Chapter 4: Cooper

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Los Angeles, California. 


I knew something was up when I got the email. 

Why, of all years, would Bayview High have a reunion this year?

They have never contacted me before about any other reunions.

I guess I wasn't invited. 

Kris comes into the room.

"Cooper, whats going on?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I answer.

"Answers questions with a question. You always do that when you're worried."

"Fine," I respond, getting up from the couch. "Bayview is having a reunion this year, and they've never had one before. How come I was invited to one this year? It's been three years since we graduated."

Kris gets up and stands next to me.

He looks at me like I just saw a unicorn. 

"C, you know I went to one last year, and the year before." He answers.

"You never told me that." I respond. 

It's true.

Kris has never even mentioned a high school reunion until I just did.

He sits on the chair in the kitchen.

We have an apartment in Los Angeles. 

He goes to UCLA, I go to Cal State.

Even though Pop never approved of Cal State, I went anyways.

Because they were the only school that stood by me with the whole Simon/The Bayview Four Scandal.

Yes, I worked my butt off all high school with my 94 mph pitch.

And I knew Pop wanted me to get a scholarship so I can play baseball in college, 

and possibly make it to the minor league.

I had so many offers.

And they disappeared so fast,

when the whole Simon scandal happened, 

when the whole school and all the colleges found out I was gay.

At first, Pop wouldn't even look me in the eye.

Now he's making progress,

even though it's been three years already.

Nonny really loves Kris, 

and when we come up to San Diego on breaks she adores him.

Lucas still is getting used to the idea.

It's fine.

It does take time.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you." Kris says.

"It's okay, Kris. Did you get the email about it too?" I ask.

"Let me check." He responds.

He walks over to the desktop and goes to gmail.

"Nothing." He said.


Really weird.

Why would they email me but not Kris?

For some reason, Bayview always emails Kris and our friends.

But I never get one.

Then it hit me.

Something was going down.

and I knew I had to check it out.

But not with Kris.

But not alone, either.

I knew exactly who to call. 

I picked up my phone and clicked her contact. 

"Cooper, what are you doing?" Kris asks.

"I'm going to investigate this further." I answer, putting the phone to my ear.

"Who are you calling?" He sounds worried now.

"It's okay. I can handle this."

I walk into the bedroom and listen to the phone ring.

Then she picks up.

Her voice still sounds the same. 

"Hello?" She asks.

"Hey." I answer.

"Cooper, why are you calling me? We haven't spoken since high school." She sounded worried but calm and collected at the same time. 

"Let me ask you something, Bronwyn," I begin. "You're the brains. Did you get this email about the reunion?" 

"Hm. I don't know. I haven't checked my email in a while. Hold on. I'll check now." 

The call cuts silent as I wait for her to check.

My heart is pounding. 

Something isn't right.

And I can feel it.

"Yeah, I got it. Why would Bayview email me now? I've never gotten an invitation to a reunion, or even one single email from them at all."

I felt relief but fear consuming me at the same Time.

So I wasn't the only one that got an email, which Is good I guess.


BRONWYN got an email.

And she has never gotten a single email before from Bayview.

I know what this means. 

The Bayview Four is back. 

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