. We'll get to them so fast.” Cory said, opening another energy drink, bouncing in her seat as she drank it.

Laurel snatched the drink from her, pouring it away.

Well, I almost had 'em, but Ian, he just drove off.” Bronco said.

“Huh. Good for him.” Laurel replied.


“No, I just mean he's scared to drive. Thinks something's gonna come at him out of the...”

Suddenly, something crashed into her windshield.

Laurel screamed!

Cory screamed!

The sprite, on the windshield, screamed!

Bronco screamed!

Cory pushed the wiper button, while obstructing Laurel’s view, making Laurel step on the wrong pedal, turning the car away from the road, making it crash in a field.

Cory broke her car door, jumping down.

“Oh! I think I stung my leg.”

Laurel, what happened? What's going on?” Bronco asked over the phone, as Laurel struggled to come down.

“You almost killed me, lady.” The sprite who crashed on the windshield said.

“Are you okay? Where did you come from?” Laurel asked the sprite, adjusting her glasses.

“You were in our flight path.”

Other sprites flew over, helping the sprite up.

“Are you all right?”

“I'm fine.”

“Oh, no. Our transport!” Cory exclaimed, looking at Laurel’s wrecked car.

“How are we going to get to your kids now?”

Laurel looked down, a bit lost.

“Come on, Pixie Dusters, let's take to the skies.” The sprites all flew off.


“I was born to fly!”

Laurel watched the pixies as they flew off, suddenly getting an idea.

She turned to Cory.

“How do you feel about exercising those wings?”

“Boombastia!” Ian said and sparks came out of his staff.

“Ah, remember...…” Barley adjusted Ian’s elbow.

“Oh, right. Boombastia!”

Fireworks emitted from Ian’s staff, lighting up the whole cave.



“Yeah! You're a natural!” [Y/n] said.
Barley smirked, picking off a chip from the boat.

“Think fast.” He threw it at Ian.

“Aloft Elevar!” Ian caught it, and threw it back to him.

“Yeah! Nice!” Barley said, eating it, as they all sat back down.

Barley they started eating chips from the boat.

“Careful how much boat you're eating there, man, we still gotta make it to the end of the tunnel.” Ian said.

“Yeah. Good point.”

Ian glanced back down at his staff, and then suddenly perked up.

“Hey [Y/n]?” She turned to him.

“Why don’t you give it a try?” Ian stretched the staff to her.

[Y/n]'s eyes widen.

“What? No, no, no, no, no. I’m not cut out to be a wizard. I’d rather stick with being a blogging knight.”

“Blogging knight?” Barley asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, with my trusty tablet by my side.” [Y/n] answered making the boys laugh.

“Hey, I can’t believe you sacrificed your tablet. Wasn’t it like your most priced possession?” Ian asked.

“Hmmmn, not really. I mean it only had all of my apps, my games……” She suddenly gasped. “My selfies!"

(If you get that reference, I so love you)

"Oh who am I kidding, my whole life was on that tablet. But……it was for a worthy cause. Right?”

“Right.” Barley replied, winking at her.

Ian smiled and then looked over to his Dad, who sat with his legs crossed.

“I can't believe I'm this close to actually talking to Dad.” Ian said.

“You know what I'm gonna ask him? If he ever gave himself a wizard name.” Barley said.

“What?” Ian asked.

“Well, cause he was into magic. Lots of wizards have cool names. Alora the Majestic! Birdar the Fanciful!”

“Iandore the Brave?” [Y/n] asked, nudging Ian with her elbow, making him laugh.

“Yeah right.”

“Anyway, it'll just be nice to have more than four memories of him.” Barley said.

“Uh, three.” Ian said.


“You only have three memories.” [Y/n] said.

“Oh, yeah.” Barley agreed.

“Barley, do you have another memory of Dad you haven't told us?” Ian asked.

“No, it's………just not my favorite.”

Barley said, his face dropping.

Ian and [Y/n] exchanged a look.

“What do you mean?” Ian asked.
Barley sighed and took off his hat.

“When Dad was sick……I was supposed to go in………and say goodbye to him. But he was hooked up to all these tubes……and he just didn't look like himself. I got scared………and I didn't go in.”

Ian and [Y/n] looked at him with sad eyes.

“That's when I decided I was never gonna be scared ever again.”

“Barley……” [Y/n] started, but then stopped when light suddenly shone ahead.

