Part 29.

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If looks could kill Miller would be so dead right now. Carl sent death glares at Miller, still standing in his previous position. "Carl we need to get through checking these" Paris said, her voice hinting she also felt the tension in the room. Miller for once thanked that she was able to break the tension filled silence.

Carl walked over to Paris with steps that could shake the earth. Cameron sat beside Eric giving a sheepish smile to Carl as he wondered who Paris was. Miller took his seat at Cameron's left which happens to have him facing Carl.

"I was thinking we could go with this colour" Paris said. "Or maybe this one. It seems a bit brighter than the previous one" Carl only mutilated Miller with his eyes.

For the first Miller had a sense of fear towards him. Cameron might just be a bigger trigger than he thought. "So Cameron" Miller said, taking up a cupcake. "I heard you're a fashion designer"

"Ahh yes" Cameron said, his gaze flashing from Carl to the floor. Finding every corner of the house to be fascinating.

"How long?" Miller asked, biting into his chocolate cupcake.

"About six years now" Cameron said, smiling at how fond he was of his job.

Miller chuckled. "Maybe you can give Carl here a few fashion tips" Miller looked towards him as he watched Carl tapping his foot aggressively, consuming anger more and more.

"I don't know if I could" Cameron said nervously. "He's already quite fashionable" Cameron tried to compliment him.

Miller laughed, placing his half eaten cupcake down. "Don't be fooled. All he wears is suits"

"Seriously Miller" Paris said, irritated that her wedding plans was being interrupted. "This isn't time for your stupid schemes. Unlike you people" she gestured between her and Carl. "We have serious things to do"

Miller rolled his eyes. "You could always plan your wedding another time" Miller finished off his cupcake. "Better yet hire a wedding planner"

"Wedding?" Cameron said confused. Being shut out of his half brothers life it was understandable that he didn't know about the wedding.

Miller grinned taking the opportunity to piss Carl off even more. This is how it should be ; how its always been. There's no turning back ever since Cameron set foot inside this house. Yet why does Miller have this incomprehensible feeling in his heart.

"Carl's getting married" Eric said with his face stuffed with treats.

"Congratulations" Cameron said. It was clear that he was happy for his brother. A hint of sadness that he would miss such a glorious event.

"Shut up" Carl said. His tone low yet frightening. Cameron looked up at him, seeing how his brother was being pushed to the edge.

"Is that anyway to talk to your own brother" Miller shook his head disapproving Carl's behaviour.

"Brother" Paris said, wide eyes as she looked at Carl. "Is that true? I thought you said that you didn't have any siblings"

"I said shut up" Carl repeated, looking like he was about to have a break down.

Upon sight Miller wondered if he should continue. He'd waited so long to end them and this was a huge step in doing so. Yet, when he looked at the broken Carl and that he was the source of his anger, Miller couldn't help but worry.

These last few days have proven how violent he could get. Not the best person to be around when angered. Even when he was, he never hurts Miller. Once was only by accident and he apologized sincerely after.

Miller wore a worried expression. The broken down Carl made him want to ask if he was okay. If he opened is mouth and uttered a word of concern he felt like he was betraying himself and all that he worked for. A battle between general concern and his revenge was a tough one.

Miller looked towards Eric for help, he was too busy eating and admiring Cameron, Making sure he wasn't going to cry. Paris who was more concerned about the wedding plans.

It was only the two of them. A power struggle neither could win. Cameron was that key. Miller had to decide now what he truly wanted. It wasn't fair to be using Cameron. What if things got out of control? Then there was Carl, Miller feared if he pushed him any further he might just fall off that cliff and dangerously hurt himself. Miller didn't want that.

These last few days had him rethinking and he didn't want to acknowledge it. "I'm not going to get involve in this drama" Paris turned towards the harbinger of this all. "Carl let's go plan our wedding somewhere else" she tugged at Carl to get him to leave along with her.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Cameron said, getting up from his seat and taking Carl's arm from Paris. "I know your wedding is important but today is not the best day to plan it" Cameron released his hand from Carl's when he sent a cold glare his way.

"Why's that?" Paris crossed her arm, adding Cameron to her list of people that annoyed her.

"Just--" he looked at Carl then back at Paris. "He has a place he needs to be. This day is a bit heartbreaking and traumatic for him"

Paris grabbed her bag. "What could be so important that he can't even plan his own wedding" her heels clicking furiously as she walked out. "I'll plan the damn wedding myself" the door slamming loud behind her.

"Miller" Carl spoke yet again. "Why is he here? I don't want him here!!" He yelled, kicking the coffee table making the treats fall to the ground. Startled all three of them making them take a step back.

"Carl I'm sorry --"

Cameron was cut short by Carl getting up and knocking a few vases over. Miller hadn't notice before but Carl looked extremely tired and through his anger fit you could see his pain. "Leave" he muttered.

"Cameron what day is today? Why is it heartbreaking?" Miller asked trying to get a sense of what was happening.

"Today is his mother's death anniversary" Cameron said, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "And he-- I'm sorry Carl" Cameron couldn't find the strength to finish his sentence.

It all made sense to Miller now. Why Carl was upset when he saw the picture or why he's been in a rut these past days. Why Cameron asked to keep a eye on him. He was concerned about his brother for obvious reasons. But it still didn't answer the question as to why he despised Cameron so much.

"Get out of my house!" Carl yelled at the top of his voice. "I said get out! All of you!" When he saw that no one -- Cameron-- wasn't moving. He decided on taking him out himself.

"Stop" Miller said, stepping between Carl and Cameron. "No one is leaving" Miller looked at Eric who was frowning at him. He was in for an earful later. After all he made his crush cry. "Go to one of the spare rooms on the third floor. Stay until he's calmed down"

Eric did as he was told and left with Cameron onto the third floor. Looking back at the distressed Carl seeing as he was dangling on the edge. When Miller heard him shout, he didn't hear the resentment and anger the others heard. He heard a cry for help. 

"I'll bear with you for a little while longer"

Miller knew he had crossed that line.



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