The employees weren't sure what to make of the stand off between Miller and Carl. They couldn't decide between staring or actually getting their work done. Cindy stood beside Miller, getting a full blow of the tension between the two. It was the first someone dared challenged the CEO. Miller was brave and confident in his sassing skills.
Miller turned to Cindy, obviously having better things to do than argue with Carl. "I'm still up for that desk" Cindy looked between him and Carl, nodding more than needed. "Great"
"What desk?" Carl asked, grabbing Miller by the shoulder and turning him to look at him.
Miller stared in his familiar brown eyes. They held so much emotions. Miller almost felt sorry for him, those stormy brown eyes held so much secrets. Anger was up for show, telling Miller how much he pisses him off.
"This doesn't concern you" Miller pushed his hands from off his shoulder.
"This does concern me. Everything in this building does" Carl leaned forward just inches away from Miller. "Now speak"
Miller kept quiet. He was getting a desk and situating himself far from Carl. Cindy on the other hand wanted to get out of this awkward situation. Carl turned to look at her. Miller wasn't going to answer his questions so he might as well ask the one in cahoots with him.
"What does he need a desk for" Cindy snapped her head up. She was getting involved more than necessary. Looking at Miller for answers. Answering the boss or his assistant, the choice was obvious.
"H-He wants his own office space" Cindy stuttered. Her composure around the CEO was more calmer.
"Why do you need your own office space" he asked Miller as if the answer wasn't obvious.
"You really are stupid" Miller rolled his eyes. "If you're done I'll be going back to what I was doing before"
Carl held on to Miller once more. This was the most physical contact they ever had. Carl ignored the fact that he was acting all touchy feely with Miller. "You over there" he pointed at a male employee, causing him to flinch in his seat. "Find someone and get that desk and chair in my office"
"Yes Sir" the man scurried off.
Carl then began to pull Miller in the direction of his office. Does he even have a say in this? He was trying to further himself away rather than be in his office. The sole purpose he wanted to leave was to not have to walk in on him and Paris acting intimate. He rather go through with his plans under different circumstances. Carl could kick him out whenever he pleases like he he always does.
"I can get my own desk" Miller said, tugging away from Carl. "I don't need your help"
"Just shut up" Carl opened his office door and shoved Miller inside.
"I don't appreciate how --" Miller stopped when he turned around to face Carl, there lips brushing lightly at how close they were. Miller's cheek forming a faint red. Carl on the other hand wasn't phases by it.
"What is wrong with you" He started pacing back and forth. Miller watch as Carl's intolerance level rises. "First you leave without telling me; do you know what I went through this morning, I almost lost a damn thumb" Miller placed a hand over his mouth, hiding a smile of satisfaction. "Then I come to work and you try and act smart with me and that woman...." He went around his desk and threw himself into the seat. "You are getting on my last nerve"
Miller walked over to his desk, leaned over and glared at Carl. "Then do us both a favour and fire me" if Miller was sassy with his boss back on the fourth floor he was in for a ticket home, permanently. And here he was acting all smart with the big boss.
A small knock came on his door, allowing whoever at the other end to enter, Miller backed himself away. It was the guy from before, the one who Carl ordered to move the desk. Two men stood behind him, holding a clean and workable desk. Miller told them to put it to the left, just a few spaces from Carl. No matter where he decided on putting it he would always have to face the stupid CEO.
Placing the desk in its position, the three men left. Miller sat in his new desk, much different from the one on the fourth floor. The only con was that Carl was here.
"You could've just asked me for your own desk and chair instead of going around bothering my employees" Miller could hear a sense of calm in his voice, a slight irritation was still there.
"As I said before" Miller said, rubbing his hand over the desk. "I don't need your help"
"Don't do anything like that again" Carl informed him, pulling a few files from his desk, finally getting some work done.
Miller got up and walked to his box that's been placed in the corner for weeks now. Carl watched what he was doing, settling when he saw what Miller was doing.
"Just so you know I'm not interested in you" Miller placed the box atop his desk. The memory of their lips brushing flashed through his mind "Or any of your employees. So don't think you have to keep me on a leach" he looked to face Carl.
The man placed the paper down on his desk. "So you've heard" he got up and walked over to Miller. "Just so you know I'm not interested in you so don't come telling me I'm the father of your unborn child" Carl joked, by passing Miller and looking in his box.
"Don't touch my stuff" Miller pulled his box away. Carl manage to pull something out in the process. Miller's eyes widen as he saw what Carl held in his hands.
Carl looked between him and the magazine. "You never cease to disappoint me" Carl shook his head in disbelief. "You bring this to work"
Miller's face flushed with embarrassment. It was all Eric's fault and his stupid porn magazine. Miller thought he had thrown it away. Carl began opening it while Miller tried to snatch it from his grasp. "Didn't anyone tell you not to invade peoples privacy"
They looked like two kids playing tag on the playground. Carl kept the magazine from Miller every chance he got. Miller finally got a chance to grab a hold of Carl's hand when he said. "So this one is your favourite" he opened a folded page.
A black haired girl laid on a bed in the most sexual position. That was Eric's doing, Miller was going to behead him when he got the chance. "That's not my preference, now stop embarrassing me any further"
"Embarrass he says" for the first time Miller saw a genuine smile on Carl's lip followed by a soft laugh. Behold the man could fun when the time is right.
Miller couldn't help but stare as he watched Carl flip through the rest of the magazine and made fun of him. Laughing like there was no tomorrow. Why couldn't he be like that all the time minus annoying Miller. What he did fail to notice was that he himself was also sporting a genuine smile.
"He shuts up yet again" Carl said.
"Since you're so infatuated with it you can keep it" Miller began walking over to his desk.
"No" he heard Carl said as he unboxed his more important non porn items. "I won't fire you, at least not yet. You're a good distraction"
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