Snow Part II | Nude Bridge

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Nude Bridge

"Alright! Enough, you guys stop!" I yelled. We broke up the fight and suddenly the sound of thunder caused us to stop what we were doing. We looked up to see that Michael, the archangel, flew over to us and said that he needed to speak with Dawn.

They stopped and fixed themselves up. Suddenly, Dawn came outside and asked what was all the commotion about and immediately, Rose got up from and screamed out, "Send me home! Send me home, I don't care! You know what, Dawn, I will talk with you later and Snow, I'm sorry." She turned to BeBe and flipped her off before vanishing with her friend.

"Well, bye?" I said in a late reply.

"Dawn, why was she here?!" BeBe yelled.

Dawn said that she had an important meeting with her and she didn't feel that the rest of the house needed to know for sure why she was here.

Graffiti Bridge

Here I am all alone in my room getting ready for the night with Starlet at the bridge. But once returning home, I was informed by Miko and Levi that the thing that Morris mentioned earlier was true.


Melody Cool

I stood by the entrance of my good friend's, Melody Cool's, club. Waiting for her to arrive just caused for me to get anxious and worried because she hadn't shown up yet. Then suddenly, a limousine pulled up to the club and  she came out of it, looking beautiful. But the only problem was that behind her was, no one other than, Morris & Jerome.

Dang, gotta cloud my style right in front of me, huh?

But I thought it would be better to suck up my pride and deal with the fact that she is not my woman at all. Aura is. I mean, she was.

She walked up to me and said, "Hi." I smirked and reached out my hand to pull her in, in order to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. But Morris interrupted us and escorted her inside with her by his side. By us entering the building, the scenery was based off of a burlesque club in London. Real classy. We sat down in a booth in the back of the club. Star in front of me, Jerome on the right and Morris on the left side of  me. The energy felt uneasy and it made me aware that I needed to keep my eyes on these two. Melody came over to say hello and give her support with the restoration of the Glam Slam.

"I'm here for you, my baby. Let me know if you need me."

"Yes, anytime." I said while lightly patting her hand.

"Hey, since y'all here, how bout y'all sing a song for us?"

Immediately, I shook my head and informed her that I was not prepared to perform and just wanted to spend time with my friends.

"Well, what about you two?" She asked Morris and Jerome but they felt as though they wouldn't want to upstage anyone else in their performance.

Melody again, turned to all of us and saw that she didn't ask the one person who was quiet as a church mouse, sitting and observing everything around her. She looked so beautiful while glistening by candlelight and I couldn't help but be memorized by her.

"How about you, sweetheart?"

Star looked up at Melody and asked, "Me?" Melody nodded her head and smiled. Star immediately was against being on stage and singing. But Melody was very good at persuading people so, she pulled a lot of tricks in order for it to happen. Star couldn't fight back because she was cornered by not just her, but by everyone else at our table, including myself.

"Good, well I'll go and introduce the act." Melody said and went up on stage to introduce Star. She steps towards the microphone and says, "Hello everyone, I'm Melody Cool..." the crowd cheers and clapped for her before becoming silent. "And tonight, I will be introducing our first act of the night. And let me tell y'all, I'm sure you're going to love her. Now, it's her first time with us, so please go easy on her and show her some love, alright?" She mentioned.

The crowd became more louder with excitement and Star slowly got up and went to the stage. I could see on her face that she was not prepared at all. Nervousness, anxiety and doubt crept over her body and decided to introduce herself, "Hi, my name is Starlet.... And, I'm going to be...singing, I guess." The crowd laughed at her awkwardness and took a deep breath before opening her mouth to sing and suddenly, the band decided to do a cover beat of Whitney Houston's 'Saving All My Love For You' but a bit more modern R&B sound twist to it.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The way she sung the song seemed as if she had been singing forever. Immediately captured by her voice, I couldn't look away. But I got out of my trance once I saw that Morris and Jerome were intrigued as well. After she was done, the crowd went into a frenzy of cheering and seemed glad that they actually heard such a beautiful woman singing. Star took a bow while smiling and walked off stage in a rush before coming back to her seat. Jerome pulled back her seat and she sat down.

"Wow Star, you were amazing!" Jerome exclaimed.

"Thank you." She replied.

"Yeah, amazing." I said before taking a gulp of my water and stare at her in a way that I haven't done in a while.

Beautiful woman, beautiful voice. Could this be God's way of letting me know that my heart is coming back to becoming full again?

Red Box

We finally arrived at the Red Box and as we enter into the house, we noticed that everyone was in a small crowd chanting and clapping. Curiously, I went to go see what the commotion was about and from what I've seen, was the back of a female who was dancing in the middle of the crowd.

Who is that?

By getting closer to the excitement, I could see that the back of her head was familiar for a little bit but she slowly turned around in which seemed to be in slow motion. And the face that I saw was not something that I expected.

I gasped and said, "Aura?!"

She turned to where my voice was coming from, saw me and said, "Heyyy, Rose! How are you? It's been so long." She came towards me and gave me a hug but I couldn't move. Too in shock.

"Uh, I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you and tell you that I'm staying for a little bit. I hope you don't mind."

She's what?!


That's it for Snow Part II | Nude Bridge!

What do you think of Star's song?

Prince's behavior?


About Aura's comeback?

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