Part 28.

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Miller shook in his boots. Whether it was excitement or nervousness he didn't know.

Sipping his freshly made coffee, he kept looking between the front door and upstairs. Carl wasn't up yet. Miller noticed how on some days he would be up early and sometimes sleep away. Today happened to be the latter.  

Miller heard the front door opened, thinking it was Cameron he placed his coffee down and walked towards the front door. Carl needed to get his ass up. He was the main act of today. As Miller turned the corner he made a U-Turn upon seeing who it was.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she made way inside. "Why are you always here" Paris said in usual annoyed tone. 

"I live here" Miller smirked, walking backwards as he entered the kitchen. "Didn't he tell you" based on her expression Miller said,"He didn't tell you"

Miller took up back his cup of coffee, sipping it casually as he watched Paris glared at him. "Where's Carl?" She finally asked, looking around the room.

"I don't know" Miller shrugged. He was likely in his room sleeping like a log. "I don't keep tabs on him"

Miller's phone vibrated on the counter. It was a text from Eric saying him and Cameron was on their way. What else did Miller expect. Eric was going to grab at any chance he got to be with Cameron.

Placing his half empty coffee down he said to Paris. "Just stay there and take up space like you usually do" He strolled pass her and went upstairs.

Miller stood before Carl's bedroom door. Knocking he didn't get a reply so he barged in. Carl was still in bed, the covers pulled all the way over his head. The room Miller cleaned days ago was already filled with clothes on the floor. Miller took up a few and dumped them on a nearby chair.

He pulled the curtains letting sunlight lit the dark room. The only thing he heard from Carl was a groan as he pulled the covers some more.

"Get up" Miller tried to pull away the covers.

Mustering all the strength he had, he pulled the covers away. A shirtless Carl greeted him. Miller hurriedly looked away, trying to prevent the blush from forming on his cheeks. Carl let out another groan, slowly opening his eyes.

Miller grabbed one of his arms, pulling him off the bed. "You need to get up" Miller groaned as he pulled Carl. The man slowly got up after seeing Miller's struggle.

Miller tried to catch his breath. He didn't sign up for this. In fact he didn't sign up for anything.

As he took up the covers he had tossed on the floor near the bed. Carl grabbed Miller's arm, pulling him close before falling back onto the bed.

Miller felt familiar large hands around him as he was pressed against a bare chest. Miller was burning up, what was happening. He was just taking up the covers and now he's wrapped safely in Carl's arms.

"W-What are you doing?" Miller stuttered, his heart beating out of his chest and his face about to explode.

"Today--" Carl said but stopped.

Miller tried shimmering himself out of his hold. Admittedly it was comfortable but this wasn't right. None of this was; the way he was feeling, forgetting how he disliked Carl due to a little bit of kindness and touching.

"You're half asleep" Miler concluded. "You need to get up. Big day ahead"

Carl wasn't listening. Just mumbling incomprehensible words. "Life's a bitch" Miller was able to make out.

He didn't have time to think about what he meant. Yeah, life was a bitch but now wasn't the time to be bitching about it. "That photo" Miller said. He didn't want to pull that card but it did the job of making Carl let go.

Miller stood. Carl sitting at the edge of his bed, his face resting in his palms. "Just shut up"

Miller wasn't going to argue, after all the best was yet to come. "Be downstairs quickly" Miller frowned. "Paris is waiting on you" and so are a few other surprises.

Miller left the room. He got back down to see Paris making herself at home. Miller didn't bat an eye at her as he enters the kitchen.

His coffee and gone cold and his emotions taken a different turn. Sighing he took out store bought cupcakes and other treats. Today was special after all. As Miller put out the last of the cupcakes the doorbell rang.

"That must be them" Miller thought to himself.

Opening the door it was indeed Eric and Cameron. Eric was looking like Eric and Cameron looking good as always. Dressed simple in jeans, Tee and a plaid jacket. Simple for a fashion designer. His long hair in a low ponytail.

Miller allowed them entrance. Eric stopping to say, "Don't let him cry again" before sauntering off.

"I won't" Miller yelled. "Knight  in shining armour" teasing Eric only to get a blushing reaction from him.

Miller looked at the sight before him. Paris, Cameron and Eric. The MC yet to arrive. As Miller looked at Cameron he couldn't help but worry.

He couldn't ensure that Cameron wasn't going to cry and that made him unsettling. Was this really okay? Using Cameron like this? It was the moment he was waiting for yet why does he feel like he could turn back.

As he walked into the living area, his eyes kept on Cameron. He's going to be fine Miller kept repeating to himself. "Who is this?" Paris asked looking at Cameron.

Miller ignored her. The footstep of Carl echoed through the room. As if it was the only thing Miller could hear. "Miller--" Carl stopped at the sight before him. Looking at Cameron then giving Miller a look he's never seen before. One that showed the fiery pits of hell.

Miller took a deep breath. "Welcome Carl"


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