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I woke up in my queen sized bed before Lauren did I quietly reached over and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand.

You ready to talk?
Yeah meet me at the Tim Hortons on Fifth and East.

I sat up threw on some tennis shoes then creeped out of the room careful not to disturb Lauren. Honestly I didn't care what I was wearing because I had a feeling that this was going to last very long. I knew she would be mad that I didn't take her but I'm a big girl and I got myself into this. It was time for me to get myself out. I looked for a guy holding up my name once I got out of the hotel but had no luck. So I pulled my phone out and ordered an über. Once the über showed up I got inside and gave my driver the address. While I was in the car I started to feel a little self conscious about what I was wearing. To make myself look a little more presentable I put on some nude lipstick and then brushed on some mascara. I put my make up back into my purse as I looked up and noticed that we were here. I took a few deep breaths before walking into the coffee shop with my head held high.

I entered the small coffee shop where there were a few patrons but not tons. I looked around and saw two guys sitting side by side in a booth toward the back of the restaurant. One had messy brown hair and the other was bald, I recognized them both. Slowly I made my way to the booth, giving myself enough time to leave if I decided this was a horrible idea. I sat down across from John and Shawn, they both looked up and smiled.

"Nice to see you again Camila," John said.

"You too. But I thought you were a driver," I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"Body guard," he nudged Shawn causing him to finally look up from his phone.

Shawn finally made eye contact with me and spoke. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Uh I kind of wanted to talk to you alone.."

"Oh John doesn't mind," Shawn said between sips of coffee.

"John your great and all but can I speak to Shawn alone please?"

John looks at me then looks at Shawn after he nods John got up and walked out of the shop.

"What do you want," Shawn asks sharply.

I tapped my fingers on the table, contemplating how to phrase this.

"Shawn...I uh I'm pregnant," I blurted out.

Shawn stared at me with a blank expression then stated laughing.

"Oh your serious?"

"Why would I be joking about this?"

"You wouldn't be the first," Shawn shrugged. "Yeah I don't believe you."

I sat across from him, my heart pounding.

"Ok how much money do you need to take care of this," Shawn pulled his wallet out.

"Wow. Fuck you," I scoffed as I stood up and excited the Tim Horton's.

I waked out side and sat down on the stoop trying to figure out what to do. My thoughts raced. What was I supposed to do? I continued to sit on the stoop with my head in my hands, applying slight pressure on my eyes to stop myself from crying. Muscular arms wrapped around me I was engulfed with the smell of cologne.

"Hey we will figure this out," Shawn said pulling me closer.

"You just tried to pay me off. I don't want your help anymore," I tried to pull Shawn's arms off of me. He wouldn't let go.

"I didn't mean it. I thought you just wanted my money."

"Yeah that's why I came all the way to fucking Canada."

"Lets go back inside and talk about it," Shawn said standing up. "What do you say," he questioned extending his arm to me. I stood up and walked around Shawn and back into the coffee shop.

"What can I get this lovely couple on this lovely morning," the waitress asked Shawn and I now sitting across from each other.

"We aren't dating but I will get a just a medium coffee," I grinned to the waitress who was just trying to be polite.

"And for you sir?"

"Uh I'll get a hot chocolate." The waitress wrote down our orders then left our booth.

"Is that good for the baby," Shawn asked looking at the coffee then my stomach.

"Is that any of your business," I took one more sip of my coffee then set it down not knowing the actual effect it could have on the baby.

"It is if your pregnant and that's my baby."

"I am and it is," I mumbled.

"What do you want to do?"

"I uh I think I want to a-"

Shawn interrupted me. "I think you should keep it."

I looked at him in confusion and grabbed for my coffee then pushed it even farther away.

"Look I can financially support you. We can move to LA together, I'll even take a few years off."

"You would do that for me?"

"For our baby," Shawn reached across the table and held my cold hand.

"I-I need some time to process all of this. I don't even know if I want to keep it."

"Don't do anything without my consent," Shawn said almost sounding threatening.

"Uh huh. Well I better get going Lauren will be wondering where I am."

"At least let me give you a ride back."

I didn't really want to go through the struggle of ordering an über so I agreed. He lead me to the same black SUV that John was in. Shawn opened the back seat door and helped me in grabbing my ass on the way. To my surprise he also got into the back of the car. We both buckled in as John started to drive. Shawn placed his warm veiny hand on my thigh, shivers went up my spine. I looked at Shawn who had a smirk on his face when he noticed I was looking he winked at me. I grinned then turned my head to look out the window I could feel Shawn watching me.

"You've got a week to figure out what your going to do babe. Choose wisely," Shawn said to me as I got out of the car.
I thought it would be nice to spend this week in Canada since my plane doesn't leave until next Monday and I've never been here before. But nothing can ever go my way.

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