I walked through the lobby and waved at the receptionist then went toward the elevators. I pushed the button and waited for the door to open. While waiting I noticed a family walking past. The mom was walking next to her husband while he pushed the stroller that their two or three year old son waved a rattle. She was rubbing her baby bump and grinning she looked so jubilant. I was so distracted by the beautiful family that I almost didn't notice the elevator beeping at me signaling that the doors were open. I walked in to the elevator and took a few breaths preparing my self for what Lauren was going to say. The elevator hit the third floor, the doors opened, and I excited. I pulled out my room card and walked down the hall till I found our room number.
I swiped my card then quietly pulled open the door hoping not to wake Lauren if she was still asleep. The door latched behind me as I laid back down in my bed.
Lauren rolled over and faced me, "Fuck you."
"Excuse me."
"I wanted to go with. What happened? Oooh was Brian there?" Lauren asked excitedly.
"This trip isn't about you and Brian," I scoffed.
"I know I'm sorry. So what happened?"
"He didn't believe me at first, which is kind of what I expected. Then he offered me money to "take care of it", which made me leave the restaurant. Some how Shawn got me back inside then he proceeded to basically threaten me into keeping it."
"Why would he want to keep it?"
I jokingly opened my mouth wide and flipped her off, I couldn't be to mad because it was a question I was asking myself too.
"Exactly. It makes no sense."
We sat in silence for a few minutes, I think Lauren was trying to figure out how to ask the question I knew she was wanted to know.
"So are you going to keep it?"
"I uh uh. I don't want to abort if that's what you really want to know."
"So you're going to raise it with a teen pop star?"
"Can we stop talking about this. Want to get some breakfast," I asked getting out of the bed.
"Sure but you can't keep avoiding this."
She was right, eventually I was going to have to face Shawn again. And I was going to have to have my mind made up. I had the fate of our child in my hands. Honestly that scared the shit out of me. I was either going to be the parent to a child who I might raise terribly or I could give the child to a family who are prepared to rasie it and forever wonder what could've been.
Lauren and I spent the next few days sightseeing things in Toronto, typical tourist things. I wish I could say that going out and doing things kept my mind off of my predicament but it didn't. The baby was all I could think about. Lauren and I have been making up scenarios everynight before we give up and fall asleep.
"What if I pretend to "deal with it" then raise it on my own?" I sudgest sleepily.
"And what happens when he finds out?"
"Obviously he wouldn't."
"You can't hide a fucking child," Lauren said while she yawned.
I flipped Lauren off not that she could see because the hotel room was pitch black, but it made me feel better.
"Then you come up with a plan," I said trying to sound sassy.
"Not tonight Mila. I can't even keep my eyes open."
There was a loud pounding at the door, I couldn't will myself to get out of bed.
"Lauren get the door, your closer."
She groaned and pulled herself out of bed, stumbling to the door.
"Shes sleeping," I heard Lauren say quietly. I couldn't hear what the person on the otherside of the door was saying.
"Camila isn't going to want to talk to you anyways," I could hear her getting angry.
"Whos at the door," I yelled my voice cracking.
"She was before you showed up," Lauren said before shutting the door.
"Who was-" I stopped talking when I saw Shawn standing at the foot of my bed.
He tapped his fingers on the bed frame, "Wow this room must've cost you a fortune. How much does it cost everyday for the whole week that you are here?"
I sat myself up and rubbed my eyes not knowing what to say.
"Oh thats right. You're not fucking paying for it."
"Nah I figured you could," I smirked.
Shawn drummed his fingers faster, "Oh really and what made you think that?"
"You offered to pay me to "take care of it" so just think of this as a step to that," I said in air quotes.
"Whatever I didn't come over to talk about the stupid room. And you're not taking care of anything.
"I uh I'm going to go now," Lauren said awkwardly pointing at the door.
"No stay," Shawn and I said in unison. She sat back down on her bed and pulled out her phone.
"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do?"
"Being the father of the baby I think I should get a say," the vein in his neck looked like it was about to pop.
"Actually you don't," Lauren chimmed in not looking up from her phone.
Shawn sat down neck to me and grabbed my wrist. "Listen. You will not be aborting my baby," he said sternly tightening his grip on my wrist.
"You can't tell me what the fuck to do," I yelled. Shawn squeezed my wrist even harder causing me to wince.
"Don't you fucking dare harm my baby," Shawn said through his teeth launching spit on my cheek.
"Let the fuck go of me before I call the cops," I said calmly.
Shawn let go of me and got off my bed. I looked at my wrist that was bright red, I rubbed it trying to decrease the pain.
He tried to lean in and look at my wrist, "I-I'm sorry. I just got mad, I swear I didn't mean to."
"Don't touch me," I pulled away. "Just get out."
Shawn looked at Lauren then me and excited the room. Once I felt like he was far enough away that he couldn't hear me, I spoke.
"I'm not letting him get any where near this baby," I mumbled while placing a hand on my stomach.
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