Y/n pov:
I sighed sadly, it was Jirou and I's one-year anniversary, though he seemed to have forgot all about it.
I texted him yet again, this was my 33rd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 37th text, yet I still got no reply.
After a few minutes of waiting, I decided to sleep so I could pass the time, and so I layed down dozing off into dream land.
Sakuma Pov:
I paced around double-checking everything in my Mind,
The beach, Check
Table, Check
Food, Check
Candles, Check
My suit, Check
Necklace, Check
All that was left was is for Kidou to give Y/n the dress I got her "All righty then I'll call him"
I dialled his number and with a few rings he picked up "Is it time?" He asked.
At first I nodded but then realised how stupid that was and said "Yes, it is".
"Alright then, we'll be there in an hour" he ended the call as I sighed anxiously.
Y/n pov:
A knock sounded on my door waking me from my slumber, I made my way down stairs could it be Jirou, maybe he hasn't forgotten after all I thought smiling, I opened the door, "Oh, Kidou" I greeted disappointed.
"Hey Y/n, were you expecting someone else? You seem disappointed"
"Oh no not at all, come in" I said making way as I took notice of the package he was holding.
He gave me the package as he slumped onto the couch "wear this" he said making me furrow my eye-brows.
"Why?" I asked.
"Stop asking questions Y/n and wear them" he commanded.
"Geez, okay" I rolled my eyes as I went up stairs.
Placing the pakage on my bed I took off the lid; I gasped, there lay a dress so beautiful along with a pair of earings, heels and a purse.
I got dressed, clipping my earings in place, I grinned, I looked good.
I then went down stairs to show Kidou, Twirling I asked "what do you think?"
"Perfect" he answered "lets go"
"Go where?" I asked to which he grinned.
"You'll see" he said not wiping the grin off his face, he escorted me to a limousine outside -which I'm assuming belonged to him- and knocked on the window, giving the drver a piece of paper he said "take her" then left off walking.
I took a seat.
"What's going on?" I asked the driver.
"I'm afraid I can't answer that Miss Y/n"
I sighed.
*Time skip brought to you by, Sakuma's eye-patch*
As we reached the driver opened the door, I stepped out my eyes-widening at the sight before me, I was at the beach..And there in the middle of the beach was a dimly lit table surrounded by candles, it was breath taking.
As I stood in-front of the table a pair arms wrapped around my neck, it was then that I felt cool metal against my skin, as I glanced downwards I was taken-aback by the necklace that now rested against my collar bones and hanging off my neck.
It was then that the same pair of arns turned me around "happy anniversary, Y/n"
My eyes widened seeing Sakuma in a formal suit, he looked delvishly handsome; so breath taking.
His Forehead rested against mine "so, do you like it?" He asked
"I do" I managed to breathed out
He smiled pecking my lips "that's good to hear, take seat" he took my hand leading me towards our dinner, he then pulled my chair out for me helping me get seated.
He took his place in front of me a smile gracing his face "So" he asked "How's life?" He grinned repeating the first thing he said to me at the time where we first met.
Lunar: This Request was made by the awesome Safichan!! Hope you liked it!
Sakuma: that was sweet
Lunar: thanks! Though I honestly think it sucked *smiles embarrassed*
Fudou: it did
Sakuma: don't listen to him, it was sweet, right Y/n *winks*
Suzuno: I'm stuck doing the disclaimers again.... *sigh* Lunar-san doesn't own you nor the characters, she only owns the plot and any similarities with other plots are coincidental.
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