//A:N// the mask mentioned is a canon one and not of my creation, if it was it would be shaped and colored differently but a i thought it interesting to use the actual thing. You may continue on with the story now.
Light humming was heard from inside of the village library as one Naruto Uzumaki sat cross legged on the ground before a shelf of books, calmly flipping through a book centralized around the bijuu. This world was a strange one, and he needed to know as much about it as possible. When the Naruto if this world had perished, the beast that had been sealed within had gone as well. Oh, it would be back within a few months at the least and years at the most, but it was gone for the moment.
He was curious as to how it was possible for his mother to not be bound to a single dimension and be so exponentially different from so many other worlds he had watched, yet be viewed as the same. He too was immune to the bounds of a single dimension, though dimensional travel was still not something he was completely used to yet, but he wanted to know what made him so different in comparison to the Naruto of here.
He wasn't really reading the book he had layer out before him, it was a decoy. No, what he was paying his attention on was the ever present heartbeat of his onlookers. His tongue flickered out between his lips, the soft and wet organ tasting for emotions held within the air to tell what his onlookers thought of him: would they be hostile towards him co,e confrontation? Mostly, he tasted numbness, an odd flavor, but he also tasted a dedication. It was not towards him-it didn't taste like it was aimed towards him-but to a cause of some sorts or a leader to which they would give their lives to defend.
Perhaps their loyalty lied solely with the village and its protection? In which case, they would not likely hesitate if there came a need to remove him from life's ever present grasp, tossing him into the abyss of death if need be. He thought over what his next move might be, when could he make his next move? The third test came in a few more days, and tensions were clear here. He could kill him now, but that wouldn't be fun. Perhaps he wouldn't kill him, there were worse fates than death after all, but that left the question: what would he do.
He almost wondered if he should check in depth for the hokage's involvement or if he was much kinder than he had been in his own dimension.
'Why should I care? It's not like I owe him anything...' Naruto hissed to his own mind. The small nubs of whiskers that had been growing since his leaving, which were unnoticeable unless one looked carefully, alerted him of movement. He did not move, he gave no motion that he had noticed or was even aware of the other person, instead he focused on the movement.
The whiskers were like small spots, three per side of his face and parallel with the whisker marks that had begun to fade slightly due to the damage he had routinely given them. They ran along with his jaw line, near the area where the angled, almost feminine slope of his jaw began. They stuck out like small black pimples, yet in an angle that was impossible to see unless mere feet away. The growths were unlike normal whiskers in the way that they were not hairs, being more relatable to the spots where the hairs of a whisker would grow. Packed with never endings, the spots could detect movement with ease, telling him precisely what he desired to know concerning the silent figure that now stood directly behind him.
Now was no longer the time for careful consideration, now was the time for action.
The nin swung something, cylinder like in shape and pointed at one end, aiming for Narutos' neck. Naruto ducked quickly, pushing himself off of the ground and sending himself to the side of the ninja before him. The ops force nin had not been expecting this, not planned ahead. Had the Naruto of this world been captured by this method before? Naruto kicked the wall he had sent himself towards mid air to launch himself towards the nin. His move had been anticipated, however, and his extended foot had been grabbed before being twisted, spraining and dislocating the ankle. Ignoring the pain, Naruto key himself swirl, using the momentum gained within those few moments to deliver a spinning inwards side kick to the side of the ninja's head. The ninja followed the momentum they had been given, slamming loudly into another shelf and causing a small multitude of books to fall to the ground.
The other two ninjas stared wide eyed through their thin slitted masks, yet the surprise and fear he sensed was as blatant as the day was bright. He wasn't so violent with them, not physically. His expression went from serious to malicious within moments moments before they began to twitch and spasm, collapsing out of time with each other and bleeding through their ears. Naruto's contracted, glowing pupils watched in wrapped attention as they began to foam at the mouth, the bubbled saliva coming from the eyeholes of the mask due to them not having any other exit available. He felt something spike within him, like his chakra used to do when he was first at the academy, his hair spiking out for the moments the spike had been in, and his grin becoming wider as a small instinct took over for a few mere moments. The spasms stopped, and the two ninjas were dead. He could no longer feel their heartbeats pervade the air, coming to an instant halt when they had been so violently thumping moments ago, like a recording of drums with the volume on max turning off within an instance's notice.
