Fudou Akio x Sakuma Rose

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Rose pov:

I locked myself in a cubicle crying my lungs out, Why didg he have to be so mean?! Someone tell me how I ended up falling for this jerk...

I skipped the halls happily humming along to my favourite song.

I opened up my locker to retrieve my biology textbook as I needed it for my next lesson, but as soon as the lockers door opened I got Soaked right from the top of my head down to my very toes.

My undergarments showed due to the white uniform; everyone laughed as I ran away.
*end of flashback*

Fudou pov:

I felt pretty guilty for what I did though I didn't show it as I laughed, she deserved this for making me so confused.... or did she?

Sakuma punched me "YOU PIECE OF CRAP!" he yelled as he grabbed me by the collar slamming my back against the lockers "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! ROSE HAS NEVER MISTREATED YOU YET YOU DO THAT?! WHY DO YOU HATE HER SO MUCH?!" He screamed in my face as he let me go dropping me to the ground "fūcking bastard" he spat walking away, fuming.

I got up standing in shock, it had been the first time I've ever seen Sakuma this mad, and it wasn't pleasant.

I fixed my Jaw, damn that boy punches hard;I walked away.

Rose pov:

"Rose! ROSE!" I could hear my brother call my name.

I got out of the cubicle and popped my head out of the WCs door "Jirou?" I questioned to which he sighed in relief "there you are!" He then handed me his soccer uniform "wear this" he said ushering me inside.

I stripped off wearing Jirous uniform which was a bit big on me, at least it hid my underwear and bra.

I stepped out and immediately hugged him to which he responded with hugging back "you're a life saviour" I muttered to which he chuckled and replied "I know I am"

*Time skip brought to you by... Fudous Mohawk hair-cut*

Fudous pov:

Soccer practice had just ended, and so I decided to apologise to Rose, Why am I apologising to her?! Fudou the great never apologises! But well this is a special case.....I guess.

I caught Roses wrist and dragged her away into the club room, "Uhhh.... Rose.."

Rose Pov:

"Uhhh.... Rose.." he muttered rubbing the back of his neck, "what is it?" I asked curiously and utterly confused.

"I'm....sorry..." he muttered looking away, wait is that a blush I see on his cheeks?!

"I forgive you..." I said smiling "though can you tell me why you hate me so much?" I ask saddened.

His eyes widened "I-I don't hate you! It's just that you make me feel..... uh, I don't know... weird...? Yeah.."

"Weird?" I asked "How so?"

"Well... I don't know... I'm just so stiff when I'm around you.. and my stomach does this weird thing where it flips.." he said Looking away while blushing.

My cheeks flushed realising what his words meant "Th-That's.... that's love..." I mumbled.

His eyes widened his blush deepening "u-ugh, uhhh... I-I guess I love.. you then.." he said still refusing to look at me.

I smiled brightly "I love you too!" I said as I made the first move attaching my lips into his.

I could feel him gasp against my lips before pulling me closer by the waist and kissing back.


Lunar: This one-shot is requested by a beautiful friend of mine tsurugi14-miya !!
Hope you liked it!

Fudou: it sucked

Lunar: shut up Mohawk!!

Fudou: I'm not a fūcking Mohawk!

Lunar: Idc!

Suzuno: *sigh* guess I'll do the disclaimer, Lunar-san doesn't own any charecter, she only owns the plot and any similarities with other plots it entirely coincidental.

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