Part 14.

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Before Miller met Paris, he was just going with the flow of life. Having a decent job, going to have a few drinks with his one and only friend. Life was simple. Until he met the one girl who would further cause him pain. They hit it off the first night they met at a bar. One thing led to another and two years later they were going strong. At least that's what Miller thought.

Paris made him see there was more to life than just walking the straight and narrow. Life wasn't simple anymore, it was full of surprises. One of the biggest surprises was Carl Edwin. The grumpy man stood at the end of the stairs. A perfectly made bird nest on his head. Tired eyes and a due hangover. 

Miller rolled his eyes at the pitiful sight. He took the other side of the stairs. Avoiding Carl was one of his top priorities today. Miller watched as Carl missed a step on his way down, grabbing ahold of the rail for balance. He really did himself over last night.

Miller groaned internally as he had to pass Carl to reach the kitchen. He still wasn't use to the areas of the house. He didn't know if there was another way to get into the kitchen or not or if there was any other kitchens at all. Getting loss and possibly stuck in a room and starve to dead was no fun.

Miller held his head high. So high you almost thought he was admiring the chandelier. He buffed his chest and took confident steps forward. Carl noticed Miller, wanting to curse him but didn't have the strength to do so. He came off the last stairs just as Miller was only a few feet away.

Carl staggered, an old man without his cane was best to describe him. Miller sauntered pass Carl, not batting an eye in his direction. "Stupid CEO" he muttered as he passed. Carl turned to look at his back as he entered the kitchen. He was truly tired to even counter Miller.

Miller immediately went for the fridge. A few groceries the stupid CEO requested a few days ago still remained. He wasn't in the mood to cook anything. Maybe just slap some peanut butter on a slice of bread.

He could hear the sounds of old man Edwin entering the room. Miller sighed heavily, making it note worthy that he didn't enjoy his presence. Miller went and grabbed the packet of bread. Carl went to the fridge just after him. Taking a water bottle and few other items Miller didn't care to take a look at.  

As Miller spread the peanut butter on almost three slices of bread --he was that hungry-- Carl came and stood beside him. The faint smell of citrus made Miller subconsciously look up. He might smell like citrus but that didn't take away the fact that he looked like crap.

The kitchen was big enough, Carl could stand anywhere and do whatever he was doing. Carl took a sip of his water. For once Miller saw him drinking something other than alcohol. Miller's eyes caught a glimpse of Carl slicing a few cherry tomatoes. He truly had no skills in cooking. He sliced them as if he was mindless poking a stick in a puddle of mud. Slicing in any direction he sees fit.

Miller chuckled to himself at the sight as he placed the packet of bread back. "Ouch!" He heard Carl said. The metallic sound of the knife colliding with the ground.

Miller looked at Carl, his index finger bleeding as he clenched it and hissed from pain. The cherry tomatoes drowned in blood and a few droplets just to the side. "Watch it" Miller panicked, pulling his breakfast away. "Don't get your blood on my food" Miller inspected the bread.

Carl glared at him. He was concerned over his food while he was here bleeding to death. 'I can just turn a blind eye right?' Miller questioned himself.

"Be nice whenever possible" he repeated his mother's words before they came to haunt him. Just when he planned on avoiding him, he went and do something stupid.

Miller took the nearby washcloth. Running Carl's finger under the tap before wrapping it around it. Miller was no expert he just did what he thought was right. "Is there a first aid kit anywhere?" Miller's tone was low, filled with annoyance.

"There's one in my room. In the bathroom."

Miller sighed for the fifth time. He took the same stairs, Carl following behind like a lost puppy. Miller pushed the door of Carl's room open. It was much different from his. There was less space due to suits and other clothes on the floor. Miller looked like a kid on the playground playing hopscotch as he made way to the bathroom.

It was slightly cleaner. Miller sighed for the sixth time, holding a empty bottle of alcohol. He quickly found the first aid kit. Carl sat on his bed, staring aimlessly ahead.

"Give me your finger" Miller demanded.

Carl outstretched his injured finger. Miller disinfected the wound and slap on a bandaid. That should be enough. "Thank you" Carl muttered as Miller came out from bathroom.

"Did you lose a lot of blood" Miller said, it was the first Carl had sounded sincere.

"Accept it before I take it back" Carl said, throwing himself back on the bed. There it was the usual Carl. The nice version could only last so long.

"This place is a dump" Miller wrinkled his nose at the sight. "At least put away the laundry"

"You're my butler, it's your job" Miller looked at the man, his hands thrown over his face. Miller wondered back to the empty Bourbon bottle.

He almost felt sorry for the guy.

"Also" Carl arched himself onto his elbows. "You don't have to go to the office today"

"Who said I was going before" Miller said over his shoulders. He was dressed in casual clothing. He decided already, the moment he woke up that he wasn't going to work.

Carl laid himself down, prepared to fall asleep. Fairly to say no one scored a point that day.


Simple chapter :) feel free to vote or comment

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