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Third Person's P.O.V
A few days later, Ambrosia and Athanasia was in the flower garden. Rosia unaware of the conversation between her sister, Lily and Felix continued to pick flowers. 'Since that day... Those two are worried about me all the time.' Athy thought unaware that Rosia heard her. 'What does she mean by that?' Rosia thought making sure she cut the connection when she thought that. "Uh, Princess." Athy heard Lily call out to her as she wasn't moving. "Looking at flowers are no fun. I want to go home now." Athy said as Rosia looked at her confused. "Why? We just got here." Rosia asked her sister as she nervously laugh grabbing her hand and pulling her behind her.

'I've had enough with trying to leave like I don't have a clue. This is so uncomfortable.' Athy thought to herself as they made their way to the Palace. As the twins made it to their room, they grabbed two seperate books to read. 'Don't be like that. She's not our real mom anyways.' Athy thought as Rosia looked at her concerned. Lily and Felix who stood behind them made their way outside the room after a quiet conversation. The twins looked in the direction they were heading before looking at each other. They got up and stood behind the wall peaking to see Lily and Felix standing together.

"...Evidently, there are no memorial stones with recordings of Lady Diana in the palace." Felix said as Lily looked down sadly. "I see... It's a shame." Lily said as the twins peered around the corner. 'Memorial stone! Holds up to 30 seconds of a recording!' Athy thought as she felt Rosia staring at her. "What?" Athy whispered causing Rosia to pinch her arm. "Ow! What was that for?!" Athy whisper shouted to her younger sister. "Did you tell them about how we wanted to see our Mom?" Rosia said giving her an accusing stare. "Maybe..." Athy said causing Rosia to sigh as she shook her head.

"It's fine. I just wished you told me that you told them. I felt awkward when they stared at us..." Rosia said as she looked down sadly causing Athy to stare at her in guilt. "Sorry, Rosia. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." she said as the younger hugged her back with a smile. "I really wanted to let the princesses see Lady Diana." Felix said as he sulked sadly. 'I've been sensing this for a while, but why...? Felix is oddly kind towards Diana. And Claude's reaction too... Something's not right...' Athy thought suspiciously as Felix spoke up.

"I'll just ask His Majesty." Felix said as the twins stood there frozen. "Huh? What? Big Sister? Did I hear that correctly?" Rosia whispered to Athy who nodded in shock. "With His Majesty's abilities, he may even be able to pass on his memory directly. It won't be as clear and objective as a memorial stone, but the Princesses would be able to experience the image." Felix suggest as Lily gasped in realization. 'That Claude? He knows how to use such magic? Was there a part about that we missed while reading?' Athy asked she turned to look at Rosia who shrugged in reply.

"But would His Majesty.... allow such a thing?" Lily asked Felix cautiously. "It's for the sake of the princesses. Let me ask him." Felix told her again as Athy listened still shocked. 'Wait, wait! Hold on a second! Are you nuts? What are you on about?! Would Claude say yes to such a thing?' Athy thought confused as Felix spoke again. "Then I'll go to His Majesty straight away." He told Lily as Athy continued to stare at the scene. 'Seriously, Mister!!' Athy exclaimed in her head just as Rosia moved quietly from around the corner. "D-Dont... Don't do it!" Rosia exclaimed causing the two adults to look down at her.

'Seriously!!! When did she move?!' Athy thought as she clutched her hair in a panic. "I- No we don't want it." Rosia said as she trembled slightly with a horrified face. "Princess." Lily called out to the girl as she ignored her. "Don't talk about Mom with Papa." Rosia said as Lily and Felix looked at one another before fully turning towards her. "Why is that, Princess?" Lily asked her Athy was too afraid to move. "Papa hates talking about Mommy. What if we say we want to see Mommy, and Papa says he hates Rosia and Athy too?!" Rosia asked as she stared up at them.

"Princess! Such, such thoughts... You had such thoughts in mind?" Lily asked Rosia horrified. 'O-Oh no... Wh-What do I do, Athy? I think I made things worse.' I thought as I whimpered to Athy sadly. "Princess. His Majesty does not hate either of you. I swear upon my name with great confidence that His Majesty does not hate either Lady Diana, Athy or you, Princess." Felix said as he knelt in front of me. "You can speak to him with honesty. You are still young, Princess. You don't need to learn to suppress yourself this early." Felix said as I looked away shyly in Athy's direction who shook her head no.

"No, no. Rosia is really fine. We don't want to see her anymore, really." Rosia said as Athy started to walk towards them. "Then how about this? If it's too difficult for you to ask him, I can ask him for you." Felix suggested as Athy looked frozen. 'Then it's back to square one!' Athy thought annoyed as Rosia squeezed her hand. "You don't need to!" Rosia said to Felix starting to get a bit agitated. "It's okay. I'll make sure to..." Felix started to say as Rosia let go of Athy's hand. 'Ugh, we said no!' Athy thought as Rosia started to push Felix only getting him to move back slightly before falling on the ground.

