Chapter 21 || Galvin ||

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Tam got woken up to a slap in the face with a pillow. Tams eyes shot open as a goofy pair of bright blue eyes stared at him with a smile. Tam was confused for a second considering he had just woken up but soon figured out by the extreme amount of enthusiasm, looks, and voice, it was his one and only annoying boyfriend, Keefe.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Keefe said happily as Tam rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Way to make me in a bad mood, FunkyHair." Tam said angrily as he laid back down with a huff and closed his eyes. He knew he wasn't going to fall asleep again but boy did he want to.

"Okay, but when are you not in a bad mood?" Keefe asked in a teasing tone as he once again smacked Tam with another pillow. And as much as Tam wanted to retort, he didn't say another word. He was sleepy. He wanted sleep.

Keefe huffed.

"Wake up Tammy!!" Keefe yelled and smacked a pillow on Tams head. Tam still however was extremely annoyed but refrained himself from saying another word.

Maybe if I just completely ignore him, he'll let me sleep.

"Dude! Come on! It's like 7! You went to bed before me!" Keefe reasoned.

"So?" Tam said but it was barley audible because he had his face smooshed into the pillow so it kinda sounded more like "shmo".

"So? We have school! And everyone is already up!" Keefe said as he realized the pillow smacking wasn't working and started to pull Tam by his arm.

Tam shot up.

School? I forgot we had school today!

Tam groaned and reluctantly let Keefe pull him up by his arm and drag him out of bed. They let go as Keefe quickly went downstairs to get everyone's backpack all in one trip. He somehow did that. He probably wrapped a couple around his neck. Keefe plopped all the bags down on the floor and picked up his and Tams. He held it out for Tam and tam took it. 

"Who the hell came up with the idea of school?" Tam started complaining as he stretched out his back.

"I don't know." Keefe started. "But maybe a nerd who likes elvin history could find it out." He said as he raised his eyebrow towards Tam who looked away and shrugged.

"I don't get all the hate on elvin history. I mean, Isn't it kinda interesting?" Tam asked in a curious tone. Honestly, elvin history was his favorite subject which turned out to be almost everyone's least favorite subject.

"Okay, yeah. And that's why you're a nerd." Keefe said.

"Seriously? I like ONE subject in school and that makes me a whole entire nerd?" Tam asked as he scoffed and turned his back towards Keefe. He dug through his backpack to find an extra uniform he packed with him.

"Hey, if you wanna be a cool dude like me, you gotta skip at least 5 classes every week, shower the ladies in compliments even if you don't like them, and dislike ALL SUBJECTS. ALL!"

"Well lucky me, I wouldn't want to be you." Tam said as he rolled his eyes and got out the extra uniform he had packed with him.

"Wow. Meanie panini." Keefe whined as he got up and went through his overly large closet and picked out his school uniform. As Keefe was doing that, Tam went out of the room and into another to change into his uniform. He decided he'd take a shower after school. He thought night showers were better anyway.

As Tam went back into Keefe's room, he saw Keefe feeling himself in his mirror hanging above his desk. The rest of the group was already ready to go. Tam rolled his eyes at this as he walked over towards the mirror and stood besides Keefe. But not before getting all his hair products from his backpack. Which was his moisturizer and some essential oils. He saw his gel lying in his backpack but, he remembered what Keefe had said that time when they were in the closet. I guess he didn't need it. All the gel did was make it look more sleek but now that Tam had thought of it, he wouldn't mind his hair to be fluffy either.

Tam grabbed his two products, zipped up his backpack, and went to joking Keefe near the mirror. While Tam only had two products of his side of the desk, Keefe had at least 1735 different products of different types all on his desk.

"Jeez, do you really need that much?" Tam asked as he rolled his eyes and started applying the two products to his hair.

"Yes, Tam! I need all of these! All of these are essential! My hair needs to be on point today to makes up for yesterday when you completely ruined it! My curls need to be perfect!" Keefe said as it seemed as if he was applying product to each individual hair follicle. Tam didn't take very long because he didn't bring his straightener which took the longest since it had to heat up and everything. He finished in about 10 minutes and put both of his hair products back in his backpack. 

Tam walked over to their fort and relaxed in there until Keefe was done which took another 25 minutes which made them really risking it in time. But thank God for light leapers. They would be at foxfire in a couple seconds. They all fumbled outside which made lord Cassius complain about the noise. They all got their light leaping crystals out and held it out towards the light.

Tam tried t make his way towards his first period class with Keefe and Sophie right next to him. They barley had any time left or else all three of them would be late. Tams sneakers squeaked against the floor along with Keefe and Sophie's. They ran up to their class and boom. Bell rang. Perfect timing.

Tam waited by Keefe's side for Lady Galvin to open the door as the rest of the kids in her class started to line up. Keefe was talking about something with Sophie until Lady Galvin opened the door which jumped them out of their conversation.

Lady Galvin's sleek reddish hair with her tall high heels made a huge impact . She gave the class her death stare before muttering "come in." 

The class all came in and settled down quietly. Tam sat next to Reynie who gave him a soft smile.

"Alright!" Lady Galvin's , harsh, cold voice startled everyone out of their unfocused trance.

"I hope you all had a great evening last night. And for everyone who didn't turn in their Homework yesterday, please turn it in now to get credit. And it's nice to see you two on time."  Lady Galvin greeted as she raised her eyebrows at both Keefe and Tam.

Shit. Nooooo. I completely forgot about the stupid homework!

Tam groaned as he slammed his head on his desk. He could already tell this was going to be a very long day,

Word  count: 1160

Hiyaa! So new chapter! We are gonna act like I'm sticking with my update schedule and totally following it. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Ty for reading and stay positive!  <3

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