Chapter 23: Nate

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Deja Vu.

Very strong,

very powerful,

very successful.

It helps you retrieve memories.

Good or bad.

In this case,


I knew what I was going to do.


it might not help me in any way,

but it'll help others.

Only thing,

that's a lie.


like I always say,

I lie whenever it's convenient.

I got on my bike,

and again,

rode away.

The cold breeze touched my skin.

It felt like ice to me,

but it was 90 degrees out.


I realized my bike was running out of gas.

So I stopped at a gas station.

As I was filling the tank,

I heard something.

Then I saw a woman,

with her phone out,

watching a video.

Then I heard something all to familiar.

I took the phone from her and watched.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" She asks.

I ignore her and watch.

It's the news.

"We're coming to you live, from San Diego, California. Our news today: The Bayview Four makes a comeback! Yes, that's right. Remember the Bayview Four from the murder of Simon Keheller 3 years ago? Addy Prentiss, Nate Macauley, Bronwyn Rojas, and Cooper Clay are back. But, this time, they are suspects again. What are they suspects for? The arson of the Diamond Stars, of course. But, it gets even better. We have new information that during the time of the arson these four were inside the club when it happened and a new suspect has come to light: Summer Scott! Yes, you heard right. Summer Scott is now a known suspect for burning down her own club! Seems a little suspicous, doesn't it? We known have news that Cooper Clay has gone to ground, and Addy Prentiss' sister, Ashton Prentiss, was arrested just a few days ago for breaking in during an interrogation on her own sister with a gun. Where does Cooper Clay lie? Was he the one who burned down the club? Did Addy, Summer, Bronwyn, or Nate do it? Once Cooper Clay is found, he has been asked to meet with the police for an interrogation. Can the police find him before it's too late? More information coming soon. Back to you, Paul!" 

Oh god.

They know everything.


Just great.


the more I thought about it,

It hit me.

I was one step closer.

And I knew where to go.

I drove and drove until I couldn't drive any longer.


just as I was about to give up,

I found it.

I knocked on the door and sighed.

And exactly who I suspected answered.


"What are- what are you doing here?" She asks in worry.

I ignored her and shoved her out of my way.

Then I stepped further inside,


"What the hell are you doing, Nate! You can't just barge in here and search the place!"

I continued to ignore her but she followed me.

Then I found it.

He looked up at me.


I went over to him and sat down.

"Cooper Clay," I began. "Ran to Keely. Why am I not surprised."

Cooper gasped.

"How did you find me?" He asks.

"'Oh please, you ran. Who do you think you would've ran to."

Cooper sighs and looks at me.

"I didn't run," He starts. "I needed to get away. I couldn't stay."

"Yes, you could've! Look what's happened! We're all over the news, Addy, Summer, and Bronwyn are all gone!" 

He laughs.

"Come on. Addy is with Wynn."

"Who the hell is Wynn?"


I had no idea who the hell this guy was.

And I was pissed off.

Why am I the only person who didn't run?

Who looked their fears in the eye and said,

'Stay away from me and you'll see who's really afraid.'

"Ask Summer or something. Point is, she's safe." Cooper says.

I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Am I the only person who cares about being framed?"

"No, the rest of us ran. We ran because we care." He answers.

"That doesn't explain anything and you know it." I respond.

This is the first time I'm talking in weeks.



it feels like Cooper is the only person who actually sometimes processes what I say.

I got up.

"I'm done here. When you're ready to man up, meet me at your apartment."


that was it.

I left.

And I was so angry,


I found Cooper,

but it didn't do anything.

He didn't hear a word I said.

So I went to my mother.

She didn't have anything to say either.

The only thing I heard was:

'Where's Bronwyn? What happened?'


I can't deal with Bronwyn right now.

She's driving me insane.

Like she doesn't do enough of it already.

Then I found out something interesting.

"I don't know." I answered.

"That's so weird. I mean, she was just here the other day, so I thought-"

"Wait, what? She came here?" I ask.

"Yes, yes, she came to tell me she is- you know-"

"Yeah, I got that. I have to go." I respond, walking away.

Once I left, 

I called someone.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Kris." I respond.

"Nate. I haven't spoken to you in ages. What's up?"

"You know where Cooper is, right?" I ask.

"No. I've been driving myself crazy looking for him."

"Keely's house. Ten minute drive."

Then I hung up.


Then I decided to find Addy.

After a lot of searching, 

I finally got Wynn or whatever his name is' address.

Once I got there, 

I sighed at the door.

I paused to knock.

And I don't know why.

Then I did it.

No one answered.

I twisted the door knob and it was unlocked.


Then I opened it.

And I couldn't believe what I found.


Wynn or whatever his name is.




They were screaming at each other.

"Why, Bronwyn? Why the hell would you bust my sister out of jail without telling me?" Addy yells.

"She needed to get out, and you weren't fast enough, so I took matters into my own hands." Bronwyn answers.

"It doesn't matter! She's my sister, I'M supposed to get her out, NOT YOU!"

I felt the anger rush inside me.


I swear,

someone's going to get hurt here.

No one noticed me there.


it exploded.

I couldn't hold it back.

I ran up to Wynn and punched him.

Blood splattered on me as he fell to the ground.

Everyone stared at me.

"Nate! What the hell?!" Addy screams.

She runs to him and gets down on her knees.

Everyone looks at me,

waiting for me to say something.

And I did.


Everyone continues to stare at me in silence.

No one expected me to explode like that,

even though I have anger issues.

"I didn't know any of this was happening." Ashton comments. "But, Bronwyn, I appreciate your help, but I think you should've let Addy bail me out. It wasn't your place."

Bronwyn looks at the floor.

Addy cries and she holds Wynn in her arms.

Then she gets up.

"Yeah, BROWNYN. You've been doing so much bad things recently. What has gotten into you? This isn't you." Addy responds.

"I-I-I know. And I'm so sorry, guys. I know I've done really bad things. I wish I could take it all back." Bronwyn answers.


even with that,

it wasn't enough for me.

The anger became too much.

I couldn't do this anymore.

"You ruined Summer's life, Bronwyn. You drove me, her, and Nate away. You shunned your own sister. You're running our lives." Addy says.

And she was right.

Bronwyn was really the source of our problems right now.

Everything was falling apart.

Because of her.

I had to something.

I had to stop this.

I looked at her.

And she looked back at me.

She sighs.

I was too angry to deal with this.

"You can't take it back." I begin. "That's it, Bronwyn. We're done."

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