Saryuu Evans X (OC) Hoshi Wanaka

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Wanaka could do nothing but stand on the far away corner unseen as Saryuu turned to darkness, she didn't say anything and she didn't do anything to stop him, she couldn't.

She stood with a clenched heart as Saryuu wiped away Fei's memories and sent him to stop El Dorado, but this time the reason of why she didn't stop him was different, she was afraid that if she did, he'd vanish.

"Wanaka" Saryuu flashed her a gentel smile, and if she hadn't known him as well as she did, she'd be convinced he was the old Saryuu, though admittedly, he did act like the old Saryuu most of the time.

"H-Hai?" She asked walking to his side with a tilt in her head, she had wondered what he wanted.

"The Fedia are going to fight El Dorado Now, hmm," he smiled patting the girls head lightly "Stay here Okay?" No matter what, Saryuu wanted his Wanaka to be safe.

The girl blinked lightly as an unnoticeable blush made it's way to her cheeks, but nodded nonetheless, "Hai.." she wouldn't want Saryuu to worry.


It was when the last match against Raimon accrued that Wanaka gathered enough courage to go against him, against Saryuu, it was when he used his mind control that she gathered such courage "SARYUU!!" She yelled out surprising everyone, Even Saryuu himself was so taken aback that he released his grip on his mind control. "STOP!" She stepped up on the field, by now tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Fei turned to her surprised, she was Saryuu's closest frie-- no she was his girlfriend, he'd expect her to be the only one that'd stay by his side at all times.

"You might be a Second Stage Child.." She spoke fighting her tears "B-but, I'm human just like the rest! You're not treating them right, they, no, we, might not understand... but that is no way to treat us, isn't it the same way we treated you? Isn't this--" she pointed at everything as to emphasis his doings "--Why y-you called u-us monsters?! STOP! Stop Saryuu stop...!" By now she was a sobbing mess on the ground.

"Wanaka--" Meia had attempted to stop her and reassure her by placing a hand on her shoulder but was taken aback when Wanaka screamed.

"No! No! Don't touch me...! I have to do this!" The girl cried out making the Meia retract the hand that stood inches away from Wanaka's shoulder and nod in understanding.

Wanaka stood up shakily, knees bumping to one another in the process "I.... I.. regret never stopping you! B-but... I.. couldn't..! I didn't have it in me! I didn't... I didn't want you to vanish..." By now she Wanaka had her head down her red eyes covered by her bangs "With Every fight you hold against El Dorado I'm always reminded... that you're going to die soon.., and.. and I, as selfish as it sounds... only ever wanted to spend as much time as I could with you...!

"You're not the only one pained... we all are, Fei made friends who he has to fight now, I-I am dying every second on the inside! Because I know y-y-you're going to d-die..!  Tenma and the others are pained to have to use soccer as a war method of sorts! Humanity is pained that it might end... every one here is pained! So stop... we might not understand... but.. but we all.. we all.. have one thing in common... and even.. even if it isn't a positive thing.. it's there.. we're.. we're all pained..." her tears hit the ground and this time she made no attempt to stop them from falling as she clenchedher fists by her side.

Her words, Wanaka's words worked wonders in Saryuu, it's like the wake-up call he never knew he needed. He stopped. He looked at Wanaka, his dear beloved Wanaka, and ran to the girl, he embraced her and soon enough, his own tears had started to fall "Wanaka...."

"Saryuu..." and their names, was the only assurance they needed, that everything was alright, as they held weight, and alot of unspoken words, the most important of them being 'thank you' and 'I love you'.

After all of it was over, all of Fedia took the vaccine to rid themselves of their powers, and Wanaka was more than delighted to know that Saryuu and her had a bright future ahead waiting for them. She was glad, glad that she had mustered enough courage at the right moment.

"Let's go, Wanaka" he lightly kissed her forehead turning her bright red.


He grinned, she was way to shy, but he loved her for it, "I love you"

Wanaka, if possible turned even redder one could say her cheeks were competing against her eyes "I-I L-L-Love you too..." she managed to stutter out quietly as she looked at her feet.

"Then let's go! We got a date waiting!" He held her hand pulled her along as he ran, poor, poor Wanaka.


"Shush and run!"

And so they did, they ran, but Wanaka knew that their date wasn't the only thing they were running torwards but for once a future waiting ahead, and for whatever it holds she knew that they'd be ready, they'd fight it together, hand in hand.


Lunar: Done! This one-shot was requested byyyyy:
The gorgeous RekkaNoKen

Fudou: hey! I thought I was the only gorgeous one in your eyes.

Lunar: you're my gorgeous she's Saryuu's gorgeous, there's a difference, right Saryuu?

Saryuu: Yes... *blushes*

Lunar: I never thought that I'd see Saryuu blush in my life....

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