I wrote this before the Spriggan 12 were made out to be a huge joke, lmao. But when NateWantsToBattle gets you inspired, you just gotta write. Enjoy the angst? I guess? Idk what to call this, but enjoy nonetheless.
"The south. Mermaid Heel is being stationed in the south."
Rogue blinked, his body slumping into the couch as he replayed her words over and over, almost as if he didn't understand what she was saying. But unfortunately he did, and he didn't like it at all. Part of him wished, prayed, hoped that she was joking. That Sabertooth and Mermaid Heel would be stationed in the same place, either north or south he didn't care, and that he would be by her side.
The south.
It seems as if fate had decided to figuratively shit on him early and put him through misery, and he wasn't even on the battlefield yet.
The dragon slayer's lips pressed into a thin line, staring blankly at the wall across from him as he tried to calm all the emotions running through his mind.
Rogue had been briefed —every guild in Fiore had been, about the new threat which was on the horizon. The Alvarez Empire was dead set on launching themselves into a full-blown war with Ishgar. With over a million soldiers at their dispense and an elite squad of skilled mage's this wasn't going to be easy. This could go on for weeks, months, maybe even years and knowing that he wasn't going to be able to see her...it left a dull throb in his chest.
Not being able to see her, to fight along side her, to protect her.
Sabertooth was being stationed up north along with Blue Pegasus. Sting told him that was done because they were the closest guilds to the north, and told Rogue that having Mermaid Heel being apart of their allied forces was highly unlikely. Deep down he didn't want to believe his best friend's words, but Rogue knew that his wish wouldn't be granted. And he was right, Mermaid Heel resided in Hargeon, near the port. The closest to them was Lamia Scale, hence why they were being sent to the south.
He was pissed, angry that Sting hadn't fought for position alongside Mermaid Heel. Yet he knew that if the young guild master had been given a choice, he would choose to fight alongside Mermaid Heel. Over the past year the two guilds had been working closely together, even with their long distance. Sting wanted to tighten bonds between each guild, and with Rogue announcing that he was courting Mermaid Heel's ace, opportunity arose. But Sting wasn't to blame, he was just following orders from the Magic Council.
Part of him was worried, scared that something would happen to Kagura and he wouldn't be there to prevent it. He knew that she was perfectly capable of protecting herself. She had reminded him so numerous times when they went on jobs together, but his instincts always kicked in, begging for him to keep her safe from any form of harm; physical, mental or emotional.
Of course, Kagura being Kagura and the ever so independent woman that she proudly is, would always reprimand him for being over-protective but she always thanked him. It had been strange for her, having someone who cared the way Rogue did. It was new for her. He gave her his all; the feeling of being wanted, of being the one person to lean on even though she was more than capable of standing alone, of connecting with someone intellectually, a level of understanding, a confidant.
And she gave him the exact same.
"Do you think Sting would let you join Sabertooth by tonight?" Rogue questioned, trying to come up with a plan to keep her close. Kagura rolled her eyes in jest as a smile tugged at corners of her lips. "I'm not joking."
"I think you're worrying too much."
"I'm not-" Rogue started, brows furrowing, only to be interrupted.
"Keep frowning like that and you're going to get wrinkles."
"Kagura," he sighed defeatedly, raking his fingers through his bangs. She was deflecting. It was obvious that she was averting the situation, as she always did when she didn't want to talk about it. When she was scared. "I'm twenty. I doubt I'll be getting wrinkles any time soon, besides I think there are bigger problems right now." the dragon slayer gritted out, voice falling short of a mumble.
Kagura's smile faltered, hazel eyes casting downwards as the heaviness she had been holding off ever since she set foot into his apartment enveloped her. Her mind told her to run, to leave the room and not speak of this and just get on with it. But her heart stopped her, he stopped her from doing so. She couldn't bring herself to leave him alone with his doubts and fears, especially when he had done so much to quell the ones what plagued her mind.
It was ironic as he was the shadow dragon slayer yet he was the one. The beacon of light that shone brightly, the one which guided her and gave her comfort in the most trying times.
Kagura heaved herself up from the armchair she occupied, taking the few steps towards him on the couch. Straddling his thighs she sat on him, her body leaning into his. At this moment Kagura didn't really know what to say to him, so she did what she though was best; comfort him physically. Her head resting against his shoulder, one arm draped around his neck and the other fisted into the fabric of his shirt. She felt his arms wrap around her waist, holding her close.
"I know you're worried, and that things didn't turn out how you wanted them to." she finally spoke, her voice muffled as her face was buried in the juncture of his neck. "Trust me," she let out a small chuckle. "I wasn't too happy about it either. The council's word is final, there is nothing we can do now except wait."
Rogue sighed knowing she was right, "But to be miles away from you and not knowing what will happen it just..." he cut himself off, his mind trailing to all the possibilities of what could happen on the battlefield. And with the threat of an an elite squad of mage's that even the Magic Council couldn't stop, the end results weren't looking too promising.
Loss of limbs.
Fatal blows.
Nothing seemed impossible with the way the council had hyped up their new threat.
He hated thinking like this, but during a war it was inevitable not to think about such things. Either one of them could die at any given time and the other wouldn't have a clue until all was said and done.