'Owiee...' Rosia thought as Athy went towards her. "Papa will hate us if you ask him! He'll really hate us! I don't want him to hate us! I told you we don't want to see Mommy anymore!" Rosia said before she got up running away from them. "Princess!" Lily and Felix called out to her as Athy ran after her. "Rosia!" Athy called out when she saw her stop. "Rosia... What's wrong?" Athy asked as she got near her. Rosia turned her head to look at her as tears started to fall out of her eyes. "Big sister... If we ask Papa about Mommy will he be mad at us and hate us forever?" Rosia asked as Athy looked sadly at her younger sister. "I don't know, Rosia..." Athy said as she hugged her younger sister who cried silently.

~The Next Day~

The tension between Lily, Felix and Rosia was awkward. They didn't know what to say to each other as Athy just sweat dropped at the situation. 'I was up all night.' Rosia thought tired my as she hold back a yawn. 'It's your fault for trying to pretend to sleep.' Athy thought to her as Rosia whined in their head.

~Last night~

Athy and Rosia laid inside the bed with the oldest fast asleep. Rosia heard the door open as she turned her back facing the opposite side. "Princesses, Lady Diana is always by your side." Lily said as she sat next to Athy. Rosia pretended to be asleep waiting for Lily to leave.


'But it wasn't my fault....' Rosia said as she pouted slightly. "We should be heading out now." Felix said hesitantly as he looked down at the princesses. 'Was it a bit much on how I acted yesterday...?' Rosia thought to Athy as she looked up at Felix who returned the stare awkwardly. "Athy's leg hurts. Give me a piggy back ride." Athy said as she grabbed Felix's pants pulling on it. "Yes, princess." Felix said as she climbed onto his back. Rosia grabbed Lily and Felix's hand looking down slightly. "I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday... It was rude of me..." she said as she pouted slightly causing Lily to smile letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's fine, princess." Lily said to her as she smiled up at them. "Well then, please return safely." Lily said as Rosia held Felix's hand. "Bye bye, Lily." Athy and Rosia said to her as Felix turned to her. "We'll see you later." Felix responded as Athy looked down at Rosia. 'Look at them, acting like newly weds. They don't have feelings for each other, do they?' Athy thought as Rosia looked between them. 'They'll look so cute together!' Rosia said to Athy through their mind link. "We'll be heading to the audience chamber today." Felix informed them as Athy narrowed her eyes at him. 'You can't have Lily!' Athy thought as Rosia flinched slightly because of how loud she said that.

"I'm afraid you two might have to wait a little." Felix said as we stood outside the audience chamber. Rosia began moving back and forth while humming. 'As always Claude has crappy manners. If he's going to make a person wait, he could at least have them wait in the room.' Athy thought as Rosia shook her head at her older sister words. Suddenly the door opened and a man with white hair and yellow eyes came out. "Sir Felix." The man to Felix noticing him. 'Whoa. What a charismatic dude.' Athy said to Rosia who disagreed. 'Sorry Athy, but I don't trust this man.' Rosia said as she looked up at Athy.

"Sir Roger, it's been a while." Felix replied to the man as Athy and Rosia looked up at him. 'Roger? Roger Alpheus? That Duke who raised Jennette until she was 14?!' Athy thought as Rosia gave her a nervous look unconsciously squeezing Felix's hand. "I was curious since I didn't see you at the audience hall. Funny seeing you here." Roger said as he looked at Felix. 'The Love Interest: Ijekiel Alpheus's father! Now that I look at him, he does have the same silver hair and golden eyes.' Athy thought as Rosia squinted her eyes finally noticing the resemblance.

"My, pardon my manners, I didn't notice. Roger Alpheus, at your service. Prosperity by upon the Obelian Empire." Roger said noticing the two princesses. 'Roger Alpheus. Quite an ambitious man and he lives a very successful life using Jennette.' Athy thought before noticing the look in his eyes. Rosia squeaked and ran behind Felix peering out on the side of his legs. She didn't like the look in his eyes. 'Huh? What's that? That look in his eyes... Is he comparing his card with us? Us? Two five year olds?' Athy thought as Rosia narrowed her eyes. She looked up at Athy who nodded her head as they smiled at him.

"Hello, Mister White!" Athy and Rosia said together smiling brightly at the man. Not like he couldn't see her smile. 'Sup, how's Jennette?' Athy thought as Rosia shook her head and giggled at what she said. "Whi.." Felix said frozen as Roger stared at them. "They wouldn't happen to be talking about me, are they?" Roger questioned Felix who didn't know how to respond. "Mister! You look like a white doggy!" Rosia said as she moved from behind Felix's legs. "You want a bite? It's yummy." Athy asked him showing him the lollipop that she had. Felix held her as he tried to hold in his laughter.

"Thank..." Roger said awkwardly as he tried to reach for the candy. "Bad doggy! Dogs don't eat sweets!" Rosia told him as she stuck her tongue out at him. At the same time Athy moved the candy away from him. Felix on the other hand started coughing to cover up his laughter. "They're... truly adorable princesses." Roger said to them as Rosia and Athy looked at each other. 'Ah, maybe we should stop teasing him.' Rosia thought to Athy who shrugged at her. "Felix... Rosia and Athy wants to see Papa." Rosia said as she tugged on his pants.

"Ahem. Well then. Shall we?" Felix told them as he held Rosia's hand as they walked away. "Bye, Mr. White!" Athy said as Rosia turned to look at him. She smiled at him waving her hand before facing the front. "It was a pleasure to meet you both... May there be prosperity upon the Obelian Empire." Roger said just as the door closed behind them.

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