Miller didn't change into something dry and went back bed just to wake up trying to figure out the sudden change in their relationship. No, he woke up with a familiar feeling , the anger he wanted to remember.
Miller's routine was normal, wake up and look at the familiar view, looking at the garden that deserved so much better. But when he walked down the spiral stairs to see Paris kissing Carl like there was no tomorrow. He blew a fuse.
"Why are you still here?" Paris scowled at the sight of Miller.
"Why is your ego still up your ass?" Miller retorted, strolling pass the two to get breakfast.
Slamming the bread and peanut butter on the counter. Miller opened and closed each cupboard looking for the jam. Last time he only had to settle for peanut butter and bread, not this time. "Where's the jam?" He asked, still searching as if the jam would magically appear.
"You didn't buy any" Carl told him.
Miller turned to look at him, unavoidable he had to look at Paris too since she clung to him. Miller remembered how they used to cuddle all the time, how he had Paris wrapped in his arms. These last few days sometimes felt unbelievable. How Paris stood before him with another man.
"I'm pretty sure I bought some" Miller pushed his thoughts away and said, not hiding a hint of annoyance in his voice. "The--" he stopped himself remembering he actually didn't buy any. They only had the grape flavour, the one he wasn't really a fan of.
Miller sighed audible, ruffling his brunette hair. Breakfast would have to be skipped. He didn't want to stand in here any further, the more he saw them the more his appetite dwindle.
"What happened to your hands?" Paris just couldn't keep out of the conversation. Miller didn't know whether she was truly concerned or just asking because she had an obligation to. "Does it hurt?" She took both his hands in hers.
Carl looked at Miller in which he glared at him. Showing how much he hated being here. He wanted to leave but his legs won't move, he wanted to know how this would play out. He could also torment the two.
"Nothing" Carl said, pulling his hands away.
Miller noticed how his hands where wrapped in fresh bandages. It was tacky but none the less covered the wounds. Carl must've done it himself.
Paris turned to look at Miller scowling once more. "Did Miller perhaps did anything" she said, causing Miller to ease himself off the counter which he braced himself on before crossing his arms as he waited for Carl's reply. "He has some drunken tendencies" she added.
Miller knew she was taking about that one time they went out for dinner. He had a little too much to drink and a guy had tried to hit on Paris. The temperament man got into fight ruining everything. Miller had to admit, he did some weird things when he's drunk: throw himself in a trash can, fighting. It all depended on his emotions the alcohol brought out. Overall he was a calm drinker-- just don't make him angry.
"Tendencies huh" Miller stroked his chin. "You mean farting non stop or singing out the wrong lyrics to songs" Miller smirked walking forward to Paris. "Oh wait that's you" he chuckled. "Don't try me Paris"
Paris fumed with anger, Miller kept embarrassing her over and over. "That's enough" Carl finally said, giving Miller a disapproving look. They were back to their usual bickering, there's nothing more for Miller to worry about. They way he felt when Carl smiled at him or his arms wrapping around him. None of that mattered now, the sinking feeling in his chest would soon pass too. Replaced by anger and forgotten.
"You came to discuss the wedding plans. Let's do that" he said to Paris but his eyes not leaving Miller.
"Could you repeat that" Miller said, scratching his ears. His expression changing between anger and sadness. "Did I just hear wedding plans"
"Yes" Paris beamed, flashing her engagement ring at him. "The wedding is in three weeks"
Miller's mind went in turmoil. The wedding was in three weeks and he hadn't done anything great damage yet. What were these past few weeks for. He'd done nothing note worthy. The wedding; what was suppose to be his wedding was in three weeks. "Isn't that too soon" Miller managed to say despite his knees feeling weak and heart sinking into darkness.
"Aren't you happy for me?" Paris smiled, pulling Miller into a hug. "Try toping that" she whispered in his ears. "Shall we start discussing" she turned to Carl and said.
Carl looked at Miller yet again. His eyes held something different. Something Miller couldn't pinpoint. He led Paris out the kitchen. Miller trailed behind them. His head spinning due to the sudden change in things. He knew that when he saw Paris again he would have to prepare himself. The blow was lethal, he had to take sometime to recover and quickly.
"Don't you have some dishes to wash or somewhere to dust" Carl said to an aimlessly walking Miller.
Miller looked up at him, almost seeing a faint smile on his lips. His eyes must be playing tricks on him. "Don't you have a stupid wedding to plan" Miller said half heartily. His lame comeback the least of his worries.
As he climbed the spiral stairs. There was only one thing he could think of and that was calling Eric.
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