He stared at them as his own heart thumped heavily within his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins, before slowly realizing his actions. Fear spiked just as whatever the earlier thing had prior as he mentally freaked out, not knowing what to do with the remains. Plus, he and the ninjas had made a ruckus during the small fight from earlier, it was only a matter of time before someone would come to check on the disturbance.
His growths caused a slight twinge sensation to run along his spine as he realized that hurried footsteps were approaching him. He spun back towards the corpses and unconscious body, brow furrowed as he thought over a possible corse of action.
A young librarian in training looked over with worry plain in her warm brown eyes. There was nothing there but shelves and a few littered books. She spun her head to either side to check and see if anyone had sped off to one of the neighboring shelves but nothing but more books greeted her searching eyes.
Naruto waited until the sound of her footsteps fell from his hearing, and he waited until the Dorris behind her closed.
'That was waaaaayyyyy too close.' Naruto thought to himself as he returned himself to visibility, having been invisible. Well, that wasn't the correct term for it. He had sent out a small but high frequency littered with chakra to widen the gaps the brain leaves in its perceptions and manipulated what was seen. The people that were also there had been erased from her vision, but he himself had pulled his being from the plane of mortal existence, moving to the plane of which ghosts and mental demons reigned. There, the physical state of the world was the same, yet beings here-when practiced-could manipulate the beings of the lower dimension levels, not that he had.
What he had done to hide the bodies was a very easy illusion most kitsune demons and spirits could learn, and was easily implemented, fun to do so as well. His feet touched the ground from the few center meters he had floated, as he had been in spirit form moments prior, and he looked over all that was around. His eyes caught the glint of a needle, the thing the first ninja had tried to use on him. He walked over and picked it up, looking into the fluid to try and see what it was. Not noticing it, he found the cap and placed the closed needle into his weapon pocket before turning back to the others. He had an idea.
The sound of digging pervaded the air, a shovel sinking into dirt before scooping it out and flinging it over towards a pile. The burn of tight ropes were the second thing to greet the bounded ninja, the third being the smell of the forest and the roughness of the tree bark behind him. The shoveling stopped suddenly as Naruto glanced over to his guest, who had been tied to a tree that was by no means small but was certainly smaller than the ones that surrounded them on all sides. The trees were far too large to be anything but those of the forest of death, far away from any watching eyes.
"Good morning! Sleep well?" Naruto asked cheerfully, resuming in shoveling the second hole before stabbing the ground. The man didn't respond, merely struggled. It was then that he realized that he had been stripped of his clothing and weapons, his mask being gone as well. This explained the rough bite of the ropes that ensnared his front and the mild scratches that formed on his back as he continually struggled against his bindings. The only clothing he had been left with were his boxers and the shirt that he had been wearing beneath the commonly worn anbu attire.
"Not going to speak?" Naruto asked, waiting a few moments for a response. After a few seconds of silence, he frowned.
"Fine, whatever. Be that way you meanie." He grumbled, turning away and bending down to grab the first of the special ops' corpses. He dragged the unclothed body towards the first hole and began to set the dirt back over her, humming merely all the while to some unfamiliar tune. Packing the dirt down, he began to cover the disturbed dirt with moss and leaves before moving to the next body and repeating the process.
"Hey, Special Ops. guy, why do your teams always consist of two boys and one girl? Are exactly two thirds of your organization nothing but boys and the rest girls? Sounds weird..." he asked before trailing off, setting the last bit of moss over the ground before rolling a sleeve up and touching a lone spot, a seal revealing itself. A small puff of smoke and a mask appeared, falling to the ground before being caught by Naruto's arm.
"Now that is ironic!" Naruto said, laughing aloud as he set the mask over his own face, holding it in place by its sides. It was a fox mask that now layer upon his face, its eyes squinted, being merely a blue line with a thin cut in the ceramic piece. The markings were blue, a rarity as most of these masks were red, and two strokes adorned each side of the face like extended whiskers. The lips of the piece were blue and the mask itself was a slivered white.
"Hey, mister, what do you say?!" Naruto asked excitedly, beginning to tie the mask over his face. He giggled at the lack of response before speaking again, his words muffled lightly by the mask.
"I guess the fox doesn't say anything." He joked, letting his hands fall back down before reaching into his weapon pouch, bringing out a filled needle. He twirled it and began to approach the restrained ninja, his foots slow, almost teasing.
"Just what's inside of this thingy, anyways? I want to know." He breathed, daring the other to speak.
"Well, whatever, guess I'll just have to find out myself." He giggled as he grabbed one side of the wiggling ninja who seemed to wish to defy the blonde.
"DON'T RESSIT!" Naruto suddenly screamed, a few oversized birds flying from fright of the noise. The ninja, too shocked at the volume and startled, froze. Naruto breathed for a moment before slamming the other's head fully into the tree p, holding it there as his eyes searched for the jugular vein.
"You were aiming for my neck, so that's where this is going." Naruto told, bite in his words. He brought the metal tip of the needle to the spot and placed the tip at the border where skin met air.
"By the way, thanks for the sword, I don't know anything about kenjutsu but I'll put it to use." He said before suddenly stabbing the needle a little bit too deep into the skin. He squirted the fluid inside, not knowing if it had gone to the inside of vein or merely muscle, and emptied the contents into the spot a little too fast. Once the needle was empty, he tore it out and tossed it aside, backing away and crouching, watching and waiting fro the effects.
The ninja allowed his eyes to scan the area, looking for the graves of his deceased friends. He knew he had limited time before the overdose of sedatives took effect.
"Did-" Naruto snapped his gaze back up to the man's unmasked face, the dirty blonde hair that adorned it falling loosely around his face as he finally spoke.
"Did you kill them?" He asked in a breath. The response was immediate.
"Yes." Naruto said nodding. The man allowed his eyes to rake over the empty grave, the one he knew was meant for him.
"Did they suffer?" His voice had lowered in volume between questions.
"I'd imagine so, but not for very long I assure you." Naruto said in a far too calm of a voice. The man's eyes flickered over something else; another spot where the dirt had been disturbed. There were four graves.
"Who else did you kill, you demon." He asked finally as he felt the drugs began to take effect, his vision blurring and the tips of his fingertips and lips turning a slight blue, as though he had hypothermia. Naruto looked him square in the face, his gaze solid and confused as his currently normal eyes made contact with the forcibly constricted ones. The man's skin quickly acquired a clammy feel to it, and sever drowsiness tugged at his consciousness, even as it was slowly clouded over by his confusion.
"Is that really what you want your last question to be? Nothing else? No wishes you wish for me to grant? That's disappointing." Naruto ignored the confused look, opting instead to turn his gaze towards the other grave.
"It's my grave, it holds the body of Naruto Uzumaki." He said simply, not explaining further as the man's eyes slid slowly shut. Naruto stood back up, humming again to the same tune, and summoned the sword he had acquired from the man before him, slicing through the ropes that had bound him and allowing the still alive man's body to fall forwards, slumping with a dull thud on the ground.
Naruto proceeded to dragging the still breathing body towards the hole and positioning the unmoving, limp body in place. Dirt was set down, tossed about, over his form, slowly creeping higher until it reached his upper chest and shoulders.
"Hey, you still alive?" Naruto asked, trying to get a feel for his breathing. It was very shallow, very soft, and definitely not enough to fill his lungs. Naruto had come to a conclusion concerning their intentions before he had dug the first hole, but now wished to verbalize what he believed to have been the three's desire with him.
"You were going to bring me to...a party, weren't you?" He asked, pausing as he tried to find a suitable term for a gathering where his blood being shed was the main entertainment. It was something he did not miss from before he had become a ninja, and he hoped to never experience it again, never allow himself to be captured again, never allow himself to be weak again. At the lack of reply, he gave a small chuckle.
"Why do I even bother? You're not going to answer me." He breathed. He stared long an hard at the man before pulling away, glancing up at a few rays of light from between the leaves. The sun would soon be setting, he would need to feed tonight as he hadn't for a few days. Not anything that gave him the substance or nutrients he needed ever since he could no longer get it from his literal internal parasites of a family.
"I wonder if they were going to burn me alive" he mused absently for a moment. He stood and walked over to gather the rest of his belongings before returning, realizing himself to have not finished the burial.
"Good bye." Naruto's voice said as dirt fell overtop the unnamed man's head, covering his eyelids, nose, and every strand of hair. The light of the sun was engulfed with the shadows as his sight was no more.
Naruto hummed as he exited the setting, thinking over his forming plans for the soon to come events. Just a few more days, a few more days.
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