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Third Person's P.O.V

"Thanks you for inviting Athy/Rosia to tea." The twins said at the same time as they curtsied to Claude. "Heh." Felix said as he smiled at how cute Athy and Rosia looked. 'How's that? Aren't we cute? I even practiced how to look cuter!' Athy thought as Rosia sighed and shook her head at Athy. Claude looked at them not responding to them. "Felix." Claude called out not turning to look at the man. "Yes, your majesty?" Felix replied as Claude walked towards the table and sat down. 'Hmph. Fine. What was I expecting anyway?' Athy thought as Felix lift her up into the chair.

He repeated the same process to Rosia who was looking at Claude with an annoyed expression. 'The least Papa can do is reply to us.' Rosia thought to Athy as she pouted with her sister nodding her head in agreement. "Good morning, Papa." Rosia said as Athy greeted him after her. 'Current time, 10 AM. About a month ago, damn Claude changed our tea time to the early morning. Before he used to call us in the afternoon. Now I have to say good morning to him every day. Of course, Claude does not respond.' Athy thought as Rosia looked between her father and older sister sensing the tense.

"Papa was in my dream yesterday!" Rosia said trying to distract Athy as Claude turned to her. "A dream...?" he asked her as she nodded with a smile. "Rosia was with Athy, Papa, Lily and Felix and we went to pick the the stars and the moon and it was fun!" Rosia said as she swung her legs back and forth. "That's a weird dream." Claude replied as Athy turned to him narrowing her eyes. 'You watch your mouth.' Athy thought as Rosia lightly hit her sisters' arm causing her to pout. "Rosia was so happy Rosia got to play with Athy and Papa!" she told him as he smirked at what she said.

"Papa! Athy's glad to spend time with you!" Athy said as she smiled at him as he turned his attention to her.'Rosia, I can't do this anymore! I'll just focus on my cake. I was starting to get confused by your words.' Athy told her little sister as she looked at her in disbelief. 'What?! That's so mean!' Rosia said as she silently cried as the maid rest two cakes in front of each of them. 'Huh? What's this? Ah, these maids have never seen us talk before? Come to think of it, we were always far apart.' Athy thought as she turned to Rosia who started to eat the cake. She too began to eat the cake as she stared at Claude.

'He's doing it again. Is he not getting enough sleep? He was sleeping last time too. Then why didn't he just call us in the afternoon?' Athy thought to Rosia who shrugged her shoulders before looking at the tea in front of Claude. "Papa, is that good?" Rosia asked Claude as he looked at her before glancing at the tea cup. "It's not enjoyed for it's taste." Claude said as the twins looked at each other. "We want what Papa's having!" Rosia exclaimed as Felix walked up to them. "It might be too strong for you, Princess." Felix said as he looked at them. "We want it! We want it! Same one!" Athy told Felix who laughed nervously.

'Check out this bravado! Check out how bold I've become! It would be so nice if Claude is moved by my boldness and doesn't feel like killing us anymore. Anyway, it feels boring to always eat cake with milk and honey. Don't you agree, Rosia?' Athy asked her sister through their communication as she nodded her head in agreement. "Let them have it. They wants it, I won't stop them." Claude as Rosia looked towards Felix with sparkly eyes. As they received the tea, Rosia and Athy picked it up as they smelled it. 'I did think it smelled nice, and I was right!' Rosia thought to Athy who nodded.

"Rosia likes it too! It feels like flowers are blooming inside Athy's/Rosia's mouth!" The twins said in unison with Rosia saying the first sentence by herself. Rosia and Athy smiled before the younger of the two started to drink some more. Claude and Felix upon hearing those words stared at them in shock. 'What? What's with this reaction?' Athy asked her sister who placed her cup down on the table before looking up. 'I'm not sure.... Did we say something wrong?' Rosia asked her sister as she began to panic fearing for their lives. 'No... I'm sure we didn't.' Athy thought before Felix was the first one to speak.

".... I see you have taken a liking to the it. It's called Lippe Tea. His majesty enjoys it as well. And Lady Diana also enjoyed it. 'It feels like flowers are blooming in my mouth', is what she said." Felix told them as they glanced at each other before looking at Claude. "Mommy said the same thing as Athy and Rosia?" The twins said in unison Rosia glanced down at her half empty cup. "Yes. Lady Diana was the reason why His Majesty started to enjoy Lippe Tea. Lippe Tea's main ingredient, Sanyu, only comes from Siodonna. Ah, the lady and his majesty once had tea in this very place toge-" Felix explained to the twins before he was cut off.

