Emilia's Pov

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"You are not my real sister." I gasped. Daenerys looked different. Some how older and more responsible.
"Sit down Emilia, let me tell you everything."

I was shocked. All my life, Daenerys was my sister. Suddenly she was queen of Mordor. Mordor before it was evil. She looked like a queen.
"I will take what is mine, with fire and blood." She said coldly. I gently took her arm and whispered
"Dany, will you still treat me like your sister?" She smiled at me and hugged me.
"Yes Emilia. But can you help me?" I nodded,
"Yes, Dany, it is the lest I can do. You must tell the others." She nodded and walked away. My head was spinning. Dany, little Dany. She had changed. I sat with my head in my hands and let my tears flow. For Gandalf, for Daenerys, for all those I love.  

I found everyone siting in a circle, eating dinner. Legolas handed me some and I picked at it with my fork.
"Are you not hungry?" Dany asked. I just shrugged and started at my plate. Before I knew it, tears were dripping into the food. Everything was blurry. Tears fizzed in my eyes. Dany said
"Emilia?" I stood stood, the food went flying.
"Leave me alone!" I shouted and ran into the forest.

I stopped and slowed into a walk. I pushed my hair out of my mouth and eyes and leaned against the tree. I started up the tree. The golden leaves floated to the ground and I could just see the pale blue sky through the golden roof.
"Emilia?" Dany was walking towards.
"Emilia, I am so sorry. I did the wrong thing. Please forgive me."
"Forgive you! You have lied to me your whole life!" I sobbed. Dany came over and wrapped her warm arms around me.
"I know it's a shock. Please Emilia, I still love you. I always will. No matter what. And if anyone ever threats you, they had better be watching their back. I will come for them and they will wish that they where dead."
"Just an angry look from you, Dany, would make anyone drop down dead." Then we both laughed. I sighed and said gently
"I am sorry too, Dany. Please forgive me." She smiled and replied
"There is nothing to forgive. Now a young elf prince is waiting for you."
"Shut up. What about that cute captain? He's waiting for you." Dany retorted with
"No he's not."
"Then why is he standing behind you?" Haldir had been standing behind Daenerys for some time. She turned around and gave a cry. Then we all laughed.

That night, it was hard to sleep. I was right on top of a root.  The Lady Galadriel walked past and beckoned to me. I stood up and slowly followed her. She led me to a small plain with a small bowl in the middle.
"I wish to show you something, Emilia." She poured water into the bowl and nodded. I walked up and looked into the water.
"Tell me what you see." The lady said gently.
"I see a sunset. It's gone. Dany, she standing next to.... Drogo? He's grown. He's a huge dragon. There's a great battle. Dany is fighting like a queen. She had control of all of the creatures.  It's gone. Legolas walking through Mirkwood? He is heralding a small child. There a young lady walking next to him....laughing. They seem very happy. Wait that's me! Now there's nothing." Galadriel looked at me and I step away from the water.
"You have seen something, it may be real or not. The mirror shows much that is, that will be and that will never be."

Sorry for the crapy chapters. Tell me what you think. What should happen next?

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