Fudou Akio X Child! Reader.

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No one would've known, no one would've cared enough to pry beyond the extremly thick and seemingly endless sheets when it came to Fudou Akio.

She did it, more over she put more effort to it than anybody else could. A mere child that knew nothing of the world unravelling the layers around the devil, no the fallen angel, Fudou Akio, why? Because she was kind enough.

The sun was blazing, flaming, so much so as if burning humanity seemed to be it's sole ambition, it's purpose, it's goal. Fudou Akio was drenched in sweat, literally wet from head to toe but he couldn't bring himself to take off the ridiculously pink hoodie he was wearing, he couldn't.

'Merry Christmas Akio!'

"Merry Christmas" he grumbled, that was way before all his layers were thrown away.

'I got you something' she was jumping, her hands were shaking from excitement. The joy on her face, the smile of pure happiness and delight and the occasional audible-inaudible she made would put the metaphor of beauty and light in every single book to shame. Stars.

"You brought me something?" When was the last time Fudou was brought something with nothing expected in return? When was the last time someone was so happy giving him something?

The girl nodded in so much excitement that Fudou contemplated if excitement was a health hazard.

"Okay then..." and for the first time--not his words had no bite to it, they were normal.

The girl quickly shoved a box from behind her back to his lap, ripping away the wrapping to excited to wait for him to do it.

Fudou laughed, the heaving of his chest had the girl look up at him in concern and ask if he was okay to which he nodded and she continued.

There in the box laid a ridiculously pink, pastel pink hoodie.

'Pink is my favourite colour' she grinned 'And you're my favourite person' those words were enough for Fudou to understand the meaning behind the hoodie she brought him. Despite telling himself not to, he ended up wearing it all winter.

A hoodie in this weather however didn't seem like the most appealing choice, but he had worn the piece of clothing so much it seemed terribly wrong not to wear it, it's as if it was a piece of him. He smiled.

A smile of delight quickly vanished only to reappear as a frown of concern as he saw the said little girl, dressed in a little shirt and skirt you'd expect a girl her age to wear hunched up crying, the tiny sweat tricking from her forehead mixing with his tears.

Fudou immediately ran to her, pulling her close to him and rubbing her back. Probably the worst thing he came up with in this heat but to him her mental relief was much more important than the increase of the inevitable heat once their body heat mixed in.

The girl sniffled and raised her head, she stared at him a little with her baby eyes before blinking slightly, it was more of a Question, Fudou understood, she was saying Akio?

"Shhh, just cry it out, you can tell me later" he nodded towards her, in response she just burried her head in his sweat-drenched hoodie. It might be disgusting, but it didn't matter.

After her tears dried out cooling the skin on her face she looked up at Fudou breaking the hug 'Why are people so mean?' She signed, Yes signed, She was Mute, somewhat. Had been since she was young, she could produce sounds, only extremly quiet ones.

"What did people do?" He asked her softly.

She blinked a few tears away 'is it normal to push and shove? Do older people do it normally?' She was only seven for goodness sake! The thought made Fudou boil.

"No, No they don't, and if older people do that again.. if it was a male kick him right here" he pointed to his private part "And if it's a girl punch her boobs"

She frowned 'But I heard that's painful'

"It is" he confirmed dismissively.

'Akio, be nice' she crossed her arms pouting while activating her scolding face.

"Fine, Fine, I'll be nice, just do this" he held up his middle finger "nothing wrong with fingers right?"

'I don't trust you...'

"Okay fine just call me, you have a phone No?"

She nodded.

"Then do that, it won't matter if I was in soccer practice I'll come and get you"

'Hai' with that sign she jumped up off her feet.

"Now, let's go get you some Mint ice-cream and a Disney princess colouring book"

She wasn't the only one to learn things about Fudou, Fudou also learned that for certain emotions and effects the girl required different ice-cream flavours. If she wanted to cheer up she'll eat mint.

'No, chocolate will be fine' if she was happy she'd eat chocolate 'and I don't want a Disney princess colouring book, I want to get you a pink shirt, you aren't supposed to wear hoodies in summer'

Fudou chuckled at that but was very touched "we're getting both then, you've been whining about that colouring book since April"


And they did, first she insisted they go to a clothes shop because 'you wouldn't take off your hoodie otherwise, and it's burning it might as well be where evil are punished, and you're not evil' Her way of saying Hell was weird but it'll do.

Fudou was now in a pink t-shirt and although he didn't favour the colour he learned to love it with that meaning attached to it. His body was thanking the girl for the realse of eternal --more like external-- sweaty torture.

Next they went into a cheep 'every thing for one dollar' store and honestly if it was possible for a place to by hotter than the weather, then this was it, it was so hot and stuffy there was barely oxygen. They got the colouring book quickly and made a run outside for it once they did get the book.

After all that they stopped for ice-cream, she got chocolate and he got raspberries. He had learned to speak her ice-cream language, and that wasn't the only language he learned for her, he learned sign language too. Raspberries were love.

After the eventful hot day he dropped her off at her orphanage. 'Thank you! Akio Onii-chan'

He smiled ushering her in. Fudou might no be the best big brother there is, heck he might not even be a brother at all but he was her onii-chan and that's all that mattered.

Shortly after he got invited to smoothies by Kidou and Sakuma.

Once he got there Sakuma's first comment was "Fudou, I didn't know you liked pink"

"I don't." He shrugged "I love it"


Lunar: Okie so this one-shot is for me book club competition! The theme was summer hope you enjoyed! IE_Duo GameMakersPrincess

Fudou: I DO NOT love pink.

Lunar: you do, why else would all your underpants be pink?

Fudou: *blushes* H- how do you know that?!

Lunar: I'm your wife idiot, plus I do the laundry.

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