Upon reaching he manor, Sebastian puts Ciel in his room and asks me to wait in the kitchen. I sigh, smelling all of the aromas of human food. Though I find none appetizing, the scents are like a perfume.
I pull off my black cloak and drape it across one of my shoulders, holding it in place with my left hand. Leaning against a counter, I sigh with boredom. My two bright white cats sit at my feet, as the grey kitten remains tucked into my right arm, against me.
“Oy, I’ll try and start up some supper for the young master!” I hear a masculine voice call out from just outside the kitchen.
“Hold up, hold up Baldroy! I’ve got a load of new plates, just come in to replace the broken ones! Yes, yes!” another strange sounding, higher pitched voice yells, most likely a female now.
I hear rushed, clumsy footsteps, and a redheaded maid bursts through the door, carrying a very high stack of plates. They wobble dangerously as she stumbles. “Oh my!” She yelps as she trips over the smallest crack of tile in the kitchen, and the plates tip, slowly tumbling to the ground.
I act quickly; grabbing about ten with my left hand, witch means dropping my cloak to the ground. Then I balance six plates on my foot, and the remaining four on my head. I still hold the small grey kitten in my right arm; he mews in discomfort at being moved suddenly. The red head, and a tall blonde man with a cigarette in his mouth, stand dumbfounded.
The maid quickly snaps out of it, screeching loudly, “So sorry miss! So sorry!”
She dashes around for a few seconds, then frantically reaches for the plates to help me.
“That’s all right, I’ve got it,” I tell her in a stony voice, placing the plates in my hand on the counter, sliding the ones on my head off, and kicking my leg up, forcing the plates balanced on my foot to glide through the air. I catch them and place them on the counter as well.
“Oh very nice miss, thank you!” the maid says rather loudly.
“Yes, well done,” the tall blonde man states, his cheeks going rosy as he meets my gaze.
I look up to find Sebastian now standing in the entryway of the kitchen.
“I’ve told you before, Meyrin, don’t try to balance so many plates at once,” he scolds with a cold smile.
The maid, Meyrin, blushes and nods quickly, “Sorry Sebastian.”
“Baldroy, your assistance is not needed, I’ll take things from here,” he tells the blonde man.
“If you’re sure,” Baldroy shrugs and walks out of the kitchen.
“Such troublesome servants,” Sebastian murmurs.
“Rather entertaining though,” I answer quietly, with a cold grin.
I then move back towards the counter and bend down to pick up the cloak that I’d dropped when assisting the helpers.
“Oh, I apologize for my rudeness, please let me take your coat,” Sebastian states in a formal butler-like voice.
“That’s quite alright, thank you,” I reply with a smile, handing him my cloak, “How do you manage to keep control of those three?” I sigh.
“I’m just one hell of a butler,” he replies, another strange smile painted across his face.
He swiftly moves out of the kitchen and returns within a few seconds. I stand, leaning against the counter, my hands tucked into the pockets of my black pants, and my knee high laced boots crossed over one another. My loose black tank top is slightly revealing of my human form, and my pale skin stands out in comparison to the dark hue.
“I’ll show you to your room now if you’d like,” he tells me.
Suddenly there’s a loud crash from somewhere else within the mansion. I reveal my midnight black cat ears for the first time, perking them and swiveling them around, listening in order to find out what had happened.
Sebastian mutters something about “clumsy humans,” then turns to me, his eyes pausing at my ears.
“Cat demon,” I smirk.
He nods curtly, his eyes still lingering at my ears.
I chuckle lightly, “I have a tail to,” I whisper in his ear as I pass, flicking him on the chest as I walk away.
I swiftly make my way towards the other servants, hiding my tail and ears of course. They stand in a circle; another blonde has joined them, a boyish little thing that has a sort of timid and feminine look to him.
They surround a large broken pot, “I was carrying it to the other room, like Sebastian said to,” the little blonde begins to tear up.
“Don’t worry yourself over it, Finny,” Baldroy pats him on the back in a slightly comforting way.
Finny turns in my direction then, his sky blue eyes widening once they catch my purple gaze.
“Oh, hello misses, when did you arrive? Are you a guest?” he asks in a light voice, tilting his head slightly, a faint pink dusting his cheeks.
“Actually, I’ve just been given a job here, starting tomorrow,” I tell him in a slightly monotone, but kind voice.
“Clean this up,” Sebastian calls stonily, just now appearing beside me.
He holds one of my white cats in his grasp and the other sits beside me.
“Yes, right away Sebastian!” Finny quickly salutes and runs to find a broom.
The others scatter as well as he orders them to get to work. “Now, for your room,” he sighs.
“Oh, I won’t be needing one,” I tell him, looking at him from the corner of my eye.
He gives me a questioning look, but before he can say anything, I’m in the form of a black cat. Immediately the white cat in his arms jumps out of his grasp and they both rub against me in greeting. They are still smaller than me, though they are fully grown. The small grey kitten lies beneath me, curled up and mewling.
“I’ll just find a small warm spot and we’ll be fine,” I tell him, “though some milk for the little one in a bottle, as well as a bowl for the others would be nice, maybe some blankets,” I state, my eyes glimmering at the prospect of another demon doing my bidding.