"I do not have such memories. You are surprisingly chatty today. You're being too loud. Leave us." Claude blankly said to Felix as he glared up at him. ".... Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire." Felix told Claude before he bowed to him and left. 'What? So she's just a girl you used to know? What a jerk! And he's still...keeping the other one's portrait.' Athy thought as Rosia continues to drink the Tea. 'I agree with you on that one.' she responded as Athy pushed the cup away from her slightly. "You're both still too young for tea. It would be best for both of you to drink milk." Claude told them as Rosia froze after she finished drink it.

"Oops." Rosia responded nervously as she laughed slightly. "Hehehe. Athy likes milk too." Athy told Claude as Rosia just looked around before grabbing Athy's cup and drinking it.

Athanasia P.O.V
"What are you drawing, Princess?" Felix asked me as Rosia laid besides me on the floor. "Silly, Felix! It's Lily! The prettiest person in the world!" I told him as I looked towards him. "What about you, Princess?" Felix asked Rosia who smiled up at him. "It's Papa, Athy, Felix and Lily in a garden of flowers!" she told him as she showed him her drawing. I looked at it as I saw us standing together hand in hand. "That's so cute, Rosia!" I told her as she blushed slightly looking away from me. "Thank you, Athy... I really love your's as well. Lily really looks beautiful." She told me as Lily moved closer to us.

"Ah, Princess. I can tell this time. That's his majesty, right?" Felix asked me looking at my drawing if him. "Nope! Wrong. I'll give this to you, Felix." I told Felix as I handed him a drawing of himself. Rosia did the same thing having made copies, she gave them to everyone in the room. "...Is this me? Thank you... Thank you so much, princesses. I shall keep it as a family heirloom forever." Felix told us as he looked up from the paper to us with shining eye. 'No need to go that far.' I thought as Rosia nodded in agreement. "Here, this is for Lily." I told her as I handed her one.

"My, am I this pretty in your eyes?" Lily asked me as I nodded my head with a smile. "As pretty as the stars in the sky!" I told her as I laid down on the ground again. 'Alright, let's do that idiot Claude next.' I thought with a look of determination. 'You have fun. I'm going sleep.' Rosia thought to me as she went to the bed and laid down. 'Sleep well.' I thought to her as she hummed back before she became silent. 'Guess she already went to sleep.' I thought as I sweat dropped. "It's His Majesty and The Princesses. His majesty would be very pleased." Felix told me a she looked down at the drawing. Rosia and I stood on both sides of Claude as I kicked him.

'No, I'm not giving this to him. And there's no way he'd be happy. In fact, he might try to kill me for making him look so ugly... Let's see. Are there any more people left to draw?' I thought to myself before I turned to Lily. "Lily, Lily." I asked her as she looked down at me. "Yes, princess?" she asked me as she smiled at me. "What does mommy look like?" I asked them as the smile slowly disappeared from her face. "Athy wants to draw mommy, but Athy doesn't know Mommy's face. Is Mommy's hair straight like Lily's or wavy?" I told her as she smiled at me. "She had shimmering platinum blonde hair like you Princess Athanasia." Lily told me as I glanced at Rosia.

"Same as Athy? What about Rosia?" I asked Lily as she glanced at Rosia who was sleeping peacefully. "Princess Ambrosia has a mixture of Your Majesty and Lady Diana's hair." Lily told me as I hummed looking at the paper. "Hmm. Was her hair thiiis long?" I asked her as she shook her head. "A bit shorter than that." she told me as I nodded. "What about the shape of her face?" I asked as Lily looked at the paper "It was..." she started to say before explaining it to me. 'Okay. I can draw her now.' I thought as I began to focus on my drawing of her. "She was a beautiful person, just like Princess Athanasia and Princess Ambrosia." Lily told me as I looked at her again.

"Like Athy and Rosia?" I asked her as she nodded at me. 'In the "Lovely Princess", she was described as a beauty you couldn't take your eyes off of. I wonder how pretty she was. They say I look like her but I'm a kid... Come to think of it, even that jerk, Claude, liked Diana, and ended up having Athanasia and Ambrosia, right? She was that much if a beauty.' I thought as I made some finishing touches to my drawing. "Rosia and I really want to see her, too." I said not realizing that I said that as I felt the atmosphere drop. 'Eh? What's with this heavy silence?' I thought to myself as I felt Felix and Lily look at me.

'Did I just say that Rosia and I  wanted to see our Mom... out loud?' I thought to myself not turning to look at them.

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