Chapter 20 || Denh <3 ||

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Keefe let his body relaxed as he felt Tams soothing warmth against him. Taking in this beautiful moment, he rested his head in the pillow as he continued watching this amazing movie. Keefe could feel Tams heartbeat beating against his own chest. It was so soft and soothing.  It was the first time they had really cuddled. It was a feeling he didn't know he needed but, now that he knew what it felt like, he couldn't imagine living without it.

As they were both watching the movie in each others grasps, Keefe felt Tams light head relax as Tams breaths slowed down.

Jeez, already asleep? It's only 9!

Keefe sighed and continued watched as his boyfriend sleep so peacefully on his chest. The movie went on and after about another hour of the movie Keefe started to notice his eyes getting heavy as well. He checked the time.


Eh, he could probably stay up to watch the rest of the movie. I mean, it was only like 45 more minutes left to go. Besides, he usually sleeping at 11 on a school night. But it seemed as if Tams comfort made him even sleepier than usual. Keefe decided to peek his head out the fort. Careful not to wake up the sleepy boy. 

Biana was up. And she was in her peach dress. Keefe assumed she was going to sleep in that.

Fitz seemed awake but uninterested in the movie while Sophie was fast asleep next to Biana. They were holding hands. Biana must've felt someone staring at her because she turned around to look for the eyes watching her. Keefe saw Biana turn around to look Keefe right in the eyes. Biana shrugged as if to say "what?". Keefe just shook his head and smiled. As did Biana. Biana's focus's went back to Harry Potter 

Keefe looked over at Marella and Maruca. They were both up and looking lively. Keefe guesses they are night owls. His eyes wandered around the room again And then he found...

Dex and Linh. From this point of view, Keefe could only see their hair but, it almost looked as if they were... cuddling?

 (Ok I'm going to say this now. I don't really ship them or Marella x Fitz but I feel as if it's too much to make them all gay? I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's unrealistic? But i definetly ship all the gay ships more than all the straight ships with an exception of sokeefe which is tied with kam for me. Idk guys I'll for sure do a oneshot of kotlc characters after I finish this book! So stay tuned for that!! Anyway.. CONTINUE)

Linh's head looked as if it was on Dex's shoulder. Lying down, peacefully.  And it seemed Dex was extremely tense but then Keefe saw his posture slowly but awkwardly relax as he leaned his own head in top of Linh's. Keefe really wanted to scream. This was really happening. He wanted to wake the overprotective brother and inform him about this news. Tam overreacting to stuff was pretty cute. And this was someone Tam would totally overreact to.

But of course, Keefe didn't wake him. The news could wait till tomorrow but, he needed someone to gossip to. Biana was awake. He didn't think she had notice the two.

"Biana!" Keefe hissed, trying to get the brunettes attention. But if she had heard him, she definitely hadn't shown it as her focus didn't switch from Harry almost getting beat up by Voldemort. Keefe tried hissing her name once again but, she didn't look towards Keefe. And Keefe didn't want to be too loud. He didn't want to wake the sleepies up. So what COULD he do?

Keefe eyes wandered around his surroundings until he found... paper. Yes, paper.

Paper, and a pencil! Yes! He could write down the totally amazing news and fold it up into a paper airplane! He was pretty damn good with those things. Keefe quickly but carefully stretched his arm towards the piece of paper and pencil that were lying on Keefe's nightstand. It only took a couple a seconds to think about what he was going to write before his pencil started scribbling away.

NEWSFLASH! IMPORTANT! New couple over there to your righty! Almost as cute as me and Tam! But nothing can top us heh. What's their totally awesome ship name?  P.S nothing can beat Kam.

Keefe quickly wrote before folding it into a paper airplane. Which made an extremely crumbly noise. He was shocked Tam hadn't woken up yet.

He took his aim right towards to Biana and ... FIRE!

It landed right in Biana's hair. Sticking out like a stick.

"Booya!" Keefe quietly cheered to himself.

Biana whipped her head around with an angry expression and snatched the airplane out of her hair. She rolled her eyes at Keefe and inspected it for a while but soon shrugged her shoulders as if to say "what?".

 Keefe motioned for her to open the airplane and she unfolded the airplane and did so. It took her a couple of seconds to read as she looked to her right. She looked at them. Mouth open wide as she looked back at Keefe. She closed her mouth held her hand out. Keefe could figure out she wanted a pencil so he through it at her. She caught it. It only took her a couple seconds to write something down before she refolded the paper back into an airplane and threw it back to Keefe.

It landed right in Keefe's lap. Keefe noisily unfolded the crinkly paper. He looked down at Tam. He was still fast asleep. Keefe looked down at the paper and read it.

OMG! Cute! I don't know... Linhex? Lol Idk.

Keefe thought for a moment and wrote something back.

No. The best name is... Denh.

Keefe once again refolded the noisy paper back into an airplane e and threw it back at Biana. It landed right next to Sophie. Keefe saw Biana carefully pick up the airplane to open the airplane back up. As she was reading, Biana scrunched her face. Keefe felt quite a strong emotion.


Biana once again scribbled away.

EW! ABSOLUTLEY NOT! What kind of name is Denh? That's like calling you and Tam Teefe. Ew. How about... linhx. Isn't that good.?

That same process went on for about another 10 minutes. And after a lot of arguing, they both agreed on the ship name Linhx. Biana seemed to love it while Keefe was... meh. Denh was way better.

Their whole conversation kind of interrupted the whole movie so Keefe was confused when he saw Harry back in Dumbledores office with scars all over his face but, he assumed Harry won. He continued watching the movie happily which only lasted for about another 10 minutes. Keefe was getting pretty sleepy. He checked the clock again.

10: 47

Keefe yawned as he relaxed under the covers, getting ready to sleep. After the closing scene was over, Biana got up from her fort to turn off the Tv. It was now almost pitch black in the room as which made him even sleepier. He heard everyone who was awake, shuffling around in their Forst. Probably trying to find a comfortable position. Keefe was trying to do the same but he didn't want to wake Tam up. Keefe slowly and carefully turned onto his side which made Tams head fall off his chest.Keefe froze as he saw Tams sleepy eyes blink open. Oops.

Tam looked up at Keefe sleepily and blinked his eyes.

"Sorry." Keefe said as he positioned himself to be comfy. Which was on his side like how he usually sleeped. 

"There now you can cuddle me again." Keefe whispered to Tam.

Tam just rolled his eyes and found a comfortable position with Keefe which was just them holding hands while both slept on their sides, inches apart. Keefe didn't know if whether or not he was just really tired from all the things they did today or if it was being next to Tam. Or Maybe it was both. But he swore he fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


Word count : 1313

Yayyy! New chapter I didn't upload in so long 😰 but I have a reason... it's a secret reason though... can you guys guess? I'm working on a new book! It's not kotlc related but I'll most likely release the full package so you guys can just binge read it instead of waiting on my slow self. It will most likely come out after this book is finished. And while you are waiting on that I'll be working on kotlc oneshots! Yay! I'm really excited for this new book that's coming out and I hope you guys will enjoy and read it whenever it comes out! But the title is... "A NEW BEGINNING"!! I suck at titles so spare me but yeah! I have around two chapters done on that book! It's going to have maybe 50-75 idk but yeah. That's all I really have to say so have a great day and stay positive! <3

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