Azrael Dreemurr

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Submitted by @HALPMEHHHHHH.

Anything I say will be in bold. 

Anything the author says will be in normal text. 


*Happy for no reason HuffleClaw noises* 

FULL NAME: Azrael Dreemurr

I see you took some creative liberties with the name. 

FANDOM: Undertale (After Frisk Saves Them)


SEXUALITY: Pansexual


GENDER: Trans-masc Non-Binary (They/It/Skull)


APPEARANCE: Pink-undertone with sepia skin. Roman nose and hooded brown eyes, although their dark hair covers its eyes most of the time. Fairly average height with plenty of piercings on skull's face. They have a septum, a bridge, dimple piercings, a left eyebrow piercing, and many more in their ears. It has two scars from the bottom of their ear to the top of their cheekbones, one on each side of skull's face. They have a triple lobe top lip with a round shape that is often smiling.


BACKSTORY: Not much can be said about Azrael's young years, they had the type of parents that were forced to have children. So it's parents pretty much did the bare minimum. But that didn't stop them from kicking Azrael out for their identities. Now living on their own with a part-time musician job at newly built Grillby's, where skull only earns tips, they struggle to keep up with their expenses. After an incident with it's family, Toriel finds Azrael in an alley, barely holding onto consciousness. She takes them in and in the morning offers it a place to live while they attend classes and try to earn money. Toriel grew especially close when she heard it's name. 


LIKES: Sweets, making messes, mysteries, playing bass and electric guitar, online shopping, the drums, anime, music

They'd be good friends with Alphys (*cough* anime *cough*). 

DISLIKES: Feeling jealous, disruption, bad hygiene, hunger, boredom


PET PEEVES: Slow-walkers, being late, interruptions, micro-management


PERSONALITY: Despite skull's appearance, they are very friendly and outgoing, often being the one to start conversations, invite people out, and make new friends. Very charismatic and active. Flexible, but firm with it's boundaries. They have quick-wit and aren't afraid to call someone out.


ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Right-handed, but plays guitar and bass left handed. Loves sparkling water. Can play the piano, guitar, bass, drums, and recorder. Can make sheet music. Has a shellfish allergy. Loves to speak backwards to confuse people. 

Cisum teehs esopmoc t'nac i onaip gniyalp fo sraey 11 ym ni yldas. (Sadly in my 11 years of playing the piano, I can't compose sheet music, but ✨B A C K W A R D S ✨) 

AGE: 19


Skull seems ok, but they are on the verge of being an Ary sue (The non-binary version of a Mary Sue or Gary Stu). Since they are a musician it makes sense for them to play multiple instruments, I'm glad that it's not "Oh they knew how to play every instrument perfectly from birth but doesn't know it." 

Ary Stu level: 4/10

The next review will probably be out tomorrow, and I'll let you in on a lil bit: we have a returning friend! Not gonna say who they are tho. 


~Dreamer out

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