"This whole thing leaves me with a bad feeling." he added. And it did. There was an underlying feeling in Rogue's gut that things were going to get rocky, and he hated it. Something was going to happen and he felt hopeless, knowing that he most likely couldn't prevent it from happening.
This whole war had bad news written all over it.
Part of Rogue wanted to suggest to abandon fighting and run away. Take all the money they had between them and flee Fiore, go far away from here and the impending war and start a new life elsewhere. Was he truly that desperate to keep her from harms way? Maybe. But he knew he couldn't, plus Kagura wouldn't say yes. As much as he would want to place her in a protective bubble, she wouldn't allow him to do so. She was too prideful for herself and Mermaid Heel. Plus he couldn't let Sting or Sabertooth down, not at trying times such as this.
"I hate that look. I can never tell what you're thinking when you give me that look." Kagura sighed, head lifting to rest her forehead against Rogue's. "Let me in. Tell me what's going on." she spoke, trying to coax him into saying what was on his mind.
"I'm scared." Rogue gulped, hoping to clear the lump in his throat as his voice broke. "Scared of losing you."
Her head lifted at his words, at how his voice trembled as he elaborated. It broke her heart. It hurt her knowing that it was the only thing he was thinking about, but she understood. Kagura's hand lifted to brush his bangs out of his face, uncovering his right eye before gently cradling his face in her palms. "You wont—"
"You can't promise that." he cut her off instantly, his voice wavering. Rogue knew that she was going to rebut his claim, but she couldn't. Promises such as that should not be thrown around so easily, especially with an upcoming war. "You can't promise that you won't get injured or worse, and neither can I. And the fact that I'm not going to be by your side if anything does happen makes me feel sick." Rogue's eyes were glossing over, tears threatening to build. He closed his eyes to will them away, not wanting to feel this way in front of her.
Kagura blinked, teeth biting into her bottom lip as she watched him try and control his emotions.
And she hated it.
Rogue was normally cool and composed, like her, and seeing him unable to quell the mixture of emotions rolling throughout him hurt. Their companionship had brought the pair to let down those proverbial walls that both of them had built separately, brick by brick giving one another the comfort they longed for. Numerous late nights of sitting in the dark, together at their most vulnerable, sharing the most simplest fact or delving into more deeper stuff, things they wouldn't dare say to anyone else to maintain that cool disposition.
But one thing neither of them knew how to handle was seeing the other cry.
Kagura wished she could tell him that it was all going to be okay; that this was going to be simple, but it wasn't. "Right, sorry." she mumbled, her gaze casting downwards as she removed both palms from Rogue's face to fiddle with her fingers, shifting back on his lap to put some distance between the both of them.
The Mermaid ace felt hopeless. I guess that makes two of us, she mentally scoffed. She hated the feeling of helplessness, and most the times when she felt that way she always turned to Rogue. Yet now even he was feeling the same way, and neither had anything to latch onto, a security blanket of sorts to fall back on.
Reality was setting into Kagura quickly, her mind registering that this could possibly be the last time she ever saw Rogue, and vice versa. The thought alone made her stomach churn. Kagura hated that they couldn't pretend that nothing was happening and go about their nights as usual, but that wasn't them. Her or Rogue were realists—heck, pessimistic if you wanted to push it. She lifted her head to look at him, only to find him staring back. God, how she'd miss this face.
"If—" her voice gave way, causing her to pause and take a deep breath. Get it together, woman. "If this is it, and I pray that it isn't... but if it is then I want you to know..." Kagura had to pause yet again, an overwhelming feeling building in her chest, eyes closing as she took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. Rogue took her hand in his, thumb stroking the back of her hand comfortingly. Her eyes opened at his touch, shooting him a small smile in appreciation. "I want you to know that I'm thankful that I got to spend this past year with you and— gosh, I'm sounding like a character straight out of Lucy's weird romance novels." she laughed as the heavy feeling returned to her heart.
Rogue shook his head with an amused smile. "No, not at all." he replied, a hand reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear with his free hand.
The Mermaid nodded, taking his words as a signal to continue on. "And I just—" she paused once again, not knowing how to word her feelings correctly.
"I love you."
Hazel eyes widened as they met the carmine colour of the dragon slayers, whose mouth was agape slightly. Kagura only then realised that those three words had come from herself, her gaze casting to the side as her cheeks flushed. Part of her felt somewhat embarrassed that the words had just spilled from her lips so easily, but when she looked at the dragon slayer nothing in her mind told her that she had made a mistake. That despite their relationship being only shy of nearly a year in the making, her confession wasn't wrong.
She did love him.
Rogue blinked, his mind taking several seconds to register what she had said before giving her hand a gentle squeeze, gaining her attention. When she did she found him gazing back at her, eyes what could be intimidating at times, now filled with admiration, content, longing. Love.
"I love you too."
It was funny how hearing Rogue say those words back to her made her heart soar with happiness, yet shatter at the same time.
Neither of them knew what would happen come next day, but for right now they'd look at tonight through rose-tinted glasses and bask in every last moment they had with one another. Because come sunrise, both would be on opposite sides of the country, holding onto nothing but faith that the other comes back alive.
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