the whole time we were eating I kept feeling Billie's powerful gaze staring at the side of my face.
"So I heard your looking for a house, right heavenly?" Claudia breaks the silence.
I nod and pick up my spoon to eat more chili, I really didn't want to have a conversation right now.
"Have you found anywhere?" Finn buts in.
"Actually I have 3 houses on my list to pick from, but since I'm moving in with Courtney she has to agree aswell" I tell Finn.
"Why u moving?" The black haired girl looked over at me, which made me tense up once again.
"Tired of the old place" i lied. If we are being foreal im tired of being controlled and beaten by my parents.
By this time everybody is done with there food and I was just gonna head up to the room and rot.
"can we go night swimming?" Billie asked getting out her chair
She exchanged looks with finneas and Claudia and back at me raising her eyebrows, to be honest I wasn't really in the mood to swim, or do anything really.
"I'm down" fin said, "me too to be honest"Claudia added on.
Than everyone's head turnt to me, honestly it started making my stomach turn, I hate being the center of attention.
"Yeah sure"I spill out and instantly regretted it, I'm gonna be infront of strangers in a bikini? I am not insecure about my body but it's mostly the old scars I have that make me want to hide it.
I think when Billie accidentally walked into the bathroom today she saw them but she didn't bother to say a word about them.
Everybody went to a room and Billie got changed in one of the bathrooms, Claudia and me are about the same size so she let me borrow one of her bathing suits.
It's a bring orange 2 piece , it definitely is a lot and is showing off a lot of my body which makes me anxious but I suck it up and wrap a towel around me and head downstairs.
I see everyone already outside by one of the tables setting down their phones and shoes.
I tighten the grip on my towel and walk over there to them, Claudia has on a pretty light blue one piece, Fin has on regular black swim trucks on.
And Billie she has on really big basketball shorts and a big white T-shirt.
As I'm walking over Billie's eyes meet mine and she puts on a huge smile, "ur swimming in a towel?" she laughs
If I said my cheeks didn't start heating up I'd be lying, "yes I am" I said and put my head down trying to hide my laugh.
"Let me see the bikini on you heav, cause if it fits I have so many more you could have" Claudia turns around.
I slowly take off the towel and put it to the side and gave Claudia a 360, "wait why is body tea as fuck" she said and started laughing.
I gave her a weak smile and put my phone down on the table , as I was doing that I heard a loud Splash and someone yelling.
I jerked my head at the commotion and seen that Billie pushed finneas in the pool, and finneas was freaking out tellin her it's 'war'.
I than make eye contact with Billie and she puts an evil smirk on her face, I know her intentions..
"Nope absolutely not Billie" I said And started backing away from her, she playfully ran towards me and I turned around and started running.
I would like to get in the pool on my own time thank you.
Next thing you know I feel warm arms wrap around my body and picked me up, I was squirming my legs around trying to get out of her grip, "LET ME DOWNNN" I scream.
All she is doing is laughing , we inch closer and closer to the water and I wrap my arms around her arms, she tries to throw me into the water but instead threw the both of us in the heated pool.
It honestly felt good and as soon as I hit the water I felt free, I felt my heart actually start to beat again, everything felt unreal and good for the first time.
I life my head up out the water and let out a loud gasp, I than felt Billie wrap her arms around me to keep me up.
She moved her hair out her face with her non busy hand and I did the same with my hair.
She has the biggest purest smile on her face, vise-versa.
I look at her facial features up close and can see a few freckles on her face, some bigger than the other , there's about 6 medium sized ones on her left cheek and only like 3 on her other, there's rest are pretty small.
As I'm counting her freckles I see Billie's cheeks start to turn red and a smile on her face, which it took me out my gaze I was in.
"Ur staring heavenly" the way she says my name.... Ugh.
I swim out her embrace and look at her in her eyes, right now they are a sky blue, I can tell she's at ease right now.
"Sorry" I said and watched Claudia as she jumped on top of finneas in the water.
"The water feels good as fuck dude"Claudia says after swimming back up.
"You literally just jumped on top of me and ur not gonna ask if I'm okay" finneas said to Claudia annoyingly, which made Claudia burst out into laughter.
"Orange looks good on you" Billie compliments making me look back at her, I could tell she was staring at my ass but I pay no mind.
"Thanks" I say, I feel so good right now I never want this feeling to go away, pure bliss.
This is such a bittersweet moment, it feels good but I know this feeling won't last forever.
I lay my head back in the pool and make my body float, Claudia has backyard speakers and is playing music.
Pink + White by Frank Ocean started playing.
My mind wasn't going 500 miles per hour, my heart wasn't constantly racing, the voices In my head weren't being too loud, I blocked them out, my shoulders weren't caring weight into them, it felt really good.
I than had my little moment ruined by someone pulling my feet under the water.
I started rapidly moving my feet and hands trying to get to the surface fast, and when I did I seen a laughing Billie.
I rolled my eyes and swam to her, she has on an oversized white shirt and it's wet , you can clearly see the Lacey black bra underneath, she has beautiful round boobs.
"you know that's pretty gay"Billie made my head rise and meet her gaze, her eyes were a foggy dark blue color now, And she had on a cocky smirk painted across her face.
She knows where I was looking and that's embarrassing. "Sorry you know they are just... there" I made a complete fool out of my self.
I slap my palm against my forehead and let out a sigh, Billie started laughing and soon I felt her arms wrap around my body.
"Don't get all flustered, I don't mind" she said.
In that moment, I felt a rush of butterflies, a sense of freedom, and pure joy. Gazing into her mesmerizing blue eyes and admiring her stunning features, all I wanted was to let my guard down and kiss her. But I knew this moment wouldn't last forever, so I had to hold myself back.
I could tell she was feeling the same way, the lust in her eyes were clear as day, her eyes kept darting towards my lips and back up to my eyes. She kept the smirk on her face the whole time.
I had to stop it now. I pushed myself away from her and started walking towards the stairs to the outside of the pool.
I didn't look back once , I knew she was staring at my ass , did I care? Yes it almost made me blush, but was I gonna show any emotions to a stranger? No.
I grabbed my towel and started drying off, "where ya goin?"finneas yells, he's still in the pool along with Claudia and Billie.
"Bed" I deadpanned.
I didn't look at Billie nor Claudia and finished drying off.
I grabbed my phone and my water and headed upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.
Everytime something goes well, I, being me fucks it up, I have to ruin it.
I grab a grey tank top , underwear and some white sweat shorts and head to the bathroom.
I take my shower and do what I have to do and head back into my dimmed guest room.
There's dirty plates, cups and trash everywhere, I haven't had any motivation to clean up but I know I have to because first this isn't even my house and second I'm moving soon.
I flop on the already unmade bed and plugged my phone in, seeing a message from finneas.
Just checking on you, hope you're okay, Billie's worried I think but I made her go home.
I'm ok thanks fin, just tired.
Delivered 10:34pm
I than closed my phone and closed my eyes, I was too lazy to play my bedtime playlist and too lazy to turn the lights all the way off.
I almost instantly fell asleep.
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