Chapter 5: Summer

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San Diego, California. 


You see, I'm NORMAL.

Or at least I thought I was. 

But when the phone rang I knew something was different.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Summer Scott." An unknown voice to me says into the phone.

I automatically assume it's a customer.

I have to.

It's my job.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I ask.

"I would like to rent out your club, Diamond Stars, please." 

"What night would you like?" I ask.

"This Friday night, please." The customer requests.

I open my laptop to check our openings.

"Friday night is open, will you be paying cash or credit?" 

"Cash. I will have one of my employees drop it off tomorrow." This mystery person says.

"Alright, thank you for your purchase!" I answer and hang up the phone.

That was weird.

My father says when it comes to customers, make no doubts. 

My name is Summer Scott, I'm 21 years old and I own the world famous club, Diamond Stars.

I am in college at San Diego State University.

I was known in high school as richy Summer.

That's what everyone called me.

Because they knew I was next in line to inherit my family's fortune. 

I am the youngest club owner in the world but not to be messed with.

I go to college with two bodyguards, because of my father.

My father, Rex Scott, is one of the most powerful businessmen in the world.

And one of the richest.

I'm not spoiled, I treat everyone with respect.

My father expects too much of me and tries to make me the picture perfect daughter at all moments possible.

I have a younger sister who goes to Bayview High School, her name is Lilah.

Since I am the oldest child of the Scotts, I inherit everything when I turn 21. 

Which I just did.

Aside from that, it is a lot of work.

Handling the club, and college.

But I manage.

Some call me a workaholic.

Because I am.

I invest all my time into my work to make my father proud.

My mother as well.

She expects me to be picture perfect.

For our family to be like the one with the dog and the stupid, stupid, white picket fence. 

What does she expect?

We are one of the richest families in the world.

We live in fame.

The cruel celebrity world.

and trust me, it really is a dark as they make it.

I'm sitting in my office, typing away on my computer when someone comes inside. 

"sorry, I'm busy." I say while focusing on my computer.

"Too busy for me?" The voice is exactly who I thought it was.

I looked up to find a man,

a very, very tall man,

with dark black eyes and the smile I've fallen for.

His body is so muscular you can see his muscles popping out of his shirt.

He was the picture perfect guy.

He was Braxton, my boyfriend.

One of my dad's business partner's son.

My dad paired me with him, of course.

But over time I began to fall in love with him.

We have been dating since freshman year of college,

we are both juniors and both go to San Diego State.

I get up from my chair and kiss him.

"Hey, B, how are you?" I ask.

"Good. Working away?" He asks as I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me.

He's so tall,

I have to stand on my tip toes to kiss him.

"Yep, drowning." I answer.

"You need a break. Summer, you've been working all day."

"You know this, Braxton, I'm a Scott. Of course I'm working 24/7."

"Let's get a drink." He answers, as I follow him outside into the club and to the bar.

The bartender comes up to me.

"Hello Ms. Scott, what can I get you?" he asks.

" Double Jack and Coke on the rocks, please." I answer as he goes to make my drink.

I always get Jack and Coke. 

It's my usual.

I sit down on the couches next to Braxton.


I return home to my beautiful penthouse.

It's so gorgeous it's been in all the magazines. 

Braxton came with me and we watched Netflix together.

his phone rang.

"Hey, how are you?" he asks. 

I mouth to him, "Who are you talking to?"

He puts the phone aside and says, "No one, babe, don't worry about it."

I take his word for it.

I trust him.

"Sure, I'll be there in 10." He says and hangs up.

"I gotta go, babe, I'm sorry." He says while getting up to put his jacket on. 

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"I need to go meet someone for work." He answers.

"This later?" I ask, checking the time on my phone. 


"Uh, yeah, emergency. Sorry, baby. I'll be home later." He reached down to kiss my forehead.

"Okay, don't take too long!" I call out to him as he approaches the door.

"Love ya!" He calls back.

I soon hear the door shut.

Suddenly the random caller today came into my head. 

It was really weird.

they were giving me the creeps.

But if I want to keep the fortune I have to play along. 

So I do. 

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