"Change of plans Eric" Miller shouted over the phone for no obvious reason. "Let's hang out somewhere else"
"Why am I still friends with you" Eric sighed on the other end of the call. "I said this weekend which was last weekend not this weekend which by the way you didn't show up to"
Miller rolled his eyes at how frustrated Eric was getting over a small mix up. "I was busy" Miller said, chewing on a twizzler.
"Now I'm busy" Eric said. Miller knew he was lying. "Now goodbye"
"So you're just going to abandoned me" If only Miller could see how Eric nodded excessively. "Well you can't. We have business to discuss"
"No we don't" Eric said, tired of his friend obvious attempt to persuade him even though he knows in the end he would comply. That is why he wants to end the call before it happens.
"Mission 101" Miller said, looking at Carl in the kitchen. He's been standing there for over thirty minutes trying to make something. Hasn't he learned his lesson from last time. This was no time for Miller to be playing nurse.
"What mission" Eric blurted out. If only Miller could slap him right now. "Ohh" Eric drawled, finally deciphering the code. "Cameron, yeah I found him" Miller could almost see him grinning from ear to ear.
"I'll text you the address" Miller informed him.
"Wait ,wait ,wait" Eric waved a dismissive hand on the other end. "You mean Carl's address as in my boss address. I'm not going there!"
"I don't see a problem" Miller groaned internally as he saw that his twizzlers were finished. Throwing the box to the side he said. "We could just pretend the idiot isn't here"
Carl looked up at Miller at that remark. Glaring at him for a second then looking back to what he was doing.
"That's exactly the problem!" Eric exclaimed. "He's there and I'm not going to be there" Miller walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Glancing at Carl who was mixing something in a bowl. "You Miller are the harbinger of bad luck and I would still like to be on the good side of the CEO"
Miller took a sip from his water. Eric was blowing up over nothing. "I will make sure nothing happens. Does that sound better" Eric kept quiet. "You could even enjoy expensive alcohol and food. Nothing bad will happen"
"Fine" Eric sighed, frowning at his sense of weakness. "If anything goes bad its your fault"
"Yeah yeah, hurry over so I can behead you" Miller said remembering the porn magazine incident. Miller didn't give Eric a chance before hanging up.
"What" Miller said, finding Carl staring at him with his arms folded over his chest.
"Don't invite your friends over to raid my house" Carl said. "Especially not my alcohol"
Miller placed his phone and water down on the counter. Walking over to Carl's direction. The mixture in the bowl was filled with what looked like raison. The possibility of it being something else was there. The first time Miller arrived he was surprised by how clean the house was, now he could see how messy Carl was. The counter was filled with egg shells and other items. An awful mess.
"What is that?" Miller dipped a finger in it. Tasting the disaster Carl created. "Fuck what is this" Miller ran to rinse his mouth out. The taste was horrible, by far the worst thing Miller had tasted. "Are you trying to kill me!"
"No one told you to taste it" Carl said, throwing away everything in the bin, including the bowl.
"You didn't have to throw the bowl away too" Miller said, tossing the water down his throat to get the taste away. "You need to clean that mess up" Miller probably sounded like a mother who is hell bent on keeping the house clean.
"Remind me whose the butler here" Carl said, taking off his shirt in the midst of the kitchen.
Miller opened and closed his mouth. He was at a loss for words. He knew the stupid CEO was well built but not to this extent. The way his muscles flexed as he wiped the mixture that escaped onto his skin away. In his rightful senses Miller should be jealous, cursing him of stripping in the middle of the kitchen. Instead he admired the sight before him, eyes trailing every inch of his body. Glancing at how his sweat shorts rested on his hips, revealing a trail of black hair that travelled down. Rich, handsome and sexy, Miller truly had nothing on him.
"Like what you see" Carl smirked. "I'll give you the opportunity to touch" he teased, pointing to his six pac.
There it was again, the smile Miller saw back at the office. He was doing it again and Miller found himself enjoying the sight. Carl is still the enemy, he shouldn't be admiring him. Miller was getting too comfortable.
"Stop that" Miller turned away, hiding the blush that crept to his cheeks. What is happening to me!?. He took up his phone, trying to find something to distract himself.
"Are you blushing?" Carl said, walking over to Miller to get a glimpse of his face.
"Like I would blush over something like that" Miller continued to hide his face.
"I think it's cute" Carl said, walking away from Miller."I'm going to get some work done" Miller heard the sound of his footsteps disappearing.
"Where the hell is Eric" Miller muttered. He had to get the ball rolling again and fast.
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