What a Year...

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A gentle breeze touched her face, and waved her hair for the thousandth time. Every time she felt him around, she huffed and puffed. Keeping her hands on her hips, blabbering on her lips, munching on her chips, she threatened him again for the thousandth time like he was there in front of her.

"Arnavji? I never have seen a husband like you who ditched his own wife like this. Come in front of me this time, I will roll you like a Jalaibi and stretch you like a rubbery." 

She checked every corner of her house except her room, but there was no sign of him. She couldn't even enter her room; his memories were written all over that room. Every time she walked towards the door, her eyes got closed. The only thing she remembered was his face, his eyes, his hands on her lips, and that closeness. His bitterness about this world, but at the same time, his care for his loved ones. He came that night just to help Akash jijaji. [BIL].

What a year they had!

Every hasty decision in their lives brought them closer, increased the intensity of love, and made them true soulmates. But one thing never changed.

His anger. Yes! Arnavji's anger.  

"Laal, Peela, Neela, Gussa like a Sheesh Naag"[ Extreme anger like a Cobra] 

His anger was all his wall against the pain, the inflicted pain by his loved ones. How did he take a promise from her not to leave him? Khushi sat down, thinking of his words. A wave of pain moved her heart.

"Arnavji, " I miss you."  Leaning to the edge of the table, she placed her head on it. Memories were blinking like the fairy lights in front of her eyes.

"What? No, I can't be sulky or doomed for a person who always yells at me, pushes me away like he is over with me, or loves someone else." Somehow the last words started ringing like chiming bells in her head, making her mad with each string. She kept talking to herself and walking vigorously back and forth in the living room.

"Oh, how did I miss it? So, he loves someone else, and why not? He had millions of girlfriends. Lisa, La, Shittal, loser, lying, cheater. hmph!"

Between sitting and standing on the chair, she called him every name out there, but her anger was just rising, and her heart was aching. "Let him come this time, I won't forgive him. I swore to DeviMaiya. I will make him pay." Looking up, keeping her hand on her neck, she swore with determination when she heard the crackers' sound outside. 

She came outside and sat on her stairs to watch the young children enjoying the zest of life. It didn't take her that much time to Join them. In a few minutes, Khushi forgot her every pain, anger, and reason for being upset. All she had in mind was how to play with crackers to beat Happyji, his team, and young children. 

She decorated her yard with Happyji and kids, proving to herself that she could spend this beautiful time with all the glory. She doesn't need Arnav. No Ar.Nav. Ji! 

She had no idea while staging the twinkling lights, and she was constantly humming and rhyming his name. Happyji and the kids were helping her to undo the knotted lights but stopped after getting tired. She looked at the window and stopped for a while. The last year's memory just reeled in front of her eyes again!

His hand on her mouth!

His eyes fixed on her eyes!

His closeness increased her heartbeat!

Her craziness, his concerns!

But their inner wish to see each other at the stroke of twelve came true, and this year when they were one, their heartbeats knew each other's wish like no one out there, but he was crushing her wish badly. 

She had no idea of the rolling tears on her cheeks. A sudden sound of the crackers brought her back to reality, and she became irritated by the fact that she couldn't take him off of her brain. In her anger, she picked up all the knotted twinkling lights and placed those in front of the window.

"Now you won't be able to come to say a pathetic sorry even."

She was fooling herself the moment children ran to their houses, hearing the scolding of their mothers, the sadness delved into her. Happyji wished her a happy new year and went with his team for celebrating the moment. She entered her home and closed the door, wondering where Buaji had gone. Five minutes were remaining before starting the new year when her phone rang.

Khushi picked up, thinking of Jiji without looking at the screen, but her mouth stayed open, hearing the voice on the other side.


"Arnavji, what happened? Her instant worried voice got halted instantly, hearing Arnav's shallow voice.

" I am stuck in the window, and please come quick." 

"Hold on? Window, What window? How did you get stuck in the window? Arnavji, if I were not home, it doesn't mean you have to play hide and seek with Om Parkash. And if this is your trick, then let me tell you, I am not home. I am with Buaji and not coming to rescue you. So call Om Parkash to save you and your window." Without listening further, she turned off her phone. She completely forgot about her own window and the fairy lights she had left there.

Muttering all sorts of things, she started walking back and forth in the living room. Hands in the air, flinging them left to right, she threw her tantrum like a child. Slamming both her hands on the table, she sat with her seething mind. Just in a few seconds, she closed her eyes and exhaled through her circular lips and puffy cheeks. "Don't be mad, Khushi, he can't ruin your miserable night anymore. He wanted me away, so be it. Don't you dare run on a guilt trip? That is what he wants. Nope, I can't let him win. Good, he is stuck in the window; let him sleep with the pigeons. Let Lakshmiji help him or DeviMaiya." 

A short memory loss turned into an ouch instantly. "Is he really stuck in our window?" 

Running towards her room, in no time, she opened the door. Her hand went to the switch, but nothing turned on. "Hey, DeviMaiya, what if he is hurt?." Now the worries rushed through them, and she ran to open the window. Looking vigorously everywhere, she didn't find him anywhere.

Her heart was about to lose her last hope when the lights turned on. She turned out instantly, and the next moment she laughed without thinking. The vision in front of her was enough to melt every inch of angsty ice. 

Arnav Singh Raizada stood there entangled with fairy lights from head to toe. Folding his hands over his chest, he kept looking at her, first being a little upset and then being amazed. How could he remain angry with her? He chuckled along with her hearing her carefree giggles.

Every curve of her body was sparkling with happiness. The moonlight outside felt dimmer than her. The exact moment she turned around while calling her sister behind closed eyes came back alive. That night she was smiling for her sister, but tonight, she was laughing over him, for him, with him.

It felt different.

It felt soothing.

 It was a sound he felt he hadn't heard in a thousand years, and it was a sound he would wait for another thousand to hear. He walked closer and leaned a bit further. His hand held her by her waist and pulled her towards him. Their breaths were mingling. If a kiss could be seen, I think it would feel like a violet whisper, a little husky with a friction of intimacy the way it felt at this moment.

He leaned sideways and whispered in her ear.

 Short and sweet. 

"Happy New Year, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada."


Ok, Folks, Here I leave you with our crazy Sanka Devi.😘 and her crazy Arnavji, Love them.

Will Khushi forgive him, or he came for seeking forgiveness? Will they make up or fight? Where is Buaji? What will happen for the rest of the night? ⏲ We will see you next time.⏰

Don't forget to vote and comment...❤ thanks for stopping by. 

Stay Safe, and be thankful for every breath of your life.😘

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