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Not ashamed to admit I died to Mad Dummy wayy more times than I did to Undyne (Mad dummy: 10+ Undyne: 1 not trying to flex so if you feel that way just know it was not intended <3) 🙃
FULL NAME: Aodele Lole
I like the name.
FANDOM: A book I'm trying to write
Good luck with your book!
PLOT: The kingdom of Gyegar. An rather big and important kingdom amogst the other kingdoms shining with wealth and luxury. However the kingdom is currently shaking with the shocking news of the sudden and tragic dead of the queen and her family. Of course they couldn't let the kingdom just wander around without an proper leader so they gather around 'classified' teens and give them an amount of time to prove they would be the best rulers. Well that was until weird things started to happen; such as humans being missing and the rumors about the un-human like creators getting seen in the woods.
I- sPoOkY
SEXUALITY: Omniromantic Asexual
GENDER: Female, She/Her (Wouldn't mind They/them)
HOW THEY LOOK LIKE/APPEARANCE: Aodele has fair pale skin(not in a unhealthy way), standing taller than most of the others, being a little underweight even with the strict diet she uses on herself(I am also underweight so I know how bad it can be, and I will not glorify it). She has light blue(almost gray) eyes that shows rarely any emotion unlike her other facial features, making people feel as if somethings off about her.
Feel kinda bad for you :(
She has black hair that reaches to an little upper of her waist, with an stroke of white in it, in casual looks she would let her hair open but in rather serious and dangerous situations she would tie her hair up to avoid it getting to her way. She has heart shaped lips(the type of lips) that is often curved into an gentle smile that turns into an sly smirk near the very few.
(Still w.i.p.)
Unlike many others Aodele do grew up in the Gyegar, I'm one of the darker and forgotten streets that no body talks about, saying that those kind of streets put dirt in the name of kingdom but not doing anything to stop it. That was probably why none heard her screams, begging for help hoping an single soul would her hear. None did, she was all by herself, well expect of some other children who go through the same situation as her. She hated it. She hated how perfect the kingdom looked and how much she loved it but how rotten it was to let kids alone by themselves trying to survive. So in one of the nights, she made a promise; a promise that she would fix this no matter what. She would get in the control and never let anything like that happen again. No. Matter. What.
LIKES: Strategy, plans, clean areas, sweet tea, midnight strolls, non-fiction books
Sadly I can't relate to the non-fiction part.
DISLIKES: People depending on others, cold weathers,snow, large amount of water(example: oceans), any kind of sexual intentions, messy places
PET PEEVES: All bark no bite people, people who chew with their mouth open
PERSONALITY: To the outside and to the towns people she is an gentle and caring soul that tries her best to help others and is actually one of the strongest rivals to be the next queen by her kind and intelligence. To the lords and ladies she is an silver tongues ally that provides them information.
However this is just what they picture her as, in reality she shows her real, dirty nature to only a few selected people (one being her childhood friend who's helping her and making sure she don't goes out of control). She is an talented manipulator painting everyone's eyes with an smile she put on and the gentle words she says, also not seeing any problem in lying when needed. She has an strategic and analytical mind that helps her to turn into the person to the people in front of her wants to see. Yes, she does help people but not for the sake of doing something 'good' no not at all, there is only two reasons she does anything
A) it will help her to get what she wants (example: manipulating townspeople to be the queen)
B) it might benefit her in the future somehow
If the so called thing not fits in these two, then she would simply not do it.
She has also been sawn showing sadistic tendencies as mentally pressuring her rivals or even going as far as playing with people(that's why her childhood friend is always there, apologizing), not afraid of making her threats real if needed to achieve her goal.
She is an overachiever and will do everything to achieve to her goals which she sees correct as.
In deep she is really persuaded that what she does is good and she will help everyone (her mindscape is screwed up by all the things she had the deal with).
She doesn't show much affection even the closest ones, thinking it's an weakness, despising anything she associates with any kind of weakness
However things will change when it comes to kids, the b*tch that could bring destruction to get what she wants will turn into an rather fragile soul, watching the kids as if she is studying them, with an small smile in her lips.
(She probably has some mental issues but I'm not going to assume anything)
I like the idea of pretending to be a sweet innocent soul but actually has a dirty personality.
ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Hay fever, hates it
AGE: 19
I like this OC, (She kinda gives me an "I'm not like other girls" vibe) She seems kinda similar to Kizana from Yandere Simulator (If you don't know, Kizana is a Himedere, who wants to be treated like royalty. She is the third rival of the game and is part of the drama club).
I don't really have much to say about Aodele. I think that her personality does fit that of a queen, and she certainly has the skills to take over the throne. I also like the fact that she would only help people if it was beneficial to her. It sounds like a believable personality.
Mary Sue level: 2/10
I love you all platonically, and I'll see you in the next review!
~Dreamer out
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