By silence is the way you win.
Underneath the surface there's something you can't see.
Running gets you closer, not farther.
Never. Show. Fear.
Are they helpful?
In this case,
I was alone, again.
Cooper is god know's where,
Nate is probably on his bike blowing off steam,
Bronwyn obviously felt guilty and ran,
Summer's gone to ground.
I heard everything.
Bronwyn destroyed everything for her.
And to think,
did this?
That's crazy.
I never would've expected that.
But then again,
you can't really assume, can you?
I have no where to live.
Ashton is in jail.
Just great.
So I stayed at the hospital,
even though there was no point.
And I waited.
I waited for someone to show.
And someone did.
I turned around.
Only she would call me that.
The sound of my real name sent a chill down my spine.
"I'm going to make this quick since I don't want you here." I began.
She came closer to me and nodded.
To my surprise,
she didn't say anything.
"Ashton is in jail, and I can't pay her bail." I said.
I sighed deeply.
I wish I could've done something.
with that stunt she pulled with the police and the gun,
they arrested her.
I waited for her to say something.
But nothing.
The silence felt so loud it hurt.
Then, suddenly,
someone else came in.
"Eli?" I exclaim.
"Addy, keep your voice down." He answered, dragging me into a room.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Your sister's bail has been paid already."
"What?! By who?" I asked.
Neither of them said anything.
I'm going to find out who this is.
"BY WHO?" I yelled.
I felt the anger rush through my veins.
I needed to know before I do something I regret.
"Ashton's gone, Adelaide. And can you guess who got her out?"
"Who, MOM, who?" I yelled.
for the first time in a while,
I called her MOM.
And I hated it.
She smiled.
"Tell me!" I yelled again.
"Who do you think?" She asks, circling around me. "Bronwyn Rojas."
"WHAT?!" I exclaim.
"It was her. I have no idea of the two's whereabouts, but I will find out." Eli responds.
I sighed.
I needed to leave.
And I knew exactly where I was going.
I walked out without any questions asked.
"ADDY?" Eli calls out.
I ignore him.
I simply walk out and call an uber.
This was going to stop.
Once I got to the place, I sat down.
"Get me whiskey, please." I called out.
Then I noticed who it was.
And I smiled.
"Back again, I see?" He asks, laughing.
I laugh too.
I haven't laughed in a while.
And it felt so good.
"Yep." I answer, leaning over on the bar. "One whiskey, straight, please."
"Coming up." He answers, turning around.
He hands me the whiskey.
I take a sip.
I really don't drink much.
Only when I'm upset.
"Hey, I need a huge favor." I ask.
He turns around to face me.
"Anything. What's going on?"
"It's a long story."
I told him everything.
Even my old high school stories,
including the Simon scandal.
"Wow, that's a lot to take in." He replies.
I nod and sip my whiskey.
"So you're saying- you and the 3 other Bayview Four members AND Summer Scott are all suspects in burning down the Diamond Stars?" He asks.
"Yep. And the rest of it, of course." I answer.
"What's the favor?"
"Right, sorry, I forgot about that."
"I need somewhere to stay. I was staying with Summer, but then it fell apart and-"
"Say no more. I got you. Come stay with me." He answers.
I sigh in excitement.
Is it weird that every time he speaks I feel something?
"Are-are you sure? I mean, it's a lot to ask-"
"No problem at all. Just so you know, I would've said yes to anything you asked."
Oh my god.
I felt a rush of nerves in my body.
He steps out of the bar and faces me.
He comes closer to me as I struggle to catch my breath.
What was happening to me?
"Thank you so much, Wynn. I owe you."
"Adelaide Prentiss, I hope you know you never owe me anything. I'd do anything for you."
That's all I had to say.
I know,
Guys are not the priority of my life.
I don't need to be taken to live.
with Wynn,
I feel like without him I can't breathe.
And I know,
we just met,
I can't stop thinking about him.
There's something there.
A spark.
And I can't ignore it.
And I did ignore.
I ignored all the other issues in my crap life,
for once,
I let it all go.
I let go of all it.
Just for one minute.
He leaned in and kissed me.
I kissed him back.
He pulled me closer and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
even if it was just for two seconds,
this was a moment I could never forget.
I'm finally happy about something.
And I have to hold onto it.
He pulled away and said,
"Come on, I'll show you my apartment."
And I followed him.
And I intended on never stopping.
Not until the day I die.
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