Genda Koujirou X (OC) Kageyma Azuna

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"I should've known!" She yelled into nothingness, into the sheer darkness, into the abyss in her mind. She should've known.

Her breath hitched before a gasp racked through her body jolting her awake I should've known! That scream rang through her head; even know when she was awake, it was a cry of desperation, because she should've known that she could bring nothing but pain, just like her uncle.

She sat up clutching the sheets and in a soft murmur of overflowing guilt and overwhelming emptiness she said "I should've known" rather than she said, she repeated. She should've known that in the end, he would be taken from her, oh how idiotic was she to think that they'd be fine when none of them had escaped that man's clutches just yet.

She slowly reached out for her phone, she turned it on to check the time as with the blinds down cornering her room into darkness just like the state of her mind, there was no way to tell if it was day or night, not that it mattered either, she just needed a distraction.

She was immediately overwhelmed by her lock screen. She looked at the camera with wide eyes just as a blush was beggening to form on her cheeks due to Genda kissing her cheek with no warning. She had wanted to change it but she could never bring herself to.

Tossing the phone aside she laid down on her bed again, she chuckled dryly to herself remembering that she actually never got the time, not that it mattered of course after all, all she had wanted to do was to distract herself.

Usually, in times like this, when the ex-dancer would fall into the middle of a mind-centred abyss he'd be there to help her through it but now he wasn't and she had to remind herself that he was gone.


A bit of information on this OC would be that she's a dancer, well used to be at least, and that was her passion, she used to be a leader of a dance group though she had to quit dancing due to her physical capability decreasing, it was something she had ever since she was a child, it started at 2% then to 5%, 14%, 20% until she'll eventually reach 50% as an adult. Her uncle is Kageyma Reiji, and when Azuna had refused to join Teikoku's team as manger Kageyma put her mother (his sister) into a coma so she despises him, it was around that time that Genda found her and they slowly fell for one another until Kageyma also sent Genda into a Coma because of Azuna's refusal to comply, again.

Lunar: phew, such a striking idea at 5am, if you're wondering how Azuna looks:

(Without the ears and tail)

Fudou: this was a good one got me in the mood.

Lunar: positive feedback, wow. I must've really shaken you up...

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