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A/N: Story is back to present after the team room discussion. Do read past chapters to get the flow. This is a completely new chapter. I have finished editing the previous ones.


Rohit was beside Virat who was sitting with his head buried in his knees.

Rohit felt bad seeing him like that. He knew they had said some hurtful things to each other which they never meant, but their emotions took over their words!

And unfortunately now they were here!

Rohit began in a low voice, "are u okay Vi? I know hearing all that stuff again specially from me and Mahi bhai has made you upset"

"Talk to me, let it out Vi", he added more softly.

Virat looked at him with moist eyes hearing the soft tone and used his nickname Vi rather than Virat.

Virat turned his gaze back to the floor, "leave Rohit I have done nothing but hurt you badly", whispered in a broken tone.

Rohit felt so bad to hear his best friend this broken.

"Why? Why will I leave you? Did u leave my side when I was crying over the loss and trolls?", Rohit said remembering Virat sitting outside the door but didn't leave even for a second.

"It's not the same"

"and care to tell me how it is not the same", asked Rohit wanting to know what was this self blame trip he was on.

Virat looked at him and tears flowing from his eyes.

"because trolls hurt you not me, on the other side-- i have hurt you. I have said horrible things to you. I really don't deserve you or your friendship, I --"

Rohit cut him off, "its our friendship, so you alone can't reach conclusions like this"


"Vi, listen-- you were not alone to do all this mistakes. I have also said so many things to you. We both were at fault, you were a tiny bit more. Stop blaming yourself"

Rohit tried to make him understand.

He could not loose his best friend to this fight. Seeing him with bhuvi and it gave that stupid jealousy feeling to him.

"stop Ro-- stop! I am horrible than the faceless trolls. I said about that injury thing I should not have, but my selfishness so that you are with me took over my emotions and I said that.
How could I ? I am a terrible friend and worse person ever"

He said being ashamed of the words he used in anger. Virat buried his face in his hands crying hard.

Rohit could not see him like that anymore. He hugged him tightly.

Virat cried in his embrace regarding everything-- the test captaincy thing, the trolls, Rohit and his fight, Mahi bhai not talking to him. Everything just took toll on him.

Just then Mahi walked in, saw his kid sobbing hard, it broke his heart.

He sat beside Virat, softly called, "Cheeku"

Virat looked at him, his bhai was here having that warmth in his eyes after so many days.

"bhai", he whispered.

Mahi pulled him closer and Virat immediately clinged to him, crying profusely.

"They didn't leave me any option but to give up, I gave up -- I could not handle it anymore. I didn't know what to say to you both.. all those articles, the board-- interviews, it was too much", cried Virat.

"I never wanted to hide from you, never in my life wanted to hurt you and Ro. I just didn't know how to--", he said between his sobs.

"We know Cheeku, we were also thinking very emotionally at the same time", Mahi consoled him.

"we are also sorry Vi", Rohit said rubbing his back.

"I didn't break us na" asked Virat needing that assurance.

"No cheeku, Nothing can break us, this was just a test you know", Mahi said softly.

Rohit added to it, "bhai is right Vi, this was just a phase"

Virat just snuggled more into Mahi's embrace, in attempt to hide himself from the world.

The phone ring broke their comfortable silence. Rohit took it and immediately frowned seeing the name.

"Vi, its Ab", Rohit said even though he was happily ready to cut the call if it wasn't Mahi bhai's glare.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now", he said in a low voice still hiding his face like a child in Mahi's chest.

He felt protected and secured in his big brother's embrace.


"Please bhai"

Mahi signaled Ro to pick up as it was the second time he was calling.

Rohit scowled at that but picked it up and moved to the balcony.

"Hey Ab", he greeted in a disinterested tone.

"Oh thank god someone picked up the call, I was so worried", Ab said in relief.

Why is he worried about my bestie?

"Rohit, are you there?", Ab asked sensing silence at the other end.

"yes, I am on the call"

What option do I have?

"Rohit, how is biscuit? Yesterday he had really bad headache when I called and he looked really disturbed", Ab asked in concern.

What? Ab called Virat and I was not there with him, ughh..

"Rohit", Ab called him again checking if the phone call was still going on.

"He is okay, he is sleeping right now. I and Mahi bhai are there with him", Rohit said.

"Okay, do tell him I called", he said and hanged up the call.

I would never in my life.

Rohit came back in the room to see Mahi sitting on the bed with Virat sleeping keeping his head in Mahi's lap.

"Ab was saying that he had an awful headache yesterday", Rohit informed Mahi as he sat beside him.

Mahi stroked the top of Virat's head and whispered, "Due to stress he may have it, all this was incredibly exhausting especially on an emotional level"


After an hour Virat woke up, he hadn't slept properly in days and today it felt so much better.

"Cheeku, glad u got up, it's dinner time"

The soft voice brought him back from his thoughts. He looked up to see Mahi bhai with that soft smile on his face.

He was not dreaming, Mahi bhai was here.

"Cheeku, what happened kiddo?", he asked softly cupping his cheeks.

Virat just held his hand, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too, I am sorry that I was not there for you", Mahi said being guilty of his actions.

"Bhai don't--"

"No Cheeku, I should have been little more sensible about everything going on with you. But when it's you I can't help but think emotionally every single time"

"Bhai, I am just glad you are back by my side"

"I have brought dinner, come on, freshen up Vi. Go fast now", Rohit said and pushed Virat in the bathroom.

Virat sat for the dinner but hardly had any apetite to eat.

"I am not hungry at all", he said feeling a slight headache.

Rohit asked, "When did you last have a proper meal Vi?"

He rubbed his forehead with his fingers trying to remember but could not.

"I don't remember"

"Cheeku, I know you have been careless about your health and that's why you are having headache frequently. Have something, u will feel good", Mahi said softly forwarding him a bite.

Virat could hardly deny when Mahi was making him eat with so much love.

He had missed this so much.

"Wow, dinner party is going on without us", jaddu yelled coming inside the room.

Harry whined too, "this is not done yaar, why we weren't invited"

one by one everyone arrived and sat down wherever they could find the place.

"Bhai, aap thik ho, I am so sorry", whispered Jassi who was sitting near Virat's legs.

"Jas", Virat called softly, "I didn't mean to--", he said like a child.

"Jas, its because of you Ro and Bhai are here, so thank you", Virat said ruffling his hair.

Jassi just smiled and sat closer.

"Thank god aapka bharat milap hua, itne din se sanatta chaya hua tha", Jaddu said dramatically.

Everyone laughed to that.

Virat rested his head on Rohit's shoulder, having slight pain.

"kya hua, headache hai? should I say everyone to leave?", asked Rohit in concern.

"No its been days everyone was together, let it be for sometime", he whispered seeing everyone happy.

Rohit just softly pressed his fingers on his head to soothe the pain.

Virat saw around, his team together with him, now he could face anything in the world.

As Virat had sensed something was wrong, still there was something which he had to face. He didn't know what? But he did know, it was going to come.

With Rohit, Mahi bhai and team, he is gonna face it.

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