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A dimmed room lit with candles. 

"Cookieland is in chaos. You, as Choco Cookie, the ancestor of the Choco Cookies, rumored to be able to solve all the problems handed to you!"

Cheese Cookie jumped from a roof to another, as the newly established government forces chased them down, with the people cheering from the streets below, watching the chase.

"And yet, you bait Cheese Cookie to act as the villain, the one that disobeyed your government!"

"Cookies need an enemy, for it is the only way that they can be united! That was your wish, was it not?"

"Your wish-granting...it is all a fraud, a disguise, to make the Cookies bow to you as the richest, the one that established order!'

"I am simply doing what is needed! Look outside, do you not see them all cheering? Don't they seem a lot more undivided?"

The ancestor of the Nuts opened the curtains, the weak rays of the sunset sun flooding the room, its rays reflecting on their pocket watch.

Just a block away, Cheese Cookie parkoured on the city's rooftops, as equally skilled forces trailed behind the 'traitor' of the land.

The Cookies were all watching, in unison, against Cheese Cookie.

"Get them!"

"You can do this!"

"Those who disobey the law will be punished!"

The ancestor knew they had been beaten, yet they did not give up.

"Choco Cookie, you can retract your statement, that Cheese Cookie was innocent and it was all an illusion!"

"It's too late, Detective."

They saw the evil in Choco's eyes, a perfectly staged trap, that forever pitted the two Cookies, and their descendants, against each other.

"Well then, your first mystery for you to solve is just outside the window."

"I will not allow this!"

"It's time for you to take your place, as the protagonist, the hero."

"No! I will not be on the same side with you, you-you wicked Cookie! Even if I will be the weak opposition, I will never side with you!"

"Every good antagonist needs a good rival; it's time for you to play your part. Detective, allow me to open your first case."

Just like a perfect game of chess, the door burst open and Choco Cookie's accomplice stood in front of the two Cookies.

"Choco! There...Cheese Cookie has gotten away, and he left a trail of cards!" 

"Don't you see? Detective Cookie is right here."

"Please, we have to go!"

The accomplice grabbed the vengeful Cookie, leading them out the door.

"I won't forgive you for this!"

Choco Cookie was left alone, a sinister smile on their face.

"No one else was in the room where it happened. The truth shall be sealed forevermore."

Cheese Cookie finally left two last card on the floor before silently disappearing into the night.

"We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side."

If you want me to be the villain, then I'll be the bad guy.


Almond, Roguefort and Blueberry Pie floated out of the Topaz Tome, all their questions answered once and for all after watching the truth play out in front of their eyes.

"Wait. So it was all just a misunderstanding?"

"It appears to be so. Cheese Cookie, vilified by the powerful Choco Cookie...a twisted tale indeed."

The Topaz Tome clicked shut, the jewel no longer glowing on top of the book. 

"But...why didn't Buttercream Choco stop us then? If his ancestor was what caused all of this, why wouldn't he stop us from potentially destroying his whole family's reputation as the richest and the creators of order?" Roguefort questioned, still astonished.

"The Topaz Tome does not reveal its truths easily. Perhaps your friend has not known this yet."

"You're right, it was in a basement..."

"I believe you two are quite exhausted after the grand reveal," Blueberry Pie continued, "would you two want to stay here for a while? There may be dangers outside."

"Sure, the departing train leaves tomorrow. Plus, we actually ran into Roguefort's sister on the way here, your magic powder saved us though."

"I'm glad to hear that; you must leave with caution tomorrow then."


"Here's your device, you can communicate with the mastermind with it."

"Do you wish to become a strong magician too, Mozzarella?"

The two Cookies were standing in the dark magician's cottage, filled to the brim with potions, spellbooks and all of the sort. 

Mozza flinched as she heard her full name, having not heard it from an outsider in months. 

The months where her target was Roguefort, a Cookie from the same dough as her, who used a nickname that he gave to her as kids, which grew on her over the years even though they were further apart than ever before.

"My fate is not intertwined with the secrets of magic. Instead it is intertwined with blades."

"I see. I will assist you with my powers, then."


The tanned Cookie scanned the screens. Mozzarella had promised her she would retrieve more forces, but would her family's secret be truly sealed?

The secret was passed down from generation to generation. She still remembered the very day her father brought her down to the Topaz Tome, showing the scenes of the ancestors traversing to create the government and all that was formed today.

Her father had told her to keep this secret, as it would completely remove them from power; she'd promised to take it to the grave and never tell a soul from the outside world.

She later knew that she would have to reveal this to Buttercream Choco, but he simply grew too naive, only believing in justice without a care for things long built. She'd planned to reveal it when he was 18, but things had came too fast, and the glass was at risk of spilling before she could even put a lid on it.

She'd promised to keep the secret so long ago, and this was the last gamble, to preserve this secret once and for all. She knew the Tome only opened for chosen ones.

"Forces, please move to the City of Wizards, now. You are allowed to leave your places, keep just enough in place to ensure safety in your respective areas."

An array of messages spread through the screen.

"Got it, boss."

"We've received the message."


If she could not keep the secret, she would no longer have her power.

She would be a commoner, possibly even banished by her own creation.

This was her last bet, a final gamble to keep her place.


The door flung open without warning.

Buttercream Choco Cookie stood at the door, a look of frustration and sadness painted over his face.



[Originally published Feb 14, 2021]

I am so sorry for disappearing again, writer's block hit me like a literal wall.


THE TRUTH IS OUT! Will Buttercream Choco's family seal the secret? Will Mozza have her plan go successfully? Will Roguefort and Almond be safe? Coming soon!

I'm planning to end this story at around ch30, meaning there's not much left!

It's also been a year since I started this story, and all the support is just;; amazing. Thank you all so much!

And I will see you all in the next chapter!

Next chapter:

"I'm sure we'll be fine! The train is almost here, come on Roguefort!"


"You know this is our fate. A clear path sits in front of you, and there is no other way."


"I may not be a fighter, but I will fight for what is right. Let the game begin."

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