I was asked to have a continuation of Unexpected over on my fanfic.net account, and this is what came of it. I actually really loved writing this and was super happy how it turned out.
I also keep forgetting to update over here, oops.
Rogue sat at the table, posture stiff as he tried to psych himself up. You can do this, you can do this. It's going to be fine, Kagura is here. He repeatedly told himself, knowing that if worse come to worse his girlfriend would shield him, or could have. But she couldn't, not in her condition. Rogue knew that Kagura was just as strong, if not stronger than the scarlet-haired woman, but now that she was pregnant there was nothing stopping the Fairy Tail mage from destroying his very soul.
But then his future child would be without a father, and he didn't think Kagura would be happy about that. It's not that Erza wasn't accepting of their relationship, as matter of fact the swords-woman was happy that her little sister had finally found someone. However sometimes Erza was sometimes unpredictable, quite like the rest of the guild.
It had been about three weeks since Kagura had told him that he was going to be a dad, both of them keeping the secret between themselves —as well as Sting and Minerva— and now they were finally going to tell Erza. They would have done it earlier but she had been out on a job, only returning a few days ago.
Both of them had agreed to tell Erza first because big sister needed to know before anyone else, and then proceed to tell their respective guild mates and friends.
The couple sat at a table in the corner, Mirajane telling the pair that Erza should be arriving any minute. The white-haired woman quite surprised to see the two mage's. Over the past few months herself and Kagura had become close friends but even she knew before that, the two rarely ever came to the guild for visits due to the rowdiness, only appearing if it was for parties. Her suspicions rose as they claimed they needed to speak to Erza. Mira's mind raced with all the possibilities of what they had wanted to talk about. It must be something serious if they wanted to speak to solely Erza about it. Engagement perhaps? Mira internally squealed with excitement over a wedding, as there hadn't been one in forever. She had always wanted to plan a wedding. That and she had missed Bisca and Alzack's wedding due to being stuck on Tenrou Island for seven years.
A box from the bakery was laid on the table, white chocolate cheesecake —it was Erza's preferred flavour of the month, apparently— and Rogue took it as a way to ease himself into Erza's good books, especially with the bombshell him and Kagura were about to drop on her.
Rogue sighed, his body relaxing slightly as he glanced around the guild hall, his eyes landing on Bisca, Alzack and their daughter, Asuka. Alzack tickling his daughters stomach as she laughed hysterically, Bisca watching with a smile. Within a couple of months that was going to be him and Kagura. The dragon slayer took note on the expressions on the two gun mage's faces, they looked content and Rogue questioned if that was how it was going to be himself.
Parents. They were going to be parents.
Rogue had always said to himself that he would wait a couple of years before even thinking about children. But now fathering a child had become his reality and part of Rogue couldn't help but yearn for the feeling of holding his son or daughter in his arms. Watching them grow day by day; rolling on their stomachs, pulling themselves up independently and crawling everywhere, to watching them take their first steps and hearing them speak their first word. Just those thoughts alone stirred something of a warm feeling in the stomach of the Sabertooth mage.
"Are you okay?" the voice of Kagura spoke beside him, breaking him out of his reverie. Rogue blinked before glancing at his girlfriend with a forced smile, nodding his head.
"I'm okay."
Kagura raised a brow at his sudden daze but didn't question him any further, however part of her did wonder what was going on in that mind of his. Her eyes soon wandered over to the door where a certain swords-woman had entered.
Rogue instantly paled, somehow more so than he already was. He prayed quickly that he was going to leave Fairy Tail with all limbs in tact, hoping to only leave with a mark here or there. He'd be lucky if he left with just some minor mental scarring. But it seemed as if the clock had rung, fate was knocking on his door and only time would tell what would happen.
"Are you sure you're okay? You look like you're about to throw up." Kagura stated, a hint of humour laced in her voice at the sight the usually composed dragon slayer. It was a rare sight to see Rogue discombobulated —the only other time Kagura has seen him like this was when she tried to seduce him for the first time.
His breathing sped up a heartbeat or two, hands wringing together out of nervousness. Canines biting into his bottom lip with light pressure, Kagura was almost certain that if he continued, he was going to pierce the skin and start bleeding. He would often tug at the neckline of his shirt, seeming to look uncomfortable. To put it lightly, Rogue Cheney had formed into a hot mess.
Rogue nodded, swallowing the lump what had formed in his throat. "As fine as I'll ever be for someone who's about to possibly die at the hands of Erza."
The Mermaid Heel mage rolled her eyes at Rogue's dramatic words, "Oh, come on. You know it's not going to be that bad." she replied, tapping the end of Rogue's nose with her finger. "You're a big boy, I'm sure you could take Erza on."
It's nice to know she had faith in me, Rogue mused. But this was Erza Scarlet they were talking about. Possibly one of the most feared female mage's known to man, one what could kill you instantaneously with one foul swipe of any sword in her arsenal. Scratch that, she could probably kill you with her bare hands with her raw power. Rogue didn't know many people who didn't cower at the sound of her name.