“Oh.” Barley cleared his throat. “Looks like we're coming up on something.”

The boat floated into another cave, which had huge statues of different wizards, standing on the left and right of the river.

The boat suddenly came to shore, and stopped in front of a large gateway.

Barley gasped in awe.

“The final gauntlet.”

The teens stepped down from their boat, with [Y/n] holding on to Will.

They entered through the gateway, coming to a long passageway.

There were skeletons lying on the floor, each carrying some sort of weapon.

“The Phoenix Gem is just on the other side.” Barley said.

Ian glanced at his watch to see that the time said; “2:13

“Careful, there could be booby traps.”

“This place is, like, 1,000 years old. There's no way there could be...…”

Ian screamed when his Dad’s top part flew passed him.

Will had stepped on a trap, which had activated an axe that sliced his top part off.

Suddenly, the ceiling opened, revealing some sort of greenish substance.

Barley gasped in amazement and horror.

“Oh, no.”

The greenish substance dropped from the ceiling, taking the form of a giant square.

“It can't be.”

Floating inside where different weapons, and skeletal body parts.

“A gelatinous cube!”

The cube started creeping forward, and stepped on Will’s top part, sucking it in, before disintegrating it to nothing.

A sound was heard behind them, and the teens turn to see the door on the other side slowly closing.


“Whoa! Wait! It's some kind of puzzle.” Ian said, stopping Ian, looking at the puzzle on the floor.

“We gotta figure it out before...”

“No time. Grab a shield.” Barley said, pushing [Y/n] to the middle, as he and Ian each grabbed a shield.

The boys put the shield at their sides, shielding their Dad, [Y/n] and themselves, as they run down the passageway, arrows flying at them from each side.


[Y/n] yelled stopping them, as they came to an open ground, with spikes poking out.

Ian looked up to see the door, halfway closed.

“Barley jump!”


“Trust me!”

Barley yelled and jumped into the hole.

“Aloft Elevar!” Ian casted the levitation spell, and Barley opened his eyes to see that he was floating over the spikes.

“Ah ha!”

Ian grabbed [Y/n]'s hand as she grabbed Will, and ran across Barley.

Ian tripped, as the gelatinous cube inched closer to Barley.

“Ian.” Barley called out.

Ian grabbed his staff and pulled Barley up, just as the gelatinous cube fell into the hole.

The teens crawled under the door, and pulled Will in, just as it closed up.

“Whew!” Barley said in relief, but then suddenly pulled [Y/n] back.

“Don't step on that.”

[Y/n] looked down to see that she was about to step on a stone with a star on top.

Suddenly, water started flooding the room.

“I didn't touch it.” [Y/n] said, as the boys glanced at her.

The water kept rising, coming up to their ankles.

Ian looked up to see a small tile at the top.

“Voltar Thundasir!” Ian casted, but sparks only emitted.

Barley picked up their Dad and placed him on his shoulders.

The water continued rising, lifting the teens up.

[Y/n] glanced at the tile above, and then suddenly dived into the water, glancing at the one below.

“The tile down there has the same shape as the opening.” She said as she came out.

“Maybe we were supposed to step on it?” Barley said, handing his Dad to Ian.


“I got it.”

“No, Barley!” [Y/n] protested as Barley dived into the water, swimming all the way down.

Barley pushed himself down, stepping on the tile.

The tile above slowly began to open.

“Oh! It's working!” Ian exclaimed.

Barley held his breath for as long as he could, but then came out, gasping for air, making the top close again.

“It's impossible. No one can hold their breath that long.”

The teens glance at each other, an idea forming in theor heads.

Then they pushed Will down, just as the water pushed them closer to the top.

[Y/n] tried guiding Will’s legs to step on the tile, just as the water covered their heads, making them hold their breaths.

[Y/n] guided Will’s legs to the tiles, but he kept missing everytime.

Barley finally held her hand, helping her guide Will’s legs to stand on the tile, opening the top.

The teens climbed out, gasping for air.

They started laughing, as Barley pulled Will up.

“We made it!” [Y/n] said smiling.

Will’s legs came up, shaking off the water on him.


Barley picked up his Dad, placing him over his shoulders.

“The Phoenix Gem awaits beyond this door.” Barley said, pointing at the door just above them, with a ladder leading to it.

“Shall we?”

“We certainly shall!” Ian exclaimed happily, as the teens started climbing the ladder.

“Dad, we have followed the quest, and it has led us to our victory!”

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