The fight, the shift in the relation

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Rohit was calling Virat but he was not picking up his phone. They were on the way to airport.

Ritika was continuously trying to calm him somehow but it was not working.

He called Mahi bhai, may b Virat had told him before taking this decision instead of telling him.

"Bhai did u know this ?? Did u know Vi was gonna do this ?? Aapki baat hui hai kya ... he must have told u Na !!!", asked Rohit as soon as Mahi picked his call.

"Ro calm down ... I didn't knew any of this .. he didn't tell me anything that he is gonna do this", Mahi said not having any clue.

"bhai u are lying na ... Vi would have said to lie to me na so that I don't feel bad... bhai please meko batao !", Rohit requested him.

"Why would I lie to u Ro in this matter? I am serious .. he has not talked to me ... we haven't spoken since 1 week", said Mahi again.

"why would he do this bhai and he didn't tell us !", Rohit said being upset with Virat.

"I don't know Ro, I don't know!", said Mahi helplessly.

"Where are you Ro?", asked Mahi listening to all the noise.

"I am going to SA!", said Rohit.

"Ro, stop right there and go back home", said Mahi sternly.

"No bhai I am going to confront him and ask him why he did this? And I will force him to take his decision back", said Rohit being upset about Virat's decision.

"Rohit, stop being stubborn. Go back and recover properly. Team needs you and u know that", Mahi said sternly.

"But bhai" whined Rohit on that.

"Do as I said Rohit!", ordered Mahi.

Rohit went back home. He was calling Virat continuously but he didn't pick his call. He was pissed and angry at him.

Team came back to India and was gathered for the next series at the hotel.

Rohit and Mahi didn't meet anyone and went straight to Virat's room.

Bhuvi and Jaddu were already in Virat's room as they didn't want him to be alone.

"Why did u do it Vi ? Why did u hide it ? Test team needs u Vi", said Rohit entering his room. He didn't wait for anything.

"Ro, I don't have anything to say!", said Virat being so tired of all this.

"No u have to answer Vi!", Rohit said determinedly.

"Ro .. calm" said Bhuvi but didn't get to continue that.

"No Bhuvi, don't tell me to calm down. He didn't pick my calls for 1 week and now I want answers", said Rohit being angry and upset with Virat.

"Why should I answer ? I did what I had to do Ro!", Virat said not willing to change anything.

"Vi u are the best test captain we had, u idiot! For once u have to start thinking calmly, stop taking all decisions in anger and emotions", tried Rohit explaining him.

"What do u want from me Ro ? Do u want me to wait, so that they sack me from this too ... ha ?
Again I should suffer that humiliation ? Do u want that ?", asked Virat being tired about everything.

"Vi that's not what I meant", said Rohit realising how it sounded.

"Then what do u mean Ro ? Do u know how it feels to be sacked ... ??? That word .. how much it hurts Ro !!!!", Virat said with tears in his eyes being angry on everything and everyone.

"Vi I ...", Rohit wanted to say something but he could not.

"No u don't Ro .. u don't know ...", said Virat sitting on the chair exhausted.

"Vi u r right I don't know ... but this is not the solution ... test team needed u and u stepped down from the position ... u are running ...", Rohit said but was cut off by Virat.

"Seriously !!! I am running away ??? That's what u want to say ??", asked Virat being offended by that statement.

"That's not why I meant Vi .. I was saying u are running from these problems... we would have deal with it Na", said Rohit softly realising what Vi took the meaning.

"What will u deal with Ro ?? U r busy with yourself ... we needed u here in the tour .. we lost the whole odi series and test series ....Why don't u get it !!!", said Virat frustrated with everything.

"What are u saying Vi ?", Rohit asked being shocked by what he was saying.

"Nothing !! Leave Ro ... I don't want to talk about anything anymore !!!", said Virat not wanting to hurt him in anyway.

"Vi .. stop avoiding ok !! Take that resignation back ... enough of that non sense decision!", said Rohit sternly even though that statement hurt him.

"Ya right .. all my decisions are non sense Ro .. that's why I am getting this treatment u know! This sacking and everything!", Virat said back chuckling sadly on his fate.

"Vi u are not thinking straight! For once just listen to me!", yelled Rohit in frustration.

"Then why are u here Ro .. go be with the team .. they need u !! Leave me alone Ro !", yelled Virat back.

Bhuvi, Jaddu and Mahi were helplessly watching them fight. They didn't know what to say.

"Vi I am not going to leave u alone", shouted Rohit trying to convey it to him that he was with him.

