Eyes like those of snakes, bright green in colour with slanted pupils. Her skin glowed with centuries of kisses by none other than the sun. Stars like those of the galaxies adorned her, cheeks across her nose, stars she called freckles but to Kidou they were much more. Her hair a wavy dark blue, put in two ponytails at all times seemed to perfectly frame her face, and Kidou couldn't help but see this beautiful creature, human, as anything but a goddess.
What brought those memories along, memories of when he starred at her hard and long studying each feature in her face and almost each pore in her skin was the fact that it today happened to mark their first year anniversary ever since they got married.
Kidou won't admit it, but pleasing a goddess was hard hard in this case was an understatement, especially when the goddess of your life happens to be extremely childish maybe Kidou thought maybe she was a trickster goddess after all but Kidou wouldn't complain as he loved Her, he loved everything about her, from the way her eyes twinkeled when she was happy to how they formed the most intimidating glare when she was angry. Kidou could complain, but he wouldn't.
He breathed in as he reached the gates of Raimon the nostalgia hitting him, no slamming at him like the cold wind in the Antarctic (he was a penguin against such wind). He smiled tightening his grip on the navy blue roses he brought to emphasis the rarity of his significant other in between of every 5 navy blue roses laid a red one to emphasis the passion and love (Kidou meant more than one passion with that, as nothing could top their argumentive passion).
"Kidou-Kantakou!" A boy with swirls of wind for hair greeted, of course with that usual cheerfulness he adorned and that passion in his Eyes, Kidou swore that the boy was the love child of Endou and soccer.
"Tenma" he acknowledged the boy with a curt nod "And didn't I tell you not to call me Kantakou anymore? I'm no longer your coach"
"You were our coach once! And you helped us improve alot in our soccer! That's enough to let you keep your title" right, Tenma was after all another Endou Kidou reminded himself, there was no reasoning with such a boy. "Say, Kidou-Kantakou, can I ask you a question?"
"I don't know? Can you?" Chiharu must've grown on him, she might've been a science teacher but she still held that annoying trait. "Just kidding, of course you can" and Tenma, Kidou noted, almost let out a breath of relief.
"Well, not to come off as rude...." Tenma rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly really hoping his question wouldn't come off as rude "what are you doing here?" And Kidou broke into a grin I shouldn't do that again noted the culprit as Tenma seemed to be creeped out.
"Its mine's and Chiharu's first year anniversary since we got married" at that Tenma not only looked surprised but utterly terrified.
"K-Kidou-Kantakou, you and Chiharu-sensei are married?!"
"Heck yes they are A blob of orange hair which belonged to his brother-in-law came to view "Unfoutantly" Rin quickly added of course he would Kidou thought to himself sarcastically to which Rin shot him a glare, right he had a long way to get used to the Yoshidas.
"I guess that answered your question" Kidou Said turning to face Tenma then starting to walk away to get into the building. He couldn't wait to see Chiharu.
Kidou waited, Where? Outside Chiharu's damned classroom, Why? Because she wouldn't allow him inside. He knew for a fact that if he valued his --at the moment-- pathetic existence, he wouldn't dare enter after she shot him a glare from behind those rimmed glasses of hers, and the door.
Soon enough the bell for lunch rang and the students rushed out passing Kidou without sparing him a Second glance, and at last after all the students went put Chiharu came to stand in front of Kidou, he was in trouble, he knew that from her stance, hands on her hips and a look she'd give her students once they failed to submit their homework and for the first time in his life, the genius game maker Kidou Yuuto was confused, cutting through the cloud of confusion whirling his mind came Chiharu's voice "What brings you here?"
Kidou disregarded his confusion and grinned towards her shoving the flowers which previously had been behind his back up in front of him almost to her face (a bouquet of a hundred roses Kidou spent hella alot on them, not like it mattered as he was basically made of money)
"what're these for?" She asked tilting her head lightly, it was her turn to be consumed by the cloud of confusion.
"Dont tell me you forgot...?" He asked looking at her as if she had grown two heads in which in this case he truly believed that maybe the Yoshidas did have two heads which took control over the body every once in a while, he wouldn't put it past the weird family.
"1) my family isn't weird, 2) what did I forget? 3) no we do not have two heads which switch to take control over our bodies"
Kidou disregarded the first and last point and went straight ahead to answering her question "Its our first year anniversary"
Chiharu looked at him belwirded in a mood that screamed should I throw myself out of a building?! "Yuuto you idiot, our anniversary is next month"
And in the distance the sound of laughter could be heard followed by a high five by Rin and Ren. Oh they did good messing up that calender.
Lunar: this one-shot was requested by my amazing dear friend who's totally lovely Tokyo_Cupcakes!!
Fudou: I'm so tempted to say it sucked.
Lunar: you're just salty that it was Kidou that got requested.
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