The dragon slayer glanced at his katana what sat beside him, he had only bought it with him in case he did in fact have to clash with Erza. Granted he probably wasn't as skilled as Kagura or Erza, but he could hold his own. Plus Kagura thought he was rather skilled using it, and if she thought that then he must have been more than decent. If worse come to worse he has dragon force, either that or he'll just shadow the fuck out of the guild and run for the hills.
"It's alright for you, you're not the one she's gonna kill."
"Now you're being overdramatic," Kagura sighed. "Don't tell me you of all people are afraid of the Titania Erza." a smirk tugged as her lips as she witnessed Rogue shoot her a glare. One what told her not to poke the bear, or the dragon slayer in this sense.
"Kagura, Rogue! What brings you two here? Mira told me you wanted to speak to me."
Rogue's glare disappeared and he felt his stomach turn at hearing Erza's voice. Kagura tried her best to stifle the laugh what was begging to be released to greet her friend, standing up to hug the woman.
"We bought you cake." Kagura gestured to the box.
"Ooh, cake." Erza grinned, grabbing the box and taking a peek inside, squealing in delight when she saw what baked deliciousness was inside. She muttered something along the lines of 'be right back' before running away, probably to cut the cake up and have a slice.
Kagura sat back down beside her boyfriend, resting her head on his shoulder. She grabbed his hand, which was slightly sweaty, giving it a firm squeeze.
Erza returned, with a plate of cake in hand, taking a seat opposite the couple. "So what brings you here?" the scarlet haired woman asked before shovelling a forkful of white chocolate cheesecake in her mouth.
"Well...me and Rogue have something to tell you." Kagura started, glancing up at Rogue with a small smile.
You can do this, Rogue. Take a note out of Elfman's book and be a man. Manly.
"Me and Kagura are expecting."
Erza raised a brow at the dragon slayers words, "Expecting? Expecting what?"
Rogue blinked. He would have thought that she would have understood, yet she hadn't caught on to what he had said. "A baby," he added.
The red head's eyes widened.
A hint of a blush rose on Kagura's cheeks as her hand smoothed over her still flat stomach, which in due time was going to be show that she was expecting. "I'm pregnant."
Erza opened her mouth to speak, yet could only babble out words that didn't make sense. It already appeared that aunt Erza was fluent in baby talk. Rogue was concerned about the woman's behaviour, not ever seeing the famed Erza Scarlet ever lose her composure, ever.
"You... You're... Pregnant?" Erza stammered out, only to receive nods of confirmation from both the swords-woman and the dragon slayer. Seconds past before a squeal filled the guild hall, a blur of red flying across the table and enveloping the pair into a bone-crushing hug. "My baby sister is having a baby!" she grinned in delight.
Okay, so this had gone way differently than what I had imagined! Rogue blinked as he squirmed in Erza's grasp. He was almost certain she had broken a rib of his during her bear hug attack.
"This is so exciting! I'm going to be an auntie! I can't wait-"
"Did somebody say baby?" Mirajane suddenly appeared at the table, smiling a little too sweetly.
"Uh..." Rogue rubbed the nape of his neck, feeling unsettled with the sudden appearance of the takeover mage. He had heard stories about Mirajane from Laxus, and they weren't nice stories either. In fact, Mirajane was probably as fearful as Erza, if not more so with what he had heard. And what was with that creepy smile? It seemed as if everyone in the Fairy Tail guild was weird.
"Yes, Mira. Kagura is expecting a baby! Her and Rogue are going to be parents. I can't wait to be an auntie! I'm going to be the best auntie ever." Erza gushed proudly.
Auntie Minerva had some stiff competition in the form of Erza, and from their bout at the Grand Magic Games, Rogue knew that it was about to be super competitive.
"Oh, that's cute." Mira smiled, turning to congratulate Kagura on her news. She then glanced at Rogue, the smile soon vanishing. "Now that she is expecting your child, you're gonna make an honest woman out of Kagura and marry her, right?" the takeover mage questioned. More like interrogated. She might as well have just tied him to a chair and shone a light in his face.
Rogue choked on air as the three women looked at him expectantly. Don't say something stupid, or else they'll tear you apart with their bare hands. The dragon slayer composed himself, "Already ahead of you, Mira. Although there is a time and place for everything." he replied smoothly, hinting to the three women that he had been intending to do so.
Kagura blushed, Erza started crying and Mirajane ran away squealing about dresses, flowers and cake.
He wasn't lying, Rogue had been thinking about proposing to Kagura some time in the near future, he even had the ring bought and hidden away safely. He was just trying to figure out the right way to ask her to marry him. It had to be perfect. But then she had dropped the bombshell on him that she was expecting his baby, which had threw him off course.
Then again, what had he been expecting? This was Kagura Mikazuchi he was involved with.
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