Part 24.

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Citrus. Miller wondered why he kept smelling citrus. He fluttered his eyes opened, greeted by a void of darkness. Yet, the smell of citrus was still present. He looked around, trying to find the source or a way out of the darkness. No escape was in sight.

The scent of citrus became stronger, almost suffocating. Miller closed his eyes as if he could make all this go away in the blink of an eye. Opening them back, he stood in an empty room. The curtains fluttering in the wind, the silence unbearable. The smell of citrus was back, this time he knew it was behind him. He whipped his head around but there was no one.

The scene was evident behind him. Before he look around large hands wrapped around his waist. Looking down Miller saw that they were covered in bandages.


He didn't earn a reply. His hot breath caused shivers to run down his spine. This feeling was oddly comfortable for him. Carl's bandaged filled hands started to roam Miller's body. Finding its way underneath his shirt. Miller flinched at the touch but settled into it. Carl's hand wondered lower and lower. Exploring Miller's loosely hanging shorts.

Miller's knees felt weak as Carl's hand touched his sensitive spot. "W-what are you doing?" Miller managed to say. His cheeks flushed and his body gave in to the touch.

"Don't fight it" Carl whispered in his ears.

Like a sudden trigger, Miller began screaming. There was no way he would give in to such a thing. "This is just a dream" he chanted, trying to pull himself away from Carl.

Shutting and closing his eyes numerous time. "Stop fighting it

A piercing scream erupted in the room. Miller gasp for air, sweating and looking around the room frantically. He flung the sheet off his body, looking at his lower half to be safe. There it was the one thing that he never wished in his life to happen, a raging boner caused by Carl. Miller settled in the bed, thinking of many different things to calm himself.

"I'm going insane" Miller slowed his breathing. "I need to hurry and get out of here"

There was only one explanation and that was because Miller hasn't has a good release in a few weeks. All his pent up frustrations are being released through Carl the only person he's had slight intimate-- if one would call it such-- contact.

If he doesn't get away or constantly remind himself that this is just something that would pass. He shouldn't get comfortable with his kindness. By the time Carl is back to his senses, they'll just be good ole enemies.

"Was I expecting something else" Miller chuckled to himself. Turning to fall back asleep.

The sound of water kept his eyes opened. Resting himself against the headboard he listened once more. That's definitely water. Looking around he realized he wasn't in his own room but Carl's. The thing was Carl wasn't present. Bad thoughts swarmed Miller's mind.

He got out if bed and walked towards Carl's bedroom window. Peering out the window, his eyes widen at the sight of a pool. Why hasn't he seen it before. There was Carl swimming in the early hours of the morning. As he floated along the pool his eyes met Miller's.

"Aren't you up early" Carl said.

"I could say the same about you" Miller said, examining the pool area. If he pushed his head out a bit more he could see the garden below his window. Just a small patch though.

"Could you pass me those fruits" he pointed to a plate on the side of the pool.

See, they were back to their old self's. Miller breathed a breath of relief filled with another emotion. "Get it yourself"

Carl laughed, waving his bandaged hands at Miller. "Can't, remember"

Miller's frustration rises. He should've ignored his curiosity and went back to sleep. "I don't care" he shouted loud enough. "Even if I were to come down --not that I'm going to-- I don't know how to get there"

"Just use the back door" Carl said, a hundred percent sure Miller was going to come down.

Miller ruffled his bed hair as he moved away from the window. Cameron had one awful brother. He would have to pray to whichever God that when they got on good terms Carl wouldn't provoke Cameron as much he does him. Miller didn't have a hard time finding the back door. He knew where it was but never stepped outside.

The pool was bigger up close, a jacuzzi to the left. The water dazzled in the moonlight and bounced on the side of the pool. Carl swam forward and took a slice of apple.

Miller glared at him. There was no reason for him to be down here. He only came because he didn't want Carl doing something stupid in the pool while he was suppose to be keeping an eye on him. Miller stood at the edge of the pool, watching as Carl ate his fill of fruits.

"Is there someone else here" Miller said making Carl raise a curious brow. "I know you didn't cut those" Carl's skills weren't so good.

Carl laughed, settling with his genuine smile. "You doubt my skills"

"You should cut your hands often since it seems to improve your skills" Miller joked earning a laugh from Carl. "How's your hand by the way?" it was only natural he asked.

"Could be worst" Carl shrugged, his casual tone making Miller feel on edge.

Miller stared ahead, the view was just as wonderful in the night as the morning. This would be the only thing Miller would miss, these heart filled views. A cold grip on his ankle distracted him. Before he could figure out what was happening he was pulled in the pool. Flopping like a fish out of water, he unconsciously grabbed onto Carl. Miller could swim but the sudden events made him forget. 

The embrace of large hands around him, pulling him closer made him feel safe as he catch his breath. Like a frightened girl clinging to her lovers chest, that was how the situation looked. As Miller became aware of the situation, his cheeks flushed with red. Here he was clinging to a bare and naked chest Carl.

His heart slamming against his chest. That feeling was there again, it was suppose to go away where was the anger and vengeful words when he needed them. This minute Carl was nice the next he was tormenting Miller.

Stop acting like a fool, Miller berated himself.

"Are you okay?" Carl asked, concern in his voice.

Miller pushed away in the most aggressive fashion. Glaring at Carl as hard as he could. "Don't ever do that again" Miller swam away. Getting out the pool he added. "You cut your hands, you didn't drop and hit your head so stop acting like that" Miller didn't feel satisfied until he said, "stupid CEO"

Walking away, soaking wet and the heat of his touch lingering on his body.


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