"Ro ... why are u forcing me to take it back so much ... aren't u happy because of me all these years u were not given this position now u will get it!", Virat said not understanding why he was saying that.

"Vi... I..." Rohit began but couldn't say anything.

Rohit didn't know what to say .. he would lie if he said that he was not happy to get the captaincy because it was a pride but it was not on expense of his best friend's emotions!

"U can win all the world cups now Ro .. ur dream which was never gonna possible in my captaincy stint! I would never be able to give you that", said Virat being helpless about it.

"Cheeku! You are not thinking, it's no where ur fault!", said Mahi seeing his tears.

"It's not like that!", said Rohit softly seeing his tears.

"It's like that Ro .. we lost ct .. 2019 .. 2021 Wc and I claim so boldly that I like test cricket but I lost that too. .. Wtc !!! Rcb didn't won a single time... I am a trophyless captain", he chuckled sadly on his destiny.

"Vi ...", Rohit was gonna say something but could not form any words as he felt helpless to see Virat like that.

"U are the greatest captain Ro .. 5 ipl trophies .. Nidhas .. Aisa cup .. so go Ro !! Take it what u deserved!", said Virat.

"Kyu bhai, why did u make me captain? You should have made Ro! I didn't deserve it", Virat said to Mahi who was a silent listener to both the best friends.

"Cheeku!" Said Mahi but didn't say anything because he was also thinking everything emotionally.

"Vi Aisa nahi hai ... we are the top test team in the world because of u!", said Rohit keeping his hand on his. Trying to make him understand that he was not at fault.

"Guess what Ro it doesn't matter .. what matter is trophies !!", said Virat being all emotional.

"Cheeku.. control yourself! U don't know what are u talking about", said Mahi not wanting this to go in some other direction and they would hurt each other.

"No bhai it's all your fault u know", Virat said with angry tears in his eyes.

"Vi ...", Rohit stopped him before he could say anything more to Mahi.

"Why were u not there Ro ? If u would be there I would have faith that we would have won this test series !", said Virat.

Rohit could not believe his ears that his Vi was saying that it was his fault .. that because of him he had done this !

"Do u think I am responsible for this abrupt decision of yours ?", Rohit asked being hurt.

"I didn't say that", Virat said because he didn't mean it like that.

"But seeing ur tone it seemed like that", Rohit said back.

"Bhai take Ro and please go from here before I blurt stupid things in frustration and hurt you more!", Virat said turning his back on them.

"Yes Ro u can talk later u know, I don't think now is correct time!" , said Bhuvi not wanting them to fight like this.

"Yes Ro understand", said Jaddu seeing this is leading somewhere else.

"Didn't u trust me ? To share such an imp thing with me!", asked Rohit in a broken voice coming infront of Virat.

"Kya ho Jaata share karke, my decision would still be the same!", Virat said.

"Cheeku are u seriously saying this!", asked Mahi not liking what he said.

"Yes bhai!", said Virat.

Mahi saw how Rohit face crumbled with sadness hearing that.

"Thanks for showing me my importance in your life Virat!", Rohit said with angry tears in his eyes.

"U called me ..", said Virat in disbelief hearing Virat from him.

"Virat ? Yes I called u that after 14 years of friendship I called u that! U know why ?", said Rohit angrily.

Vi didn't say anything, just waited for his answer. Others just didn't know what to do.

"Because in these 4 months u showed me how important I am for u .. I don't matter to you Virat
U didnt even bother to tell me about that t20 thing and now this! Friends don't do that !", Rohit said bitterly.

"Ya u are right U don't matter to me Rohit that's why I didn't say anything .. go n enjoy ur captaincy skipper ! I am sure u must be very happy!", said Virat in anger.

"U think this low of me", asked Rohit with hurt.

"Why ? Are u not happy ? I am sure they will give u test captaincy too!", said Virat not having a slight control Over his emotions.

"I hate u Virat to think like this of me!", Said Rohit.

"Ro.." said Virat with tears listening 'hate' word from him.

"It's Rohit for you, Congrats on your successful captaincy!" Said Rohit professionally.

"Leave Rohit!", said Virat hearing that.

Rohit left the room in tears and anger. Mahi too prepared to leave behind Rohit wanting to console him.

"Virat u made a mistake", said Mahi and left the room.

Virat slumped down on his bed with his head in his hands crying on what had happened. He hurt his best friend and said awful things to him.


Next updateee!

Flashback ends here!

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