He looks at me in my cat form for a moment, pausing, and not saying a word. He clears his throat then, “Yes… of course. A Phantomhive butler who can’t do this much, isn’t worth his salt,” he says reluctantly, in a slight daze.
He walks away, into the darkened hallway towards the kitchen. I gaze a few moments, thinking about his strange remark, then take the small grey kitten by the scruff, and pad down another hall, towards a study with a fire blazing.
I swivel my head around and find the young master sitting there, and going through some papers. I’m only slightly surprised that he has already awoken. He narrows his eyes at me, but upon seeing my lavender eyes, he seems to understand who I am.
Suddenly, Ciel sneezes loudly. Sebastian walks into the room, carrying the milk I’d asked for.
“I’m sorry to say, but your friends won’t be able to remain in the Phantomhive manor, you see, my young master is allergic to cats,” he explains in a slightly mocking apologetic tone.
I shift back into my human form, standing in front of him, “I am a demon, therefore my fur should not effect the young lord, and my two snowy companions are demon felines, meaning that there fur should not effect him as well,” I explain, as the two white cats transform into identical men, save their eye color. They are stark naked though and I snap my fingers for them to transform back, Sebastian having already shielded the young masters eyes.
“As for the grey kitten, I would ask to just nurse it until it is able to survive on its own?” I question, “We could remain outside until then,” I try to negotiate.
“I have no need for filthy animals on my land,” Ciel states coldly, “I have a demon hound for protection already, petty house cats I have no use for.”
I narrow my eyes at him; there is tension in the air, as I remain silent. Then I finally decide to transform into a jaguar, while my two white companions transform into their true cat forms: white tigers.
“I’m afraid I must insist,” I snarl, my eyes flashing with annoyance at the boys’ words.
“If you could refrain from threatening my master, it would be appreciated,” Sebastian states with a devilish grin as he pins down my demon cats.
I lash my tail back and forth, pouncing on top of the butler, I keep my paws on either side of his head, “If you could refrain from touching my companions, it would be appreciated,” I mock him.
His red eyes only narrow at me, I then turn into my house cat form and lay on his chest, rubbing my back on him and purring, “But, as the contract states, I will do as my master commands,” I drawl out, batting my eyes at the butler.
His glare fades as I continue to purr.
Ciel sighs loudly, “Fine, the demon cats can stay, and you can do as you wish with the other one, as long as it doesn’t effect me.”
“Thank you my lord,” I say, transforming back into my human form and bowing, “I’ll take the kitten out right away.”
I then grab the bottle of milk for the small kitten, leaving the bowl for the others. I hold the little cat to me as I stalk outside, into the darkness of the night. I decide to go to the stables, sitting outside with the bottle pressed to the kitten’s mouth as she consumes the milk hungrily. I stare up at the stars for a little while, the cool night’s breeze sweeping my hair back. I look down to the small cat, studying its smoky fur. “Ash,” I whisper, “That will be your name.”
“And what are the others called?” a deep voice calls out.
I look up to find Sebastian standing there, smiling with that same devilish grin.
“Frost and Forrest, for their eye colors,” I say quietly as Ash begins to drift off, “Oh, and I must remind the master to give me a name as well,” I mumble to myself.
There is a long pause as he doesn’t reply, I glance up and find his eyes narrowed and analyzing, “Why did you agree to a contract with my master, if you are truly not after his soul?” he questions, his voice going dark, and his demon aura emerging slightly. I place Ash on a small bed of hay and make sure she’s comfortable before rising and walking over to Sebastian.
“By accompanying the Queen’s Guard Dog, I feel we will encounter at least a few delectable souls,” I tell him in a ‘duh’ tone of voice, “the amount of incidents you receive, easily proves there is less work for me to do searching for a meal.”
He seems to think about this, not quite believing me, “There is truly no other reason?” he questions slyly, a glint in his eyes as he tilts his head.
“I feel he could use a bit of compassion before he loses his soul to a demon,” I state quietly.
Sebastian smiles, and then chuckles, the deep throaty noise slowly growing in sound, “Foolish thinking for a demon. You are truly strange, you’re sure you are of true demon blood?” he scoffs.
I narrow my eyes at him dangerously, my demon aura bursting forth with out warning. I take a deep breath and calm myself, slowly receding my demon nature.
“Don’t mock me,” I state in a voice just above a whisper.
I bend my head and stare at the ground, my shadowy locks covering my face as I glare at my feet.
“Oh, but it is such fun to find a misfit demon, one truly doesn’t see this every day,” he teases, bending down slightly to be at eye level.
In less than a second my hand is around his throat, surprise flashes through his eyes before they quickly return to their usual stoic gaze.
“Just because I feel the slightest bit of compassion, doesn’t mean I don’t have the other characteristics of a demon,” I growl into his ear.
I release his throat and step back, turning swiftly before my anger gets the best of me; I shift into my house-cat form and take the grey kitten in my jaws. I pause, staring back at Sebastian with lidded eyes, my tail flicking in annoyance. He holds his throat lightly, a black and blue bruise already forming as he glares at me. Yet, there is at least a shred of respect or maybe wariness, possibly both, now visible in his scarlet eyes.
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