//A:N// guess who had to do research to find out the actual names of some of the characters used? I did! I did! I will be making references to something that happened in the genuine canon, but it will likely be alternated to better suit the story.
Naruto awoke slowly, a rarity in itself, and found that he didn't want to rise, for he was-for once-too comfortable. The bed beneath him was not that of the one he had owned in his first dimension nor the second, it was unfamiliar. Now, if this were any other day he would have jumped at such a prospect, yet he found himself calm and content. Warmth was on all sides of him and he could taste emotion akin to those he himself felt being transmitted by beings who he was familiar with; his siblings.
Wth their presence brought a familiar feeling, like the one he had felt when his adoptive mother had bathed him in her purified chakra, only this one was more tame, more controlled, more subdued, and while it wasn't any less pleasant it was no where near as overwhelming as when Kura had been in the giving end. As he thought, analyzing the feeling he had every time they were near since they had first begun to get along, he realized that he too was sharing his energy with them subconsciously.
For how long he had been doing that, he did not know, all he knew was that it felt incredibly nice very calming and pleasant, to be doing this. It also seemed to be more concentrated when they were asleep, and more subdued during the day. What was truly amazing to him was one fact, one amazing fact that he hadn't realized prior to that moment:
His nightmares, of which plagued him on a nightly basis and had begun to filter through into his waking life, were absent.
-Time Skip
Within a day, he had returned to the place he had been at prior to the visit, and now sat through a long lecture over being where one was expected. To which Naruto responded as follows:
"So basically, I have to sit here and do nothing and stay in one place, but you can do whatever you please? What, do you think my life, or the life of others, is out on hold the moment you leave? Don't be so one sided." This response merely caused the verbal assault to intensify, ensuring the pleasant mood that Naruto had found whilst among better company to falter and fall down into annoyance and boredom once again.
The days after that were similar, if not more boring, and there was an entire month's worth of time to wait before anything of interest was set to happen. There was, of course, the occasional run in with the opposing teams, yet these seemed to be set to be only during the day and only in domestic settings, such as town square, before the hokage tower, at the market, etc.
Despite the annoyance that already caused a slight tingle of discomfort within his head, Naruto felt a great deal happier at the moment than he had felt prior to the visit, and so he had been in a better mood. Although this was unnoticeable by his immediate company, as he seemed cheerful a great deal of the time, he was less prone to immediately move to violent methods to deal with the displeasures of the day, though this would not save many who decided to raise their hand against him. Speaking of which, he had been directly confronted in an unfortunate manner.
He had never forgotten nor forgiven them, the people to have feigned his friendship first, so why they would decide to march over was beyond the blonde haired demon. His newfound psychotic side wished to thrust the ringleader of the pair into the pit that was used as the arena within the den, but his sensible side knew that to be far too risky.
His eye gave an unnoticed twitch at the sound of the other's voice, and he could feel a slight rumble vibrate from his throat as he gave a slight growl unintentionally.
Hibachi smiled at him sickeningly, his friend following, as he countered over towards the lone Naruto. Naruto clenched his teeth in annoyance and considered what he could do, but was cut off from his thoughts as the preteen plopped down in the seat next to him, throwing an arm around his neck in a falsely friendly manner.
"Naruto! My friend, it's been a while!" He exclaimed, his friend giving a slight smirk.
"Hibachi" Naruto said in a threatening tone
"How have you been?" He hissed out, prying the other's hand from him and shoving him roughly, his passive aggression becoming more obvious as he tried not to burn holes into the other's skull with his glare. Although heatvision was not something he could do, it was still no good for him to start glaring at the other when he was meant to be the happy go lucky ninja without a clue.
"Can't complain, you?" He asked, waving the waiter over. Naruto bit his lip to refrain from being snide, the taste of blood joining the lingering taste of his food. Now, however, he had lost his appetite.
"Likewise." Naruto said finally. Hibachi and Unagi ordered their food, not bothering to ask Naruto if they could join or remain at the table.
"Just cut to the point already, I know you wouldn't be here for nothing." Naruto demanded, his eyes flickering over the establishment's inhabitance swiftly to see if he was being watched. Hibachi grinned sickeningly as he sent his hand down into a pant leg pocket, bringing out a scroll and setting it on the table.
"What's this?" He asked, unfurling the parchment and eyeing what was written onto it.
"I saw it being handed over to Kakashi the other day and, well, we took the liberty of taking care of it when we were given the chance." The brunette told, grinning to himself. On the scroll was a written message detailing a new policy many of Konoha's civilians, politicians, and ninja of various levels wished to uphold. On it listed what they wished to be able to do in regards of various shops, restaurants, and other such facilities, more specifically, they wanted the ability to deny service to anyone, though it was obvious by the way it had been written that it had been meant for him. In addition, they wanted the rights of anyone under the age of eighteen to be given directly to the council, the only counter for this being the legal guardian of the child. Worst of all, they wanted the bill that denied most taxes being given to the orphaned mass of individuals without a legal guardian, the ones who live alone and by themselves, away from the orphanage, to be repelled.
Honestly, he wasn't surprised. An act that banned the taxation on people such as himself had been repelled for a much longer time in the dimension he had been in last, so he saw no true reason to panic. He had managed this far, in this world and the other, so it didn't bother him. What did surprise him, what gave the pair a reaction they had been looking for, was the fact that Kakashi hadn't signed it, nor had Iruka. There were many names he had expected that did sign it, but it had surprised him that neither of them had. In his home dimension, Kakashi had been kind to him as a child. But, upon taking him under his tutelage, the white haired ninja had become more and more aggravated and distant, as well as violent. Iruka had saved his life a short while before things had gone downhill and he had formed a bond with him, yet even he was not immune to the despair that the incidents of the past had brought, nor was he innocent of past transgressions towards the kitsu. It was only upon being repeatedly told and given guilt over by the third hokage that refusing the work and leaving Naruto to be alone was the equivalent of abandoning someone who was, "just like him" that he finally came around.
The corner of Naruto's mouth curled into a small smile, not that of his insane outbreaks but the kind one he had used and the one that had been used on him by his siblings, yet he forced it away and sent the snickering onlookers a sharp glare. There were still enough names to repel the bill, yet for some reason
Naruto didn't care.
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