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Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
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Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Hakuryuu liked your post
Huh, that's weird... he even liked my old photos...
Maybe if I talk to him....
Lunch tommorow... why did I suggest that? I barely know him...
Ughh whatever, it's about time I made friends in Raimon anyways.
Little did they both know, that was the start of something beautiful, that was where love began to blossom...
5 months later they began going out.
2 years later they graduated.
2 months later they met in the first year of highschool.
4 years later Hakuryuu asked her to prom.
They graduated.
They went to the same university.
2 years later they got engaged.
1 year later they got married.
9 months later Astrid gave birth to beautiful twins, a girl and a boy.
1 year later they celebrated they celebrated their kids's birthday.
2 years later Astrid gave birth to another baby boy, when she did her exact words were "Hakuryuu give me a break!"
They raised their children lovingly side by side as the years past.
They passed on their new-school-plus-instagram love story. First to their children then next to their grandkids.
They grew old together their love never withering.
They lived a complete happy content life. A life with enough happiness and enough sadness to appreciate it, a life with enough health but also sickness to not take it for granted, enough springs but enough falls to admire the flowers, enough summer but enough winter thank the sun.
Lunar: I'm so sorry I almost forgot about it!! I hope you liked it even though it sucked....
This was requested by the amazing/awesome/gorgeous Melodic_Star
Fudou: Well, it was a kinda new idea...
Lunar: I know it sucked, just say so.
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net