Ask about heavenly. -6

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Today I went to the bank to check my account and surely I have roughly 50k to spend on a house, to finally get away from my parents.

I haven't heard from them since I was in the hospital, which I wish they would've but knowing them I am not surprised.

I honestly been staying with finneas for a few days because for some reason I can't sleep at my house.

I haven't ran into Billie at all and I've been here maybe 4 days. To be honest I'm kind of nervous to see her because last time I made a total fool of myself.

I've gotten used to Claudia as well, she's been trying to get me out the house and go shopping but I've been bed rotting in their guest room.

I feel like I'm just existing, I feel like I'm just a walking and breathing corpse.

"Hey heav" I heard a knock at the door, finneas voice.

"Come in" I say and unwrap myself from the blanket and set up on the headboard.

He came in with a slight smile and walked over to the edge of the bed, "how are you feeling today" he asked.

I put my head down, "I don't know I'm just yk... here" I say and put air quotations over 'here'.

"Billie asked about you" he rose his head up to see my reaction.

I just widened my eyes and shrugged, I don't even know the girl so why is she wondering about me?.

"What she say" okay I was kinda curious...

"She just keeps bothering me about if u ate or not or if ur okay and for me to check up on you"

"Oh" I said, I didn't really know how to react in this moment.

I guess she cares about me but how could she care about me if she only met me one time, it doesn't make sense. Everybody leaves everybody disappears when they see how bad I am.

I can't let nobody else get close to me, in all honesty sometimes I think I shouldn't have let finneas even get this close to me. I'm sure he'd be gone aswell.

"She's coming over today" he blurts out.

Which I felt my heart drop and it started getting hard to breath, why was I so nervous to see her again?

I mean like I keep saying I made a fool out of myself sooo this should be interesting...

"Okay" I say and see him exit the guest room.

I suddenly had energy to take a shower and actually get ready with my day.

I grabbed some of the clothes I brought here and headed to the hallway bathroom.

I brought one of there speakers in there and started shuffling my playlist.

Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine started playing loudly.

I dimmed their bathroom lights to make it darker and lit on of their candles, it was very peaceful.

I than started taking my clothes off starting with my white tank top and than removed my grey sweats.

After the song started playing I didn't like the next one so I grabbed my phone to change it.

Step On Me by The Cardigans started playing.

I than I heard a loud door open and I looked to see a shocked Billie standing in the door way mouth and eyes wide open.

I made eye contact with her and grabbed my towel to wrap up my almost naked body.

"You don't know what knocking is?" I rose my eyebrow, she's still just standing there scanning my body.

"You don't know what locking a door is?" She threw.

I let out a scoff and rolled my eyes, "whatever get out this is embarrassing" I say and push her out the door.

"I wasn't complaining" I heard Billie mumble under her breath.

I closed the door and made sure I locked it this time before continuing with my shower.


After getting dressed in a somewhat cute outfit and doing a light makeup I made my way downstairs.

And I see Claudia making dinner but no sign of finneas or Billie.

I pay no mind and walk over to the kitchen giving Claudia a quick smile and grabbing a water bottle.

"Where's fin?" I ask.

She looks over at me mixing the chili she was making , "he's with Billie in the basement" she pointed to a closed door with her spoon which I'm guessing is the basement.

"Oh ok" I said and walked away before I got caught up in a conversation I didn't want to have.

I walked back into the room and dimmed the lights so it was kinda dark and walked over to my bed.

I almost instantly fell into it and covered up.

I started playing music on the speaker and rested my eyes till dinner was ready.

I didn't sleep, I literally just set there with my eyes clothes, from the outside I looked calm but in reality my mind was going 500 miles per hour.

I heard the door open but didn't open my eyes, and then a heard a light voice , "yo heav dinners ready" heav...

I opened my eyes and got up following Billie out the room and into the kitchen.

I went over and hugged finneas and thanked Claudia and sat down, usually it would be me and finneas next to eachother and Claudia across from fin.

But weirdly Billie stole finneas spot and sat by me and finneas just sat my Claudia.

I tensed up when she set down and unoticely scooted by chair further.

She made chili which is literally amazing , especially because it's